Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2577 Holy Lake and Holy Mountain

"Treasure Hunt Worldwide ()"

Leaving the hill where the Pyramid of the Sun God is located, everyone came to the water pool on the west side of the hill, which is the holy lake of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Walking to a place about four or five meters away from the pool, Ye Tian suddenly raised his right hand, made a gesture to stop advancing, and then said solemnly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this water pool in front is very special. For the sake of safety, let's not get any closer. Just take pictures here. I can introduce the basic situation of this water pool."

Hearing this, the others stopped immediately.

Those who set foot here for the first time looked curiously at the clear water pool ahead and the lush hill in the center of the water pool.

People in the outside world who were watching the live broadcast were also confused at this moment, looking at the pool curiously, not understanding what was so special about that small pool.

"Steven, the pool in front looks very ordinary. The water in the pool is clear and transparent. The hill in the center of the pool is lush and green. I don't see anything wrong. Could there be any danger there?"

Tom asked in surprise, this is also a question that everyone else is concerned about, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Tom, then glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Let me introduce this water pool to you. This water pool is located in the very center of the Golden City. After our previous exploration and analysis, it is basically certain that this water pool is the crater of this volcanic basin.

It is from this crater that a large amount of magma and volcanic ash are ejected, forming the volcanic basin where the Golden City is located. It is only because the formation age is too long that the crater finally turned into a water pool! "

"Wow! So that's it, this water pool turned out to be a crater!"

Tom continued to sigh with emotion, and the other guys who had just arrived all nodded.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Because of the special location of this water pool, when the ancient Mayans came here and built the Golden City here, they regarded this water pool as a holy lake, and the hill in the center of the water pool was regarded as a holy lake by the ancient Mayans. Mountain!"

"Ah! This clear water pool and the hill in the middle of the water pool are actually the holy lake and holy mountain of the ancient Maya. Am I right?"

"Wow! Since it is the holy lake and mountain of the ancient Mayans, there must be a huge treasure or secret hidden here!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene. Those guys who had just arrived were shocked by Ye Tian's words. At the same time, they were also very excited, and their excited eyes lit up!

Not only them, but also the people in Times Square in Manhattan, and the audience in front of countless live broadcasts, so why not!

Everyone was very excited and looked at the clear water pool and the hill standing in the middle of the water pool with full expectation.

The Mayans who also watched the live broadcast, when they heard the words holy lake and holy mountain, many of them stood up abruptly, staring at the live broadcast with dumbstruck eyes, as if they couldn't believe their ears .

In Central and South America, there are many places regarded as holy lakes and holy mountains by the Mayans, but no one knows about this holy lake and holy mountains located in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and there are no records in relevant classics and stone carvings!

However, because they are in the center of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire and the holy places in the hearts of all Mayans, their meaning is quite different from the other holy lakes and holy mountains, and their importance is self-evident!

If this is really the holy lake and holy mountain of the Golden City, then there is no doubt that they are also the holy lake and holy mountain of all Mayans in the world, and they are holy places that all Mayans should pay homage to!

Ye Tian purposely played tricks, and didn't answer Tom's questions, but continued his performance step by step!

"We explored it with underwater robots before. The pool is about 30 meters deep.

The bottom is connected to an underground river, and because of this, no matter how much stream water is injected from the outside world, the water in the pool will never overflow.

You should be able to see that there are several small streams around this water pool, which continuously pour fresh water into this water pool, but this water pool has no outlet on the surface, which also confirms that it is connected to an underground river.”

Following Ye Tian's introduction, everyone at the scene and countless viewers on the live broadcast side also noticed the situation around the pool.

Seeing the situation here, as long as you have a little common sense, you will know that Ye Tian is right.

"After discovering this water pool, we carefully explored the surroundings of the water pool, and found many deadly things in the surrounding rainforest, including man-catching vines, poison arrow flowers, angel's horns and so on.

There is also a kind of water vine that is highly poisonous and discovered for the first time. Those highly poisonous water vines often coexist with the horns of angels. into the creek.

The water in those creeks continued to pour into the pool in front of it, which naturally polluted the pool and made the pool water rich in poison, and this is not the most dangerous thing, there are more deadly and dangerous things in the pool.

As for what these more deadly and dangerous things are, let me keep them secret for the time being. This is to protect this holy lake and the holy mountain in the middle of the lake. When you come back to clean up here, everyone will naturally know the answer!

This seemingly calm water pool is actually very dangerous. Anyone who ventures into this water pool may die in it. Because of this, I told everyone to stop and not approach this water pool."


There was a gasp of air at the scene, everyone was taken aback by Ye Tian's words, and so were the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast!

At this time, when everyone looked at the water pool and the holy mountain standing in the center of the water pool, their faces became more dignified, even showing a bit of fear!

Ye Tian saw all the reactions of Tom and Jimmy, he just smiled slightly, and then continued:

"Next, let me introduce the results of the exploration. During the exploration of this water pool, the underwater robot hoisted into the water pool had an accident, and the camera and searchlight were damaged, so no video was taken.

Fortunately, the metal detector carried by the underwater robot can still be used. Using that small metal detector, we still found some things, which further strengthened the judgment that this is a holy lake.

Before the underwater robot had an accident, we found countless square alcoves on the holy mountain standing in the center of the pool. There were so many of them that they looked like underwater hornet's nests.

In those alcoves, there are many statues enshrined, including human head statues, skeleton statues, bird and animal statues, various bird head and animal head human statues, and statues of various Mayan gods and so on.

Among these statues, there are not only stone statues, but also statues of various gemstones such as crystal and obsidian, but most of them are gold statues. Without exception, these statues are all valuable top-level antique relics.

In addition to a large number of various statues, there are also some utensils and other things on that hill, such as a large number of Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns, ancient murals with strange contents, and so on.

Therefore, I call the hill in the center of the pool the Ancient Maya’s Wanshen Mountain, which is more appropriate. When the exploration was carried out here, an accident happened suddenly, and the underwater robot was reimbursed immediately! "

As he said that, the live broadcast began to show the pictures taken by the small underwater robot before. Of course, these pictures were edited.

Even so, the broadcast of these underwater images still caused a huge sensation and attracted bursts of exclamations.

"Wow! The Pantheon of the ancient Mayans! Could it be that the hill in the middle of the pool is the same as the Pantheon in Rome and the Parthenon in Greece, is it really the holy mountain of the Mayan Empire?"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian's explanation suddenly stopped, as if he was waiting for this video to finish playing before introducing more important content!

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