"Treasure Hunt Worldwide ()"

White House, Oval Office.

"Mr. President, the situation in Tegucigalpa is about to get out of control. The Honduran government has just announced a curfew starting at 7pm. No one is allowed to go out without the permission of the police.

The heavily armed Honduran army has taken to the streets, scattered on the streets of Tegucigalpa, ready to use force to suppress the protesters and the rioters who took advantage of the chaos.

The riots in Tegucigalpa have attracted the attention of the world's major news media, and everyone has linked the riots to the exploration of the treasures of the Mayan Empire's golden city.

The slogan put forward by those protesting demonstrators also demanded that all the treasures of the Golden City be left in Honduras. That guy Steven is really a plague god, and he can cause huge disturbances wherever he goes! "

A presidential aide reported the latest situation, and his tone was full of gloating.

The commander sitting behind the resolute table was the same, with a gloating smile on his face, and he didn't take the chaos that Honduras was facing at all in his heart.

After the staff report was finished, the Grand Commander pondered for a moment, then said with a sneer:

"In a shithole country like Honduras, no matter who or what party comes to power, it doesn't have much influence on us, it's just a different group of people dealing with them, and they will never leave us!

What we have to do now is to ensure that half of the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City can be safely transported to the United States, especially those ancient starry sky maps, the five Mayan solar age prophecy pillars, etc., and there is no room for loss.

Inform those warships cruising in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, let them cruise close to the coastline of Honduras, and be ready to support Steven and those guys at any time and protect the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City"

"Understood, Mr. President, I will notify the Pentagon right away"

The presidential aide nodded, then turned and left the Oval Office.

Soon, related orders have been sent out.

Several US warships cruising in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea also responded quickly, sending a very clear signal to some countries and organizations with ulterior motives!

At the same time, the tripartite joint exploration team has completed today's exploration operations and live broadcast, and returned to the campsite.

After returning here, Ye Tian and Hernando immediately got through to the phone of the Presidential Palace of Honduras, and started talking to the anxious President of Honduras!

The reason why the President of Honduras was in a hurry to contact Ye Tian was precisely because of the critical situation in Tegucigalpa. The large-scale riots in Tegucigalpa had already threatened his presidency.

After the call was connected and a few polite words, the Mr. President got to the point and introduced what was happening in Tegucigalpa to Ye Tian, ​​with a bit of fear in his words.

After introducing the current situation, the Mr. President just said the main purpose of contacting Ye Tian in a hurry.

"Steven, I hope you can allow us to remove a batch of gold from the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire in advance. The gold removed in advance can be recorded in the book and deducted from it when the treasures of the Golden City are distributed later.

That is to say, this batch of gold still belongs to our Honduran government in the final analysis. We are just paying in advance. The value of this batch of gold must be at least 500 million U.S. dollars, and there is no upper limit. The more the better.

We want to use this batch of gold to appease the protesting people, promise to develop the economy, protect people's livelihood, etc., but any promise is not as effective as sending money directly. The general election will start soon, and I also need the support of the people!

In addition, I have to satisfy the greedy appetite of the bastards in the opposition, so that they don't make trouble during this time period. After the general election is over, I will settle accounts with those damn bastards, and at the same time I have to control the army.

All these things need money to operate, and they are all imminent, and cannot be delayed for a moment,

However, Honduras is a poor country, and the national treasury is empty. Where can such a large sum of money come from?

After thinking about it, there is only the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. As long as a small part of the gold in the treasure of the Golden City is extracted, the problem can be solved. Besides, this crisis is also caused by the action of exploring the treasure of the Golden City! "

Hearing the words of the President of Honduras, Ye Tian couldn't help bowing his head and pondering, but didn't immediately give his answer, agree or reject.

Of course, this is just his performance.

If someone looked into his eyes at this moment, it would be easy to see that his eyes were full of ecstasy, which was why he lowered his head and pretended to be contemplative, so as not to reveal his secrets!

After a while, he raised his head and said solemnly through the satellite phone:

"Mr. President, considering the tense situation in Tegucigalpa and the relatively pleasant cooperative relationship between us, and just from the perspective of a friend, I can't refuse your request.

I can accede to your request and point out one or two buried treasure troves of gold and arrange for a heavy transport helicopter to transfer that gold, and I can scale it up to billions of dollars worth of gold! "

Before the words fell, there was a burst of excited cheers from the other end of the phone.

"Great! Steven, you've done us a great favor by allowing us to ship a batch of gold in advance. With gold worth a billion dollars, I believe there is nothing that cannot be solved!..."

The President of Honduras wanted to say a few words of thanks to express his excitement, but was interrupted directly by Ye Tian.

"Mr. President, the reason why I promised you that you can transport away a batch of gold and silver treasures worth one billion U.S. dollars in advance, apart from our friendship, there is also a small additional condition.

For the sake of fairness, if you transported away a batch of gold and silver treasures worth one billion US dollars in advance, then we also have to transport a batch of Mayan antiques worth one billion US dollars in advance, so that it is equal.

As for the antique relics we transported away in advance, it will be decided by me, and I will value those antique relics, and your archaeologists and appraisal experts can supervise on site.

In addition, representatives of UNESCO can also conduct supervision to ensure openness, transparency, and fairness, so that it will not affect our final distribution of treasures.

In addition, I have a small request. Since I came to Honduras, those scumbags in Maras have been against us, always thinking about looting us and even killing us.

In the rainforest of the Copan Valley, there are a lot of Marash scum now, and those guys are obviously coming for the treasure of the Golden City, and they are coming for us, and they have fought us.

You also know that I have always had a revenge, and the revenge will not be overnight, I hope you can help solve this little trouble, otherwise, we can only do it ourselves."

This time it was the President of Honduras' turn to be silent. Hernando, who was standing next to him, looked extremely ugly, as if his own father had died!

The silence was short, and the voice of the President of Honduras came quickly.

"Okay! Steven, I agree to this transaction condition. Who asked us to ask you? You can transport a batch of Mayan antiques worth a billion dollars in advance, but it must be fair and under our supervision. !

As for Marash, it's not a problem at all, I will warn those who don't know how to live and die, stay away from you, even if the boss of Marash apologizes to you in person, it's okay, he's just a dog raised by others! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

"That couldn't be better, Mr. President, a deal! My lawyer will contact you later, sign the relevant agreement, and then the gold can be mined. As for the transshipment of gold, leave it to me to arrange.

I have a small proposal. If you want to exchange that batch of gold for billions of dollars, I can introduce you to the financial giants on Wall Street, including the chairman of the Federal Reserve. The dollar is also more convenient to use! "

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian's proposal was directly rejected by the President of Honduras.

"Forget it. I can't trust those damned vampires on Wall Street. The greediness of those bastards is known all over the world. Compared to that, I'm more willing to trust you. Although you are greedy, you never break your promise!"

"Hahaha, Mr. President, I will take it as you who are praising me. Now that you have made up your mind, prepare to receive gold worth a billion dollars!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, joking with the President of Honduras, he was very relaxed.

Next, they chatted about the details of the transaction for a while before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Jimmy, the host of NBC TV station, came over and said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, tonight's live broadcast will start immediately. The live broadcast room in New York is already full of experts and scholars from all over the United States and all over the Americas. Everyone is waiting to have a video chat with you and Professor Delgado Woolen cloth!"

"Okay, Jimmy, I'll pack up and go to meet the historians and archaeologists who study the Mayan civilization!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then walked to the secret passage behind to change clothes.

At this time, the last rays of the setting sun had disappeared from the sky above the Golden City, and the dusk gradually climbed up, eroding this world bit by bit!

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