Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2596 Surprise Change

When the scene calmed down a bit, Ye Tian continued to say:

"I am extremely sure and confident about this identification conclusion and my own vision. After today, I will organize the top experts in antique art identification and use the most advanced equipment to identify these thirteen ancient Mayan skulls!

I am very sure that the conclusions drawn by other antique art appraisal experts and various high-tech appraisal equipment are no different from mine. I believe that it will not take long for everyone to know the most authoritative answer.

Let’s talk about the relationship between those Mayan crystal skulls found elsewhere and other skulls, and the long-standing Mayan crystal skull legend in Central and South America. The relationship between them is like a philosophical speculation of chicken and egg!

Whether there was the legend of the Mayan crystal skull first, or those crystal skulls came first, and then the legend was created by people with ulterior motives. Before today, it is estimated that no one can tell for sure, but after today, this is no longer a question.

Undoubtedly, there are legends about Mayan crystal skulls that have been circulating in Central and South America for a long time before anyone thought of using modern machinery and equipment to manufacture fake Mayan crystal skulls, and then using Mayan crystal skulls to make money.

In fact, in the places where the Mayan Empire and the Aztec Empire once ruled, there are legends of crystal skulls, and some similar skulls have also been found, and related written records can also be seen on some stone carvings.

These are enough to show that the Mayan crystal skulls have existed since ancient times, but people have not really discovered the thirteen most important Mayan skulls. It is not until today that our joint exploration team discovered these priceless treasures in the Golden City.”

Hearing this, people no longer have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of these thirteen legendary ancient and mysterious Mayan skulls.

At the same time, the eyes of people looking at the thirteen black cloth bags became even hotter. Many people's eyeballs were so red that they were about to bleed out, and their eyes were full of jealousy!

Ye Tian's introduction continued, his voice was still clear, clear and convincing.

"As for how the Mayans learned about the detailed structure of the human body, how they learned about the structure of the human skull, and why they carved these thirteen mysterious skulls? Through the next research, I believe we can unlock these secrets!

Well, having said so much, it's time for us to get to the point. Next, I will open these black cloth bags and take out thirteen Mayan skulls. Please keep your eyes open and keep in mind this historic great moment! "


Ye Tian put on a pair of white gloves, then picked up the smallest black cloth bag in front of him, ready to untie the rope tied to the mouth of the bag.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed lightly.

Whether these guys on the scene or the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, they all stared at Ye Tian's every move and the black cloth bag in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had opened the black cloth bag, then carefully took out the obsidian skull from the cloth bag, and placed it on the table.

With the appearance of this obsidian skull, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene and in front of countless live broadcast terminals. Everyone was shocked by this ingenious obsidian skull!

Before people could wake up, Ye Tian had already picked up the second black cloth bag, ready to open it and take out the Mayan skull inside.

At the same time, Jason picked up a handbag and put it on the table, took out some identification tools, magnifying glass, gloves and other items from it, and placed them on the table.

After a while, Ye Tian took out twelve Mayan skulls packed in black cloth bags and placed them in a circle on the conference table.

The only thing that has not been taken out is the largest, oldest and mysterious Mayan crystal skull located in the center of the circle.

Looking at the twelve ancient Mayan skulls on the table, no matter the people at the scene or the audience in front of the countless live broadcasts, they were all dumbfounded, each of them held their breath and were stunned!

While people were shocked, they also felt a lingering weird atmosphere, lingering on the scene and on the live broadcast screen, making everyone feel chills on their backs.

It's no wonder that there are twelve ancient skulls in front of everyone's eyes.

Although these skulls do not come from humans, these thirteen Mayan skulls have been endowed with countless mysterious colors since ancient times. They are even called doom skulls, which are directly connected with death and evil!

Anyone who sees these twelve skulls in front of their eyes, within reach, will feel a chilling feeling!

Seeing the performance of the crowd, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled, and then he woke everyone up.

"Guys, these are the Mayan crystal skulls that have been passed down in Central and South America for a long time and have mysterious energy. I only took out twelve of them, the largest and most important one, and I will show it later.

You can appreciate and identify these twelve Mayan crystal skulls. I don't need to emphasize their value and significance. For safety reasons, it is best not to touch these skulls.

Several antique art appraisal experts and archaeologists on the scene can wear gloves for appraisal, but they must be extremely careful and their movements should be more stable. I don't want to see any accidents happen.

It must be reminded that it is best not to stare at the eyes of these Mayan skulls for a long time. In the eyes of these Mayan skulls, there seems to be a bottomless abyss that can swallow people's minds!

In the legend about the Mayan crystal skulls, there is a related saying that these Mayan crystal skulls have a hypnotic effect. This is also the secret I discovered when I identified these Mayan skulls! "

Not surprisingly, before Ye Tian's words fell, the scene and countless live broadcast terminals were boiling again.

"Wow! Did I hear correctly? Could it be that these legendary Mayan crystal skulls really have some kind of mysterious energy? This is too mysterious!"

"I'm going! There is an abyss in the eyes of these Mayan crystal skulls, is it true? They can't really stop the end of the world, can they?"

Just when people were shocked and exclaimed, someone had already started to act.

Professor Delgado and Hernando, who were closest to these Mayan crystal skulls, took the first step, quickly put on their gloves, picked up the magnifying glass on the table, and began to appreciate and identify these legendary Mayan crystal skulls.

Seeing their actions, the other people on the scene reacted belatedly, and they all regretted that they were overtaken by others.

Fortunately, everyone was still a little sane and didn't rush forward. They could only stand aside and wait patiently, waiting for their turn to come forward to appreciate and identify those mysterious Mayan crystal skulls.

In the blink of an eye, Professor Delgado and Hernando had discovered something, and both of them were very excited.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Delgado said in a slightly trembling voice:

"That's right, Steven, on these legendary Mayan crystal skulls, there are indeed countless dense, hair-thin nicks, and these nicks don't look consistent, and they can be seen clearly under a magnifying glass.

From this point, it can be confirmed that these lifelike and nearly perfect Mayan skulls are not processed by modern machine wheels, but by manpower bit by bit, which must take a long time.

As for the time span of these notches, we can't see it, but using modern scientific detection methods, such as the carbon fourteen detection method, we should be able to determine the approximate age of these notches and draw an identification conclusion.

More importantly, these legendary Mayan skulls seem to have movable mandibles. If this is the case, then they are the legendary "talking and singing skulls".

Among the legends about the Mayan crystal skulls, the "talking and singing skulls" are the most important. It is said that these Mayan skulls store a lot of knowledge, including the origin and death of human beings.

By studying these "talking and singing skulls and skulls", it can even help humans solve the mystery of life in the universe. Of course, these are just ancient legends. Whether they are credible or not requires further research."

With Professor Delgado's words, there was another commotion on the live and live broadcast. People looked at these Mayan skulls, and they were so hot that they were about to burn!

Especially the many archaeologists who study the Mayan civilization, and those who are interested in the occult, as well as the high-level officials of the world's major museums, countless historians, etc.!

When they heard Professor Delgado's words, they suddenly jumped up as if they had been shocked by an electric shock, and stared at the Mayan skulls on the live broadcast screen dumbfounded.

As for the Indians, Mayans, and Incas all over the Americas, they have already fallen into complete madness!

After quickly inspecting the twelve Mayan skulls with a magnifying glass, Professor Delgado and Hernando still could not resist the temptation. They looked at the eyes of the two Mayan skulls in unison!

The next moment, a horrified expression appeared on their faces, their eyes were fixed immediately, and then they began to relax, as if there was a sign of a little distraction!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, kept watching their every move.

Seeing their state, he immediately stretched out his hands and patted these two guys on the shoulders, pulling them back from the abyss in time.

Professor Delgado and Hernando, who were awake, took two steps back at the same time, and looked at the Mayan skulls on the table in horror, looking like a tiger in fear.

After adjusting his mood a little, Professor Delgado said with lingering fear:

"These Mayan skeleton skulls are really scary, there is indeed a bottomless abyss in their eyes, and that abyss has been spiraling downwards, and it seems to go straight to hell!

At that moment just now, I felt like I fell into a bottomless abyss, my spirit and soul seemed to be falling, and even my body seemed to lose control! "


There was a sound of gasping for air at the scene, and in front of countless live broadcasts, people were also frightened by the experience of Professor Delgado and Hernando!

At this time, when people looked at the twelve Mayan skulls, their eyes were filled with horror!

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