Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2606 Treasures of the Indian Reservation

After stepping onto the rostrum, the Indian chief from the Sioux Alliance immediately walked up to Ye Tian, ​​and whispered to him expectantly:

"Steven, in our Sioux territory, in many Indian reservations in South Dakota and North Dakota, there have been some legends about Indian treasures since ancient times.

I wonder if you are interested in those legendary treasures? If you are interested, we can discuss the matter of joint exploration of those treasures later, and we can talk about the distribution of treasures again."

Hearing this, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with excitement, and he nodded with a smile and said:

"That would be great. After today's press conference is over, we can sit down and discuss it. I am very interested in those legendary Indian treasures."

As he spoke, he shook hands with the Indian tribal chief.

The other people who were also standing on the rostrum were envious when they heard the conversation between them.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone took their seats and got into the main topic of the press conference.

Ye Tian first briefly introduced the whole process of the tripartite joint exploration of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, then stood up and opened the portable safe on the table.

He first took out a long black cloth bag from the safe, put it on the table, then untied the rope that tied the cloth bag, and took out a golden scepter from it.

"The golden scepter you see now was discovered by chance at an antique booth in Tegucigalpa, hidden in an ancient granite pillar, very concealed.

After the research and identification of Professor Delgado and I, this golden scepter of golden raven has a history of at least 1500 years and was made around the fifth century AD. It is one of the symbols of royal power of the Mayan Empire.

The Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on this golden scepter are enough to illustrate this point, and behind these Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, there should be a major secret about the Mayan Empire hidden.”

With that said, Ye Tian lifted up the priceless golden Raven's golden scepter, showed it off, and then put it back on the table.

Hearing his explanation and following his actions, the entire banquet hall immediately boiled.

"Wow! This guy Steven is so lucky. He can casually find such top-level antique relics and priceless treasures in antique stalls on the street. It's simply unreasonable!"

"There are important secrets hidden behind this golden scepter of the golden raven? Did I hear correctly? Could it be that this golden scepter points to another huge treasure of the Mayan Empire?"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian took out another box from the portable safe, opened it casually, and took out the things inside.

What appeared in front of everyone this time was the hexagram gold scepter head that symbolized the royal power of the Mayan Empire. Many people have actually seen it.

At the same time as the display, Ye Tianqing's clear voice also came out.

"I believe everyone has seen this hexagram gold scepter head that symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire. Even if you haven't seen it, you should have heard of it before. This priceless treasure has been in my hands for a while.

The reason why I took it out again this time is of course for a reason. It was this hexagram golden scepter head that led us to find the legendary Mayan Empire Golden City hidden deep in the tropical rainforest.

In addition, the hexagram gold scepter head is also the key to open the secret passage leading to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. It is a very hidden secret passage on a steep cliff, and the opening method is extremely delicate.

Without this hexagram gold scepter head, we may not be able to discover and enter the Golden City. When my Indian History Museum is completed, this hexagram gold scepter head will also be displayed in it.”

Unsurprisingly, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene again, and everyone was amazed and envious of Ye Tian's overwhelming luck.

Next, the main event finally began to be staged.

Ye Tian reached out and took out two small metal boxes from the portable safe, placed them on the table, then reached into the safe, and took out two slightly larger metal boxes.

After a while, there were already twelve metal boxes of different sizes corresponding to each other on the table, and these twelve metal boxes were arranged into a hollow circle.

The last thing that was taken out was the largest silver metal box, and Ye Tian carefully placed it on the center of the hollow circle.

Seeing this scene and seeing these thirteen metal boxes of different sizes, everyone at the scene understood exactly what was contained in those metal boxes.

Those boxes contain the thirteen legendary and mysterious Mayan crystal skulls.

Everyone at the scene stood up and stared at the thirteen metal boxes with bright eyes. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, and everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

Especially those Indian tribal chiefs and Mayan tribal chiefs, as well as their entourage, were so excited and ecstatic, they put their hands on their chests and prayed in a low voice.

After taking out all the thirteen metal boxes, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the two chiefs who were also on the rostrum, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Chiefs, these thirteen metal boxes contain the thirteen legendary Mayan crystal skulls full of mystery. They are also one of the most important antiques left by the Mayan civilization to future generations.

You can open these metal boxes, take out the priceless Mayan crystal skulls contained in them, and display them in front of everyone, so that the splendid and splendid ancient Mayan civilization will once again shine with dazzling light of civilization.

There are a total of thirteen metal boxes here, except for the largest one, all of them correspond one by one, you start from the smallest box, one for each person, and open it at the same time, until the last box, you all open it together.”

After the words fell, the two chiefs in costumes nodded lightly. Both of them were trembling slightly with excitement, and even had tears in their eyes.

But they didn't do it immediately, but knelt down, put their hands on their chests, and prayed in a low voice, extremely pious.

The Indians and Mayans in the audience were the same, they all knelt down in unison, praying in a low voice, and everyone's expression was devout and sacred.

Following their actions, the atmosphere in the banquet hall suddenly became much more dignified and solemn.

The same scene is happening in many Indian tribes in North America and almost all Mayan tribes in Central and South America. All Indians and Mayans are praying devoutly.

The rest of the people who watched the live broadcast couldn't help being infected, and their expressions became much more solemn.

After praying, the two chiefs on the stage stood up first, then looked at Ye Tian together, and said in unison:

"Mr. Steven, thank you very much for your great discovery and found the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to take out these thirteen Mayan crystal skulls with our own hands. You are our Indian Friends (Mayas) forever!"

As they spoke, the two chiefs clenched their fists and thumped their respective chests to express their hearts!

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and also clenched his fist and punched his chest in response.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood.

This guy Steven has become the most trusted friend of the Indians and Mayans, and he will be able to travel unimpeded in all the territories of the Indians and Mayans in America in the future!

This meant a lot to him as a professional treasure hunter!

On the rostrum, the two chiefs took a step forward, each took a deep breath, and then held their breath, they reached out to the two smallest boxes together, ready to open them!

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