Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2565 God's gift

In the evening, the three-party joint exploration team just returned to the campsite, which is the platform on the mountainside on the east side of the basin, and the secret road leading to the outside world behind the platform.

At this point, everyone has explored the entire Golden City of the Mayan Empire and roughly grasped the situation here.

Of course, this is just a preliminary exploration, just a quick look at the flowers.

More detailed exploration operations, as well as the excavation and clearance of the largest and most mysterious treasure in the Americas, will officially kick off tomorrow.

After returning to the campsite, everyone in the joint exploration team was still very excited and did not feel tired at all.

Without exception, everyone in the exploration team, no matter where they are from, the United States, Honduras, or other places, are all happy and proud to participate in this great exploration that will surely be recorded in the annals of history!

When everyone unloaded the exploration equipment on their backs and took off the protective clothing soaked in sweat, everyone immediately reveled, and cheers resounded through the sky.

At this moment, everyone in this camp is no longer distinguished from each other or their nationality, and everyone has temporarily forgotten their respective positions!

Everyone was laughing and high-fiving each other, and everyone had huge smiles on their faces.

Many experts and scholars, including Ye Tian, ​​also joined in the carnival sequence, and they were even crazier, jumping and shouting one by one!

The carnival lasted for nearly ten minutes before Ye Tian stood up and interrupted everyone, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Guys, as the initiator and leader of this tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication. It is because of you that this miracle is possible today!

Undoubtedly, all of you are creators of miracles. Together, you have created the greatest miracle in the history of American archaeology. History will remember you, and each of you will be recorded in the annals of history! "

As he spoke, Ye Tian stretched out his finger and pointed at the crowd, his words and actions were full of passion.

Before his words fell, there was a deafening and crazy cheer at the scene, which pushed the atmosphere to the peak in an instant.

With the burst of cheers, the entire volcanic basin suddenly boiled!

Many birds just returned to their nests,

They were all frightened and flew up again. Many nocturnal animals that had just come out in the depths of the rainforest were also startled, looking at this side in horror, not knowing what happened!

On the platform, Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing his movements, everyone stopped cheering and all looked at him, everyone's eyes were extremely eager.

Ye Tian glanced at the scene, and then said loudly:

"Let's go here first for the carnival. We've only completed the initial exploration of the Mayan Empire's Golden City. The bigger surprises are yet to come. Let's have a good carnival after we've excavated and cleaned up this huge treasure and completed the distribution of the treasure.

By then, I'm sure you'll be happier, crazier, everyone here today, whether you're an employee of Intrepid or from Columbia or Honduras or security.

When this tripartite joint exploration operation is over, each of you will receive a generous reward, rich enough to make you crazy, and then it will be the time to indulge in carnival. This is my personal promise, never Break your promise! "

As soon as the voice fell, the scene immediately boiled.

"Great! Steven, you are so generous!"

"I love you guys, Steven, you are definitely the most generous boss in the world, what a perfect day!"

Earth-shattering cheers sounded at the scene, accompanied by stormy applause.

Anyone who knows Ye Tian knows that he never breaks his promise, he always keeps what he says, and he is extremely generous!

This means that he will soon receive a huge bonus, and the amount of that bonus will definitely make him crazy.

The employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, many armed security personnel, the experts and scholars of the Columbia University archaeological team, and the archaeological team members were all cheering and celebrating, and everyone was ecstatic.

They didn't have the slightest doubt about Ye Tian's promise.

Contrary to them, the many Hondurans who were also present at the scene, as well as the Mayans headed by the gray wolf, were a little skeptical, and they couldn't believe what they had just heard.

When the cheers subsided, Hernando couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, did I hear correctly just now? You will also send us a bonus of an amazing amount, enough to drive us crazy, is that true?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then glanced at the other Hondurans and the Mayans standing at the corner of the platform, then nodded with a smile and said:

"You heard me right, Hernando, no matter what the Honduras government does or how it treats you, as friends who explore this huge treasure together, I will personally send you a generous reward as a token of my heart!

The target includes every Honduran here, as well as the Mayans like Gray Wolves. Of course, you can also refuse to show your integrity, which will undoubtedly save me a lot of money! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

After the laughter subsided, the director of the National Museum of Honduras immediately joked:

"Reject? Only idiots will refuse! We are not idiots, who doesn't know, you guys have a lot of money, and this money is just a drop in the bucket!"

When he said this, the Honduran archaeologist looked at Ye Tian with gratitude, as did other Hondurans.

These guys knew very well in their hearts that what they could get from the Honduran government was definitely not as good as the reward given by Steven, and the reward given by the Honduran government in the end would even be pitifully small!

Compared with these Hondurans, the Mayans headed by Gray Wolf looked at Ye Tian with more eager eyes, just like looking at the savior!

Gray Wolf and the others are very clear that the generous reward they are about to receive may change their life, and even bring earth-shaking changes to their family!

Ye Tian saw all the performances of these Hondurans and Mayans at the scene.

And this is exactly the result he wants, it's nothing more than a thousand pieces of gold!

After a while, Ye Tian's voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Today's exploration operation is over, everyone can relax, enjoy a delicious meal, and then have a good night's rest, waiting for tomorrow's arrival, but I suggest that everyone should take a bath.

I have to say that everyone is in a mess right now, smelly of sweat, unshaven, and has no image at all, so I suggest that you better take a shower, and then appear in your best image and state.

Just tonight, the two live broadcast groups of National Geographic Channel and NBC TV station will rush here, and then broadcast live to the world. That is a highlight moment for everyone, not to be missed.

At that time, I hope that everyone will appear on the TV screen in the best image and state, appear in front of your family and friends, and introduce our great archaeological discovery to all audiences around the world.

As for the fresh water for bathing, except for the necessary drinking water, everyone can use it openly. Tonight we will organize supplies and send a large amount of food and fresh water by helicopter! "

As soon as the words fell, the platform located on the mountainside on the east side of the basin and the secret passage behind the platform suddenly burst into crazy cheers.

"It's great, Steven, I can finally take a shower, it's a gift from heaven!"

"Haha, if we don't take a bath again, we will all stink to death!"

Amidst the cheers, the sky became darker and darker, and night gradually climbed up, covering the entire Mayan Empire Golden City!

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