About ten minutes later, Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed and changed into a hunting suit, carried a huge black mountaineering bag, walked out of the secret path again, and came to the outside platform.

Behind him, David, Mathis, and Jason also followed.

Walking to the edge of the platform, Ye Tian just stopped, then turned around and said to David and the others:

"David, Anderson will come to the Golden City to replace you in two days. Then you can leave here and return to New York. There are still many legal matters in New York that need you to deal with.

Jason, after I leave the Golden City, you will be leading the subsequent exploration and cleanup operations, as well as the communication and coordination issues with Columbia University and Honduras.

As for the valuation of the cleared gold and silver treasures and Mayan antique relics, I will return here for identification and evaluation after the entire Golden City treasure is almost cleared.

Mattis, I will leave the security matters to you. You are responsible for the security matters inside and outside the Golden City, and you are also responsible for the security personnel outside, including communication with the U.S. military.”

After the words fell, David and Jason immediately nodded in unison:

"Understood, Steven, leave the Golden City to us, don't worry, there won't be any problems here"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Now everyone's attention in the world is attracted by the batch of Mayan gold that just arrived in Tegucigalpa, and I have no time to care about other things. I can just use the cover of night to leave with the thirteen Mayan crystal skulls.

Wait until tomorrow, when those guys who came for the treasure of the Golden City found that they could not snatch the batch of Mayan gold from the Honduras government, they would definitely turn their attention back to the Golden City and the thirteen Mayan crystal skulls.

Now people all over the world know that these thirteen ancient and mysterious Mayan crystal skulls are priceless treasures, worth more than a billion dollars, or even more, which is enough to drive countless people crazy, including those guys in the rain forest outside.

Furthermore, the massive gold and silver treasures and countless priceless Mayan antiques hidden in the Golden City are the targets of those guys. Those guys will definitely try their best to break into the Golden City even if they try their best.

The pressure you will face next is not small. Fortunately, the person in the Oval Office of the White House has agreed to send the Marine Corps to help you protect the treasure of the Mayan Empire Golden City? Protect the interests of our company from infringement.

The arrival of the Marine Corps is bound to have a certain deterrent effect? ​​At least the armies of El Salvador and Guatemala dare not take the risk of a possible war with the US military to attack the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? And loot this treasure.

While using US military force? You also have to be careful of those American soldiers, those guys are not good? Also be careful of the Honduran government and army, just like before? You can use the media to contain those guys!

Except for the many guys who covet the treasures of the Golden City? When Professor Delgado and Hernando ask about my whereabouts tomorrow morning, you can tell the truth and say that I left overnight with thirteen Mayan crystal skulls !

If necessary? You can also leak a little information? In this way, it will certainly reduce the pressure you face. As for me, you don't have to worry about it. No matter what the situation is, I can handle it easily! "

Hearing this, David and Jason nodded lightly and didn't say much.

Next, Ye Tian told them a few more words? Then he bumped his fists with these three guys and said goodbye.

Then? He turned around and walked down the platform? Down the steps? To the rainforest shrouded in darkness below.

In the blink of an eye, he had entered the tropical rainforest below and disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at the place where he disappeared, David and Jason froze for a moment before waking up.

"How do you think Steven will leave this volcanic basin? This basin is surrounded by cliffs. So far, only the secret passage behind the platform has been discovered, but Steven did not choose this place!

Could it be that Steven has discovered another secret passage leading to the outside world, and is about to leave through that unknown secret passage, or that he is planning to climb rocks in the dark, climb over those cliffs and leave the Golden City? "

Jason asked in a low voice, his words were full of curiosity and puzzlement.

David looked at the shadowy tropical rain forest below the platform, then shook his head and said:

"Who knows! Didn't Steven create too many miracles? We've seen it countless times. Even if someone said that he grew a pair of wings and turned into an angel and flew into the night sky, I would still choose to believe it! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, Jason and Mathis both laughed softly and nodded in sympathy.


Baglio, a small town located on the west side of the Copan Mayan ruins, is very close to the border between Honduras and El Salvador.

At around 4:30 in the morning, just after dawn, a figure quietly walked out of the tropical rain forest on the edge of the town, and came to the back door of a residential house.

Immediately afterwards, the figure disappeared, apparently entering this simple dwelling.

The people who used to live in this residential house, perhaps because the Ballio has been too chaotic recently, too many vicious guys have come, so they feel scared and temporarily left the town.

Of course, there is also this possibility.

The owner of this house, like the other guys who came for the treasure of the Golden City, took a shotgun and carried a simple bag, and walked into the depths of the rainforest, trying to get a share of the legendary Mayan Empire Golden City.

Even if you can't get meat to eat, a sip of soup is still very good, and that's enough to change your fate!

In short, this simple dwelling was unoccupied at this time, and it happened to be borrowed by the figure who had just walked out of the rainforest.

That figure was none other than Ye Tian who left the Golden City overnight and hurried all the way to Barrio.

At this time, he has changed his appearance and turned into a blond white man who came to the Copan Valley to hunt for treasure, about 30 or 40 years old, with a beard and a rough appearance.

He is still wearing the hunting suit and is fully armed, with a short assault rifle and a jungle machete hanging on his side. He looks very much in line with the image of an adventure enthusiast who comes to the tropical rainforest to hunt for treasure!

Not to mention that no one noticed him at this time, even if someone saw him, they would not be able to recognize him as the person that everyone was looking at at the moment.

No one would have imagined that the huge hiking bag behind him contained the thirteen legendary Mayan crystal skulls worth more than one billion dollars, as well as the hexagram gold scepter and other priceless treasures!

Compared with the heavily guarded Copan Ruinas, Ballio's security level is much looser. There are no military police patrolling the streets with live ammunition, let alone being blocked.

Of course, this situation couldn't be better, it provided convenience for Ye Tian, ​​but it also caused the town to be mixed with dragons and snakes.

In this border town, a large number of professional treasure hunters, explorers, drug dealers, mercenaries, gangsters, etc. from all over Central and South America, and even all over the world, gathered.

Of course, there are also many soldiers pretending to be civilians here, mainly from several countries around Honduras, as well as intelligence personnel from the Americas and other countries around the world.

Among them are many armed security personnel of Raytheon Company, they all obey Ye Tian, ​​and they have already infiltrated Ballio with various identities, lurking here.

In fact, in Ye Tian's original plan, Balio was a very important location.

He not only arranged a large number of manpower here, but also arranged a lot of vans and other vehicles, preparing to transfer the antiques found in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, evacuate from El Salvador, and then leave by boat on the Pacific Ocean!

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and all the arrangements made in this small town seem to be useless now.

However, Ye Tian did not withdraw these arrangements, but just adjusted the manpower and equipment appropriately.

In the process of clearing and transshipping the treasures of the Golden City, it is still possible to use this second hand, and this second hand is kept to be prepared!

After walking into this uninhabited residential building, Ye Tian first took a quick look at the situation inside the house, just in case.

After making sure that there was no one there and it was safe, and there were no surveillance cameras, he walked into the living room, carefully took off the huge hiking bag behind him, and put it on the floor.

Immediately afterwards, he sat down on the sofa in the living room and let out a sigh of relief.

Even he, after running for hours in the rainforest at night, was exhausted and ached.

Not only that, but on the way from the Golden City to Ballio, he also fought many deadly animals, poisonous flowers and trees, and many treasure hunters with ulterior motives.

It can be said that he walked and killed all the way that night, from the Golden City to Ballio.

On the route he walked, all the animals and plants that tried to attack him were doomed to die, and all died in his hands, turning into fertilizer that nourished the rainforest!

Also turned into fertilizer, there are those guys with ulterior motives who came towards the Golden City and tried to rob him. Those guys all died in their sleep.

Moreover, most of those guys died under the poisonous poison of rainforest creatures such as frogs, poison dart flowers, and hunting spiders. They died so silently that no one could find out the real cause of their death.

Not to mention that no one would think that the deadly poison that put them to death, such as the deadly frog poison, was quietly rubbed on them by someone!

It won't take long for the bodies of those guys to be completely swallowed by the rainforest. At that time, even if God comes, don't even try to find out the cause of those guys' deaths!

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