Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2590 Maya Treasure House

"Treasure Hunt Worldwide ()"

After receiving Jason's report, Ye Tian took David and several security team members out of here, and walked towards the place where Jason and Cole were.

Of course, he still carries the medium-sized backpack and the thirteen strange and mysterious Mayan skulls.

He won't let the backpack with the Mayan skulls out of sight until today's expedition is over and the deal with the Honduran government is finalized.

On the way, he passed the Pyramid of the Sun God and the Golden Pyramid of Itsumner, the God of Heaven, and stopped for a while to see the cleaning work of the two Mayan pyramids.

Because it is an archaeological cleanup, not a simple and rough excavation of treasures, the cleanup of these two tall and magnificent Mayan pyramids is proceeding very slowly.

Especially the many historians and archaeologists present at the scene, as well as representatives of UNESCO, wished they could clean up the two Mayan pyramids with toothbrushes, lest they cause any damage!

After one or two hours of cleaning, they only cleared out part of the bases of the two Mayan pyramids, and this is still in the case of very abundant manpower.

Under the two tall and majestic Mayan pyramids, Ye Tian chatted with Professor Delgado and the others and learned about the progress of the cleaning work.

Seeing the bulging backpack behind him, Professor Delgado and the others were naturally very curious and asked what was in it!

Just like how he dealt with Tom and Jimmy, Ye Tian didn't tell the truth, he only said that the backpack contained the priceless treasure found in the Golden Temple of Hunabo.

However, he will not publicly display those priceless treasures until evening or tomorrow, when the deal with the Honduran government is concluded, giving the whole world a huge surprise!

For this result, Professor Delgado and the others could only accept it, and then they were tortured by curiosity, waiting for the night to come.

Leaving the golden pyramid of Itsumner, the god of heaven, and walking back not far, Ye Tian and the others came to the place where Jason and Cole were.

At this time, the temporary helipad in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire had begun to take shape. Jason and the others had brought down all the trees that needed to be felled, and cut them into sections with chainsaws.

Next, they only need to clean up the stumps on the ground, as well as the overgrown flowers and trees, and the temporary helicopter pad is almost ready for use.

Of course, if you want to drive a heavy-duty transport helicopter to land on this apron, and then transfer a large amount of gold, you need not only extraordinary driving skills, but also enough courage and guts.

Ye Tian's subordinates did not lack such helicopter pilots.

When he came here, he first looked at the situation on the temporary apron, and then led by Jason, to the location where the treasure was excavated.

At this time, the guys who dug the treasure had already cleared out the area where the treasure was located, but they didn't open the stone door full of dirt rashly.

And this is exactly Ye Tian's request, lest these guys open the treasure rashly and encounter accidents.

You must know that these ancient and mysterious treasures in the Golden City have been buried deep underground for more than a thousand years, and the air inside must be filthy and even highly poisonous.

In addition, the environment in the rainforest is very complicated, and all kinds of deadly creatures emerge in endlessly. No one can guarantee whether there is any fatal danger in these ancient treasures.

For Ye Tian, ​​these are not problems, but the necessary performance is still indispensable, so that it is realistic.

"Steven, this should be the entrance to the treasure that was detected earlier. For the sake of safety, after digging the stone door, the guys didn't open it, but just cleaned up the surrounding area.

On this stone gate, there are many Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns engraved, as well as several ancient murals. In the center of the stone gate, there is a statue of a Feathered Serpent God, which is obviously an antique cultural relic.

There is no handle on this stone door, so I don't know how to open it, but push it inward,

There are still other mechanisms, and besides, we have not found any hidden mechanism traps in this stone gate and on the ground.”

Jason pointed to the mottled stone door at the bottom of the pit, and introduced the situation here.

After his introduction, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the scene first, then said with a smile:

"Good job, guys, this is the treasure we are looking for. Behind this stone door, there is a huge amount of gold hidden. In addition to gold, there should be many other treasures, such as gems and various antiques. .

Your disposal method is very correct. This place has been buried deep underground for more than a thousand years. No one knows whether there is any danger in this ancient and mysterious treasure. Next, I will carefully investigate the situation here and open this treasure.

For the sake of safety, everyone should stand a little farther away, put on protective equipment, and be more vigilant. After I open this stone gate and make sure it is safe, everyone will start follow-up actions and dig out the treasure left by the ancient Mayans.”

Saying that, Ye Tian walked down the pit that had just been dug, and came to the mottled stone gate.

He pretended to take a serious look at the ancient and mottled stone gate and the two pillars beside the stone gate, then took the full set of protective equipment from Jason and put it on.

Next, he took another towel and began to wipe away the mud left on the stone door, instead of tapping the stone door lightly with his hands to see if he could find anything.

After a while, the remaining soil on the stone gate was wiped away, and this ancient stone gate with a history of more than a thousand years was finally clearly presented in front of everyone.

Ye Tian observed the stone gate again, focusing on the relief of the Feathered Serpent God, then smiled and said loudly:

"Guys, there is indeed a mechanism on this stone gate, which is hidden on the feathered snake statue, but according to my observation, this mechanism is only used to open the stone gate, and it is not offensive.

But for the sake of safety, we still need to make some necessary preparations, Jason, give me the explosion-proof shield and the safety rope, and after taking safety measures, I will open this stone door."

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, then picked up the heavy-duty explosion-proof shield on the ground next to him, and handed it to Ye Tian.

Then, he took another safety rope and handed it down.

The other end of this safety rope is in the hands of several security personnel on the ground. During the process of opening the stone gate, if an accident occurs, they can immediately pull Ye Tian to the ground.

After receiving the heavy police shield and the safety rope, Ye Tian tied the safety rope around his waist first, and then blocked the heavy police shield in front of himself.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his right hand, and slowly pressed the head of the snake head carved on the relief of the Feathered Serpent God on the stone gate.

When his palm touched the head of the Feathered Serpent God, he didn't try to push it immediately, but touched the weird snake head a few times to feel it.

Then, he gradually exerted his strength and began to push the head of the Feathered Serpent God towards the door.

However, the snake head did not move, and the stone door in front of him did not show any signs of opening.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian could only increase the strength in his hand and push that weird snake head with all his strength.

The next moment, he pushed the snake head into the stone door bit by bit.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Accompanied by an ear-piercing noise, the thick and unusually ancient stone door finally opened a gap.

Along the gap, a stream of dirty air suddenly rushed out, and then dissipated into the outside air.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian paused immediately, and waited for the dirty air to be exhausted before continuing to push back the ancient stone gate.

Following his movements, the ancient stone gate, which had been closed for more than a thousand years, finally opened slowly.

When the stone door was opened for about a third, the searchlight carried on the heavy-duty explosion-proof shield in Ye Tian's hand, and the light projected by it, shone into the dark space behind the stone door for the first time.

In the next moment, an incomparably bright golden light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone dizzy!

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