Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2633 Divide up the treasure

Compared with the platform outside, this secret passage connecting the Golden City and the outside world is like a castle standing in a storm, shielding everyone from the continuous downpour.

Under the action of many exhaust equipment and dehumidification equipment, it is relatively dry here, unlike the outside where everything is soaked in rainwater.

The gold and silver treasures and antique relics excavated from the Mayan Empire's golden city were not moved into this secret passage, so the space here was not squeezed.

Not only that, the golden statues, steles, and other antique relics and gold and silver treasures that were originally in this secret passage have all been boxed out of this secret passage and placed in the Golden City.

Of course, the statues and antique cultural relics that were carved inside the mountain or on the stalactites and integrated with the cave were not forcibly removed and remained in place, such as the head of the sun god above the entrance of the secret passage, etc. .

The reason for this is to keep the original appearance of this secret road as much as possible and save some resources for future tourism development.

This is the unanimous request of the Honduras government, the local Mayan tribe, the Columbia University archaeological team, and UNESCO.

Ye Tian didn't raise any objection to this request, and he didn't want to clean up the whole place, it would be a bit too extreme to do something like that!

However, all the gold and various precious stones used to decorate these statues and antique relics were all cut or pried off, and not a single bit remained.

When developing tourism in the future, it is only necessary to pack these statues and antique relics, restore them to their original appearance, and then put some replicas of those antique relics and statues, and the secret road can be restored to its original state.

In this way, those guys who came here for the treasures of the Golden City will not wantonly destroy and loot here after they know the situation here.

Even if they try to get rid of the remaining statues and antiques, because these Mayan antiques and statues have been registered, they cannot be traded and circulated in the antique art market.

Ye Tian, ​​who walked into the secret passage again, took a general look at the situation in the secret passage, and then came to the long table that Jason and the others had already set up, and sat down on one side of the table.

At the same time, the Hondurans represented by Hierro and Hernando, as well as Professors Delgado and Douglas representing Columbia University, as well as representatives of UNESCO and the US embassy who supervised the scene, all attended the meeting one after another. sat down.

And on the wall on one side of this temporary meeting room,

A white projection screen was hung, and the President of Honduras and the Speaker of the Parliament had also appeared on the projection screen, remotely participating in the meeting to divide up the treasures of the Golden City.

After everyone sat down and chatted for a while, Ye Tian got to the point.

"Gentlemen, next, let's discuss the value of the treasures of the Golden City that have been excavated and cleared, see how much the gold and silver treasures and Mayan antiques are worth, and then distribute them.

It is obviously unrealistic and unnecessary to move the gold and silver treasures and antique relics that have been put into the box into this secret passage for appraisal and evaluation. It would be too time-consuming to do so.

Regarding the situation in the Golden City, especially the important Mayan antiques above the surface, I think I have a fairly good understanding of them, and I know their value, so let's start from here to evaluate.

After evaluating those important, relatively large Mayan antiques that I have seen before, let's go outside, open those boxes, and evaluate those treasures that I have not seen before.

What is contained in those boxes outside, all are registered, and there are video materials left, the three parties of the joint exploration team have a list in their hands, and it is enough to conduct identification and evaluation based on the list."

"That's right, Steven, we all have a list in our hands. When the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics that were excavated and cleared were boxed, the three parties were on the scene and supervised each other.

When appraising the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the boxes, you don’t need to take out every item for appraisal, you can evaluate it as a whole, which can save a lot of time.”

Hernando continued and introduced the situation.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then continued to say:

"After we entered the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, apart from the antique relics found in this secret passage, the earliest important antique relics discovered were the golden temple of the second Mayan protoss, the Kamenpus protoss.

In the Golden Temple of the Kamenpus Protoss, the most valuable are the golden statues of the main god Kamenpus, as well as the golden statues of the God of Wrath and Skell, the god of wisdom. These three statues are all top-level antique relics.

Hierro, Hernando, you experts and scholars in Honduras have done a preliminary assessment, I would like to know, what is the valuation you gave to these three Mayan Camenpus gold statues? "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at Hernando and the other Honduras representatives, including the Honduran president and speaker on the projection screen.

Hernando and those representatives of Honduras exchanged glances and discussed in a low voice, then Hernando opened the notebook at hand, looked at Ye Tianlang and said:

"Steven, you are right, the golden temple of the Mayan Kamenpus protoss, the three golden statues, and other accessories are all rare top-level antiques.

It is understood that this golden temple of Carmenpus and those several golden statues are the most complete and most important antique cultural relics of the second Mayan protoss in existence, and have great historical and cultural research value,..."

After some introductions, Hernando reported the valuation of the Golden Temple of the Kamenpus Protoss, the three golden statues and other attached antiques.

Following his words, the scene immediately became lively, and discussions followed.

Regarding the valuation of these Mayan antique cultural relics, due to different positions, everyone's opinions are naturally not unified. Some people think that the valuation is too high, and some people think that the valuation is too low, which is unreasonable!

When Hernando finished speaking, everyone immediately stopped talking and looked at Ye Tian in unison to see how he would respond.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then joked and said loudly:

"Hernando, when you experts and scholars in Honduras evaluated these Mayan antique relics, they seemed to forget one thing, these Mayan antique relics were not entirely made of gold.

During the previous explorations, everyone has discovered that the golden temple of the Kamenpus protoss is only pasted with a thick layer of gold for decoration. Under the gold pasting boards, there are rocks!

Only the three golden statues of the Kamenpus protoss are completely made of gold. Another point, your experts and scholars seem to be too optimistic about the market of today's antique art market! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and David and Professor Delgado all laughed.

Hernando and the other representatives of Honduras sitting opposite, as well as the President and Speaker of the Honduras on the projection screen, all changed their expressions, and their expressions were somewhat embarrassing!

Obviously, the estimates given by those Honduras experts and scholars far exceeded the actual value of these Mayan antiques.

They knew that these priceless Mayan antique relics would eventually fall into Ye Tian's hands. For the benefit of Honduras, they could only overestimate the value of these antique relics as much as possible.

In this way, when distributing the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, Honduras can leave more gold and silver treasures and obtain greater benefits!

Ye Tian naturally understood the wishful thinking of the Hondurans, and so did the others at the scene.

But this is understandable, those experts and scholars are Hondurans after all, of course it is impossible to turn their elbows outward!

After pondering for a moment, Hernando looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Steven, let's not talk about whether the valuation we gave is accurate, let's talk about the valuation you gave for the ancient cultural relics of the Mayan Kamenpus Protoss Golden Temple, we are all ears.

If there is indeed a big gap between the valuations given by our two parties, then we can discuss again, hoping to reach a consensus and get an accurate valuation that both parties agree on!

If there is a large disagreement and we cannot reach a consensus, then according to what you said before, put these few antiques aside for the time being, and we will continue to appraise the others."

"That's fine, Hernando, I believe we can reach an agreement, and I can promise you that you can raise objections to the completed transaction within half a year after the distribution of the treasures in the Golden City is completed!

The objection mentioned here specifically refers to the valuation of the transaction target, that is to say, you are allowed to regret it within half a year, as long as you can come up with a more reasonable valuation, this point will be reflected in the transaction agreement."

Ye Tian continued with a smile, and threw out an olive branch to show his sincerity.

Hearing his confident promise, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded, including those Hondurans, and the atmosphere immediately relaxed a lot.

Next, Ye Tian reported the valuation of the antiques and cultural relics in the Mayan Kamenpus Protoss Golden Temple.

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