Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2592 Mayan Gold

Busy and busy, it was already evening.

The afterglow of the setting sun filled this ancient volcanic basin, coating this lush tropical rainforest with a layer of golden light, and also made this legendary golden city of the Mayan Empire even more resplendent.

The lights on this platform on the mountainside on the east side of the volcanic basin have already been turned on, and the lights here are brightly illuminated, as if it were daytime!

The secret passage behind the platform that connects to the outside world is also brightly lit and full of laughter and laughter. There are also waves of attractive fragrances floating in the air, stimulating everyone's senses.

After returning to the campsite, Ye Tian took a shower and changed into clean clothes before walking out of the secret path and onto the platform outside.

After walking onto the platform, Ye Tian greeted the many exploration team members and security personnel staying here, then walked to the edge of the platform and looked at the tropical rainforest below.

At this time, the twilight is gradually engulfing this lush tropical rainforest, the night is approaching, and the light in the depths of the rainforest is rapidly dimming.

Many birds that were out to hunt were flying from outside the basin in groups, and then stopped on the tall treetops, as if they were chirping to catch the last sunshine of the day, so lively!

The two Chinook heavy-duty transport helicopters that were originally hovering over the rainforest had already landed on the newly opened temporary apron in the rainforest, ready to transfer the massive amount of gold.

The other two medium-sized helicopters flew outside the volcanic basin and stopped on the temporary apron in the rainforest outside.

At the same time, countless pairs of eyes from the outside world were also staring at the four helicopters.

Especially those two Chinook heavy transport helicopters, which are the focus of everyone's attention. Many of them have red eyes and are full of greed!

It took only an hour or two for the four helicopters to fly to the Golden City. At this time, everyone in the world knew why the four helicopters came here!

When people heard that these four helicopters were going to transfer gold worth billions of dollars, they immediately fell into madness!

In particular, El Salvador and Guatemala, which are close at hand, immediately issued public statements, claiming this batch of Mayan gold and strongly demanding to share this batch of gold.

However, their public statements went unheeded!

When Ye Tian was standing on the edge of the platform enjoying the scenery,

Suddenly David's voice came from behind.

"Steven, Professor Delgado and Hernando haven't come back yet? And those representatives of the Honduras government from Tegucigalpa, when will we sign an agreement with those guys?"

While speaking, David had come to Ye Tian's side, standing side by side with him, admiring the beautiful scenery of the setting sun in front of him.

Like Ye Tian, ​​David also washed up, shaved his beard, put on a neat suit, and his leather shoes were polished to a bright shine, giving him a completely new look.

At this time, he seemed to be working in the top office building on Wall Street, an elite lawyer envied by everyone, instead of exploring treasures in the tropical rainforest of Central America.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this guy, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, David, the treasures near the temporary landing pad contain not only a large amount of gold, but also many priceless gems, as well as many ancient Mayan relics such as steles, pottery, and statues.

Seeing those antique cultural relics from different periods of the Mayan Empire that are of great historical and cultural research value, Professor Delgado and the others are still able to move. Those guys will not come back here until dark.

There is no need to urge at all, Hernando and those representatives of the Honduran government will also remind them to come here as soon as possible, then sign a contract with us, and then transport away the batch of gold that is enough to drive people crazy, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

What is most anxious now is the Hondurans. For them, the gold worth billions of dollars means too much, and the environment in the Copan Valley is so complicated, how dare they waste time! "

After the words fell, David immediately continued with a smile and said:

"Hahaha, that's right, Steven, those high-ranking Honduran government officials are the ones who are most anxious. It is entirely conceivable that the eyeballs of those guys should all turn golden!"

Next, the two of them chatted while admiring the beautiful scenery in front of them, very comfortable.

Soon, the setting sun sank from the mountain peaks to the west of the Golden City, and the fiery red clouds in the sky also gradually darkened. Night has come!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, chatter and discussion in the tropical rainforest below the platform.

Immediately afterwards, Jason, Professor Delgado, and senior Honduran government officials such as Hernando walked along the previously cleared passage and walked straight onto the platform.

It can be seen that these guys are very excited at this time, and they are all beaming.

Especially those Honduran government officials were even more joyful, their eyes shining brightly.

As soon as he stepped onto this platform, Professor Delgado said excitedly:

"Steven, the treasures hidden deep underground are amazing, especially those steles engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, as well as those ancient statues and pottery, each of which is priceless!

I suggest that those antique cultural relics from the Mayan Empire be cleared out as soon as possible, and then transported here and stored in this secret passage to avoid unnecessary damage. No one wants to see such a result! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Professor Delgado, until tomorrow, I will arrange for the exploration team to clean up the Mayan antiques, as well as the remaining gold and gemstones, and transport them all here.

At that time, you can conduct research here, and when this joint exploration operation is over, those priceless Mayan antiques will be transported to New York, and you have plenty of time to study."

Hearing this, Professor Delgado and several other archaeologists from Columbia University suddenly laughed, and everyone's smiles were extremely bright!

The Honduran government officials, as well as Honduran antique art appraisal experts and archaeologists who were also present at the scene had very ugly faces, and everyone was very distressed.

After chatting for a while, Hernando came forward with two Hispanic men in suits and leather shoes, and introduced to Ye Tian:

"Steven, this is the representative of Mr. President, Mr. Rodriguez. He will fully represent the President and government of Honduras to negotiate transactions with you and be responsible for supervising and tracking the transfer of this batch of gold.

This is a representative from the Honduran Congress, Mr. Carlos, who is also a legal adviser, and he is responsible for reviewing and signing the relevant legal agreements of this transaction, and the other two people who came with him stayed on the temporary apron.”

Following Hernando's introduction, Ye Tian stepped forward, shook hands with the two representatives of the Honduran government and parliament, said a few polite words, and introduced David to each other.

After a few polite words, Ye Tian got to the point and said with a smile

"Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Carlos, I think you have all seen the batch of gold worth billions of dollars. When we finish the negotiations later and sign the relevant agreement, you can transport the gold away.

Although most of the gold ingots that were just dug out from several Mayan treasure houses were not engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns, they were out-and-out antique cultural relics with very special meanings.

That is to say, their real value is higher, far higher than the value of precious metals like gold alone. For me, it is more or less a disadvantage for me to trade them, but I also admit it.

If possible, after you transport this batch of gold to Tegucigalpa, it is best not to melt them immediately and distribute them to people. You can use them as collateral for loans from financial institutions.

I believe that as long as you propose, there will be countless financial institutions flocking to provide loans. In this way, you can still get billions of dollars in huge funds, and you can also keep the batch of antique gold.

When the economic situation in Honduras improves and you are able to repay the loan, you can pay off the debt and keep this batch of Mayan antique gold. Of course, the initiative to choose is up to you! "

Hearing this, Professor Delgado and the others nodded, agreeing to Ye Tian's proposal

Although the Hondurans at the scene also felt that this proposal was very reasonable and worthy of consideration, they still rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly!

"You greedy bastard, you really deserve your reputation. You say that the entire treasure of the Golden City belongs to you, bastard. Don't forget, half of the Golden City belongs to Honduras, and those gold and silver treasures belong to us!"

After secretly complaining a few words, Rodriguez said with a smile:

"That's right, Mr. Steven, we have already seen the batch of Mayan gold worth one billion dollars, carefully inspected it, and counted the amount. There is nothing wrong with the gold, only a lot more.

As for your proposal, I will report back to Mr. President and the Congress later. The decision is up to them. Personally, I also hope that the antique gold from the Mayan Empire can be preserved.

Are we ready to start negotiations? And hope that the relevant agreement can be signed as soon as possible, now it is night, if possible, we hope to use the cover of night to transport away the Mayan gold."

"Okay then, let's start the negotiation right now. I think Mr. President can't wait any longer. Please come with me, everyone. The negotiation location is in this secret passage!"

After speaking, Ye Tian made a gesture of please, then turned around and led everyone to the secret passage behind the platform.

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