Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2594 Legend and Reality

On the live broadcast, as the cleaning work progressed, the thirteen Mayan skulls in the Golden Temple of Hunabo, which were covered with a thick layer of moss and dust, appeared in front of people one by one.

Whether it's the Golden City site or the countless live broadcasts, it's completely blown up at this time.

"Oh my god! I'm not mistaken. There are thirteen skulls in this Hunabo golden temple. Could it be that they are the thirteen Mayan crystal skulls in the legend? This is too crazy!"

"There is no doubt that these are the thirteen Mayan crystal heads in the legend. According to the long-standing Mayan legend, if you gather all thirteen Mayan crystal skulls, you will be able to resist the end of the world!

Thirteen Mayan crystal skulls were discovered here. What happened to the two Mayan crystal skulls in the British Museum and the Smithsonian Museum in the United States? Is that fake? "

While people were exclaiming, after the initial excitement, the faces of many Hondurans at the scene changed and became very ugly.

The same is true for the President of Honduras and the Speaker of Parliament in Tegucigalpa.

The faces of both of them were as black as the bottom of a pot, and their blood-red eyes were staring at the thirteen mysterious Mayan skulls on the TV screen!

As long as you are not an idiot, you can imagine that Ye Tian's goal is the thirteen legendary Mayan skulls, and he is bound to get them!

And in Washington, thousands of kilometers away, in the Oval Office of the White House.

The general who ruled the country with Twitter has no time to tweet anymore. He is also staring at the thirteen legendary Mayan skulls. His two eyeballs are already blood red, and endless greed is shining in his eyes.

"These thirteen legendary Mayan skulls are so important that they must be brought to the United States no matter what, even if a war is launched for it, it will not hesitate!

Inform the warships cruising along the coast of Honduras, and the Marines on those warships, to be ready to attack at any time to protect these priceless treasures! "

"Understood, Mr. President, I will notify the Pentagon and those warships now"

The staff standing by nodded in response, and then walked out of the Oval Office to convey the order.

At the same time, in Guatemala and El Salvador, and every country in Central and South America, many heavyweight politicians and military leaders,

They all stared at the thirteen Mayan skulls with blood-red eyes.

And in every corner of the world, countless antique art collectors, senior managers of major museums in the world, many historians and archaeologists who study Indian civilization, and other people of all kinds are in the same situation!

Each of them is staring at the thirteen mysterious Mayan skulls. Everyone's eyes are already red, full of envy, even jealousy!

Without exception, each of them wants to replace Ye Tian and take the thirteen legendary Mayan skulls as their own!

As for the Indians, Mayans, and Incas scattered all over the Americas, they were all overjoyed at this time, and many people even celebrated with singing and dancing.

The chiefs, priests, and some elderly elders of many Indian tribes knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly while being excited.

At this time, Ye Tian completely ignored those guys who were almost crazy at the scene, and still introduced the process of discovering the thirteen Mayan skulls in an orderly manner.

The live broadcast screen changed again. After cleaning the flowers, trees and roots in the Golden Temple of Hunabo, Peter and Gray Wolf came out of the temple. Both of them were extremely excited.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian walked into the interior of the Hunabo Golden Temple and began to clean up the thirteen mysterious Mayan skulls.

He first observed the situation in the temple, then took out a towel, and carefully wiped off the dust and moss on the outermost skull on the left.

Following his movements, a black but lifelike, and at the same time somewhat weird, skull gradually emerged and appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

As expected, the appearance of this obsidian Mayan skeleton skull has once again caused a huge sensation.

"Wow! Why is this Mayan skull black? It looks a bit weird. Shouldn't the thirteen Mayan skulls in the legend be made of crystal?"

"If these are really the thirteen Mayan skulls in the legend, then obviously, the legends about the Mayan crystal skulls that have been passed down for a long time are not accurate!"

Before the people's exclamation fell, Ye Tian had already picked up the black Mayan skull and held it in the palm of his hand to observe it!

Through the close-up pictures shown on the TV screen, people can also see more clearly and see more details of the black Mayan skull.

When people discovered that this black Mayan skull from more than a thousand years ago, or even earlier, had almost the same structure and shape as a human skull, they couldn't help but marvel again.

At this moment, the live broadcast screen has changed.

Ye Tian walked to the second altar on the left side, then took out a towel, carefully wiped the Mayan skull on the altar clean, and presented it in front of people.

This Mayan skull is still black, just bigger than the first one, and the rest of the details are exactly the same as the first one, and it is also a perfect replica of the human skull!

Just when everyone thought that the thirteen ancient and mysterious Mayan skulls were all black, not the legendary crystal skulls.

The third skull that appeared in front of people's eyes was actually a golden skull, and under the illumination of the headlamp worn by Ye Tian, ​​it radiated an incomparably bright light.

The appearance of this Mayan golden skull once again caused a huge commotion, and also drove people even more crazy!

The fourth skull that appeared next was still made of gold, but it was a little bigger. Once illuminated by the light, the light it radiated became even more dazzling!

It was the turn of the fifth skull. Whether it was the people in the Golden City or the audience in front of the live broadcast, they were secretly guessing what the fifth Mayan skull was made of!

The answer to this question will soon be revealed.

As Ye Tian cleaned up the dust and moss on the fifth skull, a crystal clear crystal skull suddenly appeared on the live broadcast screen and appeared in front of people's eyes.

"Oh my god! It's the legendary Mayan Crystal Skull! This is incredible!"

The same exclamation resounded through the scene of the Golden City, and also resounded through countless live broadcast terminals all over the world.

While the people were exclaiming, they jumped up from their seats one after another like an electric shock, their eyes widened, staring at this crystal clear and very strange Mayan skull, their eyes full of madness!

Things that make people even more crazy are still happening one after another.

The sixth skull that appeared on the live broadcast screen was still a crystal clear Mayan crystal skull. The size of this crystal skull was equivalent to that of an adult female.

More importantly, this Mayan crystal skull is completely a replica of a human skull. Through the crystal clear crystals, people can even see the internal structure of the skull, which is exactly the same as that of a human!

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to the most central and largest altar in the temple, his expression became more solemn, and his movements became more cautious!

Perhaps because of his infection, the people at the Golden City site, as well as the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, couldn't help holding their breath, staring closely at the largest Mayan skull!

The next moment, Ye Tian took out a brand new towel and began to wipe the skull placed in the center of the altar.

Following his movements, another crystal clear Mayan crystal skull appeared on the live broadcast screen and appeared in front of everyone!

Before everyone could exclaim in surprise, a colorful cloud of clouds suddenly flashed on the live broadcast screen, which dazzled everyone's eyes, and it was so beautiful that it was fascinating!

"My God! What's that?"

There was an exclamation in the Golden City scene, as did countless live broadcast terminals.

However, this beautiful colorful cloud disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Ye Tian directly covered the eyes of the Mayan crystal skull with the towel in his hand, leaving only the other parts!

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of sighs at the scene and in front of the live broadcast terminal, and every voice was full of regret.

These guys at the scene of the Golden City immediately asked Ye Tian why he did this, why didn't he fully present the largest Mayan crystal skull in front of everyone's eyes, instead of covering it up!

Ye Tian just smiled softly, and did not give an answer, choosing to ignore everyone's questioning.

Next, the live broadcast screen changed again, and the eighth skull appeared immediately, appearing on the live broadcast screen.

The eighth skull is still made of crystal, which just corresponds to the sixth Mayan crystal skull. The two crystal skulls are almost the same size, and there is almost no difference with the naked eye.

The next ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth skulls correspond to the previous five skulls.

They are a crystal skull, two gold skulls, and two obsidian skulls, which correspond to the skulls on the left side, with almost the same size, structure and details.

Finally, the thirteen mysterious Mayan skulls were all cleaned up by Ye Tian.

They are still placed on their respective altars, complementing each other, but together they build an extremely strange and even chilling landscape!

The Golden City scene and the countless live broadcast terminals all over the world, all fell silent!

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the thirteen mysterious Mayan skulls, and everyone felt a chill coming from their backs, which was somewhat creepy!

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly picked up the mountaineering bag that had been placed at his feet, and carefully placed it on the conference table in front of him.

Following his action, everyone's attention was instantly attracted!

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