Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2672 Hidden Stone Gate

Under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​everyone went down the stairs and came to the basement of this Roman-style building.

As soon as he entered the basement, Ye Tian began to introduce the situation here.

"Gentlemen, this Roman-style building on the ground was built on the ancient Roman underground city, which was built hundreds of years later than the Roman underground city. The same is true for other historical buildings on this street.

When building these buildings with different styles, people made use of the existing Roman dungeons, closed and transformed the dungeons under their respective houses, and transformed them into independent basements.

This is the case with the basement that you see now. This basement was transformed from the Roman underground city that happened to be located under this building. The passages that were originally developed in all directions were closed.

In this basement, we found a lot of stones from the Colosseum not far away, they were moved from the Colosseum by the people who built this building to build walls and block the tunnels extending in all directions.”

Listening to Ye Tian's introduction, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni all nodded in agreement.

They live in Rome, and they know the situation here quite well, so they naturally know that Ye Tian's words are not wrong. There is indeed a huge and ancient underground city underground in the center of Rome.

From ancient times to the present, God knows how many shameful things and even crimes have happened in this dungeon where the sun cannot reach!

People who live in the center of Rome often use the dungeons under their homes, or transform them into basements, wine cellars, secret rooms, etc., or do other things.

While speaking, everyone has come to the door of the utility room in the deepest part of the basement.

This utility room is very small, only less than ten square meters, and an employee of the Fearless Exploration Company and a security guard are guarding the door.

Coming here, Ye Tian first nodded to his two subordinates to say hello, then he opened the door of the utility room and looked inside.

The things that were piled up in this utility room before have been emptied long ago. Even the garbage and dust on the ground have been cleaned up. The utility room is empty and unobstructed!

At first glance, there is nothing special about this utility room. Both the walls and the ground are made of large or small stones, which are very strong and rough.

"Gentlemen, this utility room is not big, and there can't be a few people standing in it. In view of this, everyone can go in and visit it in turn, and then I will reveal the secret."

With that said, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation, indicating that everyone can enter the utility room.

Next, Bishop of Kent, Giovanni and the others, as well as two media reporters, took turns entering the utility room to check the situation inside.

However, they got nothing, found nothing, went in full of expectations, and then walked out in a daze.

After coming out of the utility room, Giovanni couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, where is the secret room you mentioned? All we saw were the solid and abnormal ground and walls, and there was no trace of the secret room!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian just smiled softly, and didn't give an answer immediately.

After everyone had seen the utility room, he smiled and said loudly:

"As I said just now, around the eleventh century AD, the nobleman or wealthy businessman who built this Roman-style building on the ground moved a lot of stones from the nearby Colosseum in order to block the underground secret passages extending in all directions.

In this utility room, there happened to be two stones from the Colosseum, one was a fragment of the Tuscan Column, and the other was a stone slab from the auditorium of the Colosseum, and these two fragments happened to be laid together.

During my exploration, I found quite a few stones from the Colosseum, but these two are different from other stones, which have hardly moved in the past thousand years after the other stones were moved here to seal the tunnel.

But these two stones have been moved, and the time is not long ago. According to my judgment, the time when they were removed from the wall should be from the end of the 1930s to the beginning of the 1940s .

During that time, this Romanesque building had fallen into the hands of Balbo, the commander of the Italian Air Force at that time. It was obvious that he did it. Although he tried his best to cover up the traces, he still did not escape my eyes! "

As soon as the words fell, Giovanni nodded slightly, and then continued:

"That's right, in this utility room, I did see a stone with the decoration of the Tuscan column. The fragment of the Tuscan column probably came from the Colosseum. Could it be that the secret room you mentioned is hidden Behind that rock?"

"Giovanni, you are indeed an elite of the Italian cultural relics gendarme, and you have very good eyesight. The secret room I mentioned is indeed hidden behind the fragment of the Tuscan column.

Based on the situation of this utility room, I preliminarily judged that there is a small secret room hidden behind those two stones, and it was transformed from a secret room in the dungeon!

Of course, whether my judgment is accurate or not needs to be verified with facts. As for how to open the secret room and what is in the secret room, like everyone else, I have no idea! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, he affirmed what Giovanni said, and also took the opportunity to clear himself up.

In fact, how to open the secret room hidden behind the wall of the utility room, what is hidden in the secret room, and how much it is worth, is as clear as a mirror in his heart!

After a performance, Ye Tian led everyone into the utility room, ready to reveal the answer.

He went straight to the wall on the north side of the utility room, pointed to a decorated stone slab on the wall and said:

"Gentlemen, this is the fragment of the Tuscan column I am talking about from the Colosseum, and the slab above it is from the floor of the auditorium of the Colosseum. It is an antique relic.

If you are familiar with the building materials used in the Colosseum, or go to the Colosseum to observe and compare them carefully afterwards, you will find out whether my identification is correct and whether they come from the Colosseum.

Please look at the glue between these two stones, or the filler, and compare it carefully with the fillers between the stones on the other three walls of the utility room, and you will find the subtleties between them. difference.

In addition, if you look at the top of this stone slab, there is a stone about 1.2 meters long, which is carried on the other stones on the left and right sides, which prevents the two stones from the Colosseum from being too heavy. huge pressure.

Seeing this, can everyone think of such a picture, if these two stones from the Colosseum are removed, isn’t this a stone gate, but what is hidden behind this stone gate needs to be explored! "

Following Ye Tian's introduction, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni stepped forward one after another, carefully inspecting the wall on the north side of the utility room and the two stones from the Colosseum.

After pointing, everyone observed purposefully and in a targeted manner, and soon discovered the clues.

"That's right, Steven, the filling around these two stones should be high-grade cement produced in modern times, while the filling between the rest of the stones is typical ancient Roman cement!

From the perspective of the solidified state, the difference between them is not big, even very subtle, it is difficult to find, but if you observe carefully, you can still see the subtle difference between them!

In this regard, these two stones from the Colosseum have indeed been moved by people in the past 100 years, and the position where they are located does look like a stone gate! "

Giovanni nodded and said, affirming Ye Tian's judgment.

The rest of the people at the scene also nodded, and there was no disagreement.

At the same time, the eyes of everyone looking at the wall and the two stones on the wall became hotter, and everyone's eyes were full of anticipation!

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