Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2560 Maya's Myriad Gods Mountain

Matisse and another company employee hoisted a small underwater robot into the pool, and then manipulated the underwater robot to start underwater exploration.

As the searchlight of this small underwater robot was turned on, the situation below the water surface was immediately presented on the LCD monitor screen and presented to everyone.

The first thing to appear is the underwater part of the hill in the middle of the pool.

The underwater part of this hill is surrounded by many vines and some aquatic plants hanging into the pool, as well as the roots of flowers and trees, so it is impossible to see clearly.

Among the dense plants, there are a few small light gray fishes fleeing in a hurry. They are small and slender, like toothpicks, and the color is so light that they can hardly be seen clearly.

However, the moment they saw these little fishes, everyone felt a chill and even shivered.

No one else, because these small fish are the notorious and feared toothpick fish.

It is this kind of seemingly inconspicuous little fish that kills many people every year. Most of the ways they get into the human body to parasitize are indescribable. The hosts they parasitize often die in very miserable conditions.

"I'll go! There are really vicious things like toothpick fish here. Fortunately, we discovered it early and didn't enter this pool, otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

The company employee who controlled the underwater robot exclaimed, with a frightened expression on his face.

The same goes for everyone else, just thinking about the way the toothpick fish killed people would send chills down their backs.

Near the water surface, the underwater robot did not find anything, only photographed a large number of aquatic plants, vines and roots, and those toothpick fish, and nothing else was found.

The exploration continued, and when the small underwater robot dived to a depth of about 1.5 meters, it finally made a surprising discovery.

Since this is deep in the rainforest, it is difficult for sunlight to penetrate in. At this depth underwater, the light conditions are even worse, and it is already dim.

Due to the limited light conditions, there are many fewer aquatic plants growing at this depth, and there are only a few vines hanging from the water surface and the roots of the flowers, plants and trees on the hill.

Until this time, the underwater part of the hill standing in the center of the pool was revealed.


Professor Delgado, look here, this mountain seems to be engraved with many Mayan hieroglyphs and some murals, but there is a layer of moss on it, which is not very real.”

The company employee who controlled the underwater robot said, and pointed to the monitoring screen on the LCD screen.

Ye Tian looked at the video screen, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, these are indeed Mayan hieroglyphs and a few ancient murals. It's a pity that I can't see them clearly, and I don't know their meanings for the time being, but it doesn't matter. We will be able to understand the meaning of these characters and patterns in a short time!"

Hearing this, Professor Delgado and several other experts and scholars standing beside them all nodded. Everyone was very excited and full of expectations.

The underwater robot continued to dive, and new surprises appeared one after another, one after another.

"Steven, there is a niche here, and there is a weird statue inside. From the shape of the statue, it looks like the statue of the rain god Chuck we have seen before.

Another alcove, this one has a skull head, which looks really scary; here is another alcove, which has a bird-headed human body statue,..."

With exclamations, a huge underwater beehive gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The underwater mountain is covered with square niches, so many that the entire mountain looks like a huge underwater beehive.

In those alcoves, there are statues and utensils of various textures.

Among them are statues of human heads with exaggerated expressions and shapes, statues of birds and beasts, statues with bird-headed human bodies or animal-headed human bodies, and some statues of various gods from Mayan mythology.

There are also many skull heads of people or animals, and even some heads of devils and evil spirits in Mayan mythology, as well as other statues of various shapes and strange things.

In addition to various statues, there are also some ancient utensils in some niches, and there are quite a variety of them.

All these statues and utensils, carved either of gold, or of marble or obsidian, and some of such precious stones as crystals, were each of exquisite beauty and great value!

Inside and outside the alcoves where these statues and utensils are located, there are more or less Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns engraved, which should introduce those statues and utensils, or describe the myths and legends related to those antique relics.

Looking at this huge underwater beehive, looking at the densely packed alcoves, and the many statues and utensils placed in the alcoves, everyone was stunned and stunned.

Of course, Ye Tian was performing, while the others were really shocked.

After a while, everyone just woke up, and the scene was immediately fried.

"My God! What did we find? Why did the ancient Mayans dig so many niches and arrange so many statues of different shapes on this hill? This is simply a huge beehive!

It seems that you are right, Steven, this small pool is the holy lake of the ancient Mayans, and the hill standing in the middle of the holy lake may be the holy mountain of the ancient Mayans! "

Professor Delgado said excitedly, the whole person was about to dance.

The same goes for the rest of the experts and scholars, their excited eyes lit up like light bulbs.

If it weren't for the fact that this pool is too dangerous, they probably couldn't wait to jump into this pool at this time and go diving to explore it themselves!

Ye Tian looked at Professor Delgado, then glanced at the other people present, and then said with a smile:

"Seeing this scene, I can't help but think of the Thousand Buddha Caves in Dunhuang, China, which is very similar to the Thousand Buddha Caves, except that one is underwater, and the other is in an extremely dry desert.

If you describe it in a more vivid way, this should be regarded as the Mayan Mountain of the Gods. I think this name is very suitable for the characteristics of this hill. There is no doubt that this is the sacred mountain of the ancient Mayans! "

While talking, a few uninvited guests suddenly appeared, broke into the video screen unceremoniously, interrupted everyone's conversation, and completely attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm going! This is a group of adult electric eels. They have finally appeared, and they are dispatched in groups. These guys' bodies look really thick, and I don't think any of them are easy to mess with!"

As soon as the exclamation sounded, an extremely dazzling bright light suddenly flashed on the video screen, which shocked everyone.

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