Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2682 Looting Rome

In a blink of an eye, it was around eleven o'clock in the morning.

The street next to Trajan's Square had long been clogged with swarms of people. Looking at both sides of the street, as far as the eye could see, it was full of black heads.

At this time, the street was already crowded with tourists and Roman citizens who came to watch the news, as well as many reporters from major news media, rubbing shoulders!

Of course, there are also many Roman policemen maintaining order, as well as Italian cultural relic gendarmes who are particularly mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people!

Inside the cordon pulled out by the Roman police, there are a large number of armed security personnel under Ye Tian's orders, as well as two US Marine Corps action teams who have just arrived here.

They are all in a state of high vigilance, closely watching the crowd around them, ready to respond at any time.

In order to prevent shocks and respond to possible unexpected situations, under the command of Matisse, many security personnel have surrounded the Roman-style building on the street.

Not only that, they also parked several bulletproof SUVs on both sides of the street and at the entrance of this historic building, completely blocking the street and preventing the possibility of forced impact by manned vehicles.

The armored vehicles driven by the two U.S. Marine Corps teams were also used to form a solid line of defense across the door of this Roman-style building!

The U.S. ambassador to Italy, who was called by David, had already arrived and was waiting in a bulletproof car with the American flag on it. His car was parked at the door of the Romanesque building.

Just out of safety considerations, the US ambassador to Italy and his entourage did not get out of the car to avoid any accidents.

In addition to the diplomatic officials of the US embassy in Italy, there were several senior lawyers in suits and leather shoes standing at the door of the Romanesque building on the street, waiting at the door.

A group of antique art appraisal experts led by the curator of the Vatican Museum, as well as a group of experts and scholars from the Italian Ministry of Culture, the National Museum of Rome and the Palazzo Venezia Museum were also waiting at the door.

At this time, whether it was the melon-eating crowd outside the cordon watching the excitement, or the many media reporters, as well as people from all walks of life and experts and scholars staying inside the cordon, they were all staring at this Roman-style building on the street.

Without exception, the eyes of everyone here are full of curiosity and anticipation!

While watching the excitement, people are also speculating and discussing in full swing.

"I don't know what that lucky bastard Steven found in this historic building? Judging from the big battle he put on, that guy probably found a huge treasure!"

"Hey! Who would have thought that there is actually a treasure buried inside or underground in this old building. Our ancestors have lived in Rome and around here for generations, but we didn't find it at all. That bastard Steven was in vain!

I just don’t know whether the treasure hidden in this historical building was buried in ancient Rome or hidden in later generations, but one thing is almost certain, this hidden treasure must be amazing! "

While people were talking about it, they were also envious. Many people even turned red with envy, especially the large number of Roman residents.

While talking, the door of the Roman-style building on the street suddenly opened.

A few people came out of it.

Many people in the crowd recognized at a glance that the leading white man in a suit and leather shoes was the personal lawyer of that guy, Steven, who often appeared with that guy, and dealt with all kinds of troubles for him!

That's right, it was David and two employees of the Fearless Exploration Company who walked out of the Romanesque building.

After they came out, they first glanced at the situation on the street, then walked down the steps and walked straight to the team of lawyers waiting at the door.

When he came close, David first shook hands with those senior Italian lawyers, introduced each other, and then introduced the situation in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, the senior Italian lawyers walked into the Romanesque building under the leadership of an employee of the Fearless Exploration Company.

David took another Fearless Exploration Company employee to the place where the director of the Vatican Museum and his party, as well as those guys from the Italian Ministry of Culture and the National Museum of Rome gathered.

As before, after walking in front of these guys, David first introduced the situation, and then pointed out a few representatives, asking them to follow the employee of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company into the Roman-style building on the street!

It can be seen that when David introduced the situation, these Italians all had a dumbfounded expression, followed by a burst of ecstasy, and even their hands and feet were trembling slightly with excitement!

At the same time, in the eyes and faces of these Italians, there is also a look of pain, which can be described as painful and happy!

Led by the brave employee of the Fearless Exploration Company, these Italians walked into this Roman-style building in three steps and two steps at a time, as if they were afraid of falling behind others!

As for other officials from the Vatican and Italy, as well as experts and scholars, they could only continue to stay at the door of this Romanesque building, waiting hopelessly.

After the Italian representatives disappeared from the street, David walked to the car of the US ambassador to Italy, and directly entered the bulletproof car.

Three to five minutes later, he and the US ambassador to Italy got out of the bulletproof car, walked straight to the Roman-style building on the street, opened the door and walked in!

David's series of actions immediately set off a bigger commotion on this street, and raised everyone's curiosity to the highest point!

At this time, everyone has already confirmed that there must be a huge treasure hidden in this Roman-style building on the street. Once this treasure is released, it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

But the hateful thing is that this huge treasure has fallen into the hands of that bastard Steven, and the others can only look at it greedily, and they can't even get a hair of it!

Even if the Italian government and the Rome city government want to get some benefits here and get some treasures, it is estimated that it will be difficult to reach the sky!

No way, who let their opponent be that bastard Steven!

Everyone knows how difficult that bastard is.

The senior Italian lawyers who just entered the Romanesque building were the thugs hired by that bastard, enough to give everyone a headache!

While there was a lot of discussion, people were also full of envy, and some guys' eyes were red with jealousy, wishing they could directly replace Ye Tian and take the treasure hidden in this historical building as their own.

Some guys with ulterior motives in the crowd had greedy eyes, and even had other thoughts!

And the Romanesque building on the street has closed its gate again, and no one is allowed to enter!

Soon, another twenty minutes passed.

Just when people were getting impatient, the door of the Romanesque building suddenly opened again, and Ye Tian walked out of the building one after another with David, Bishop of Kent, Giovanni and others.

As soon as they appeared, the street outside was boiling like a pot.

Especially those media reporters who had been waiting at the door for a long time, each and every one of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they all raised their throats and began to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, can you tell everyone what treasure you found in this Romanesque building? What is hidden in this treasure?"

"Hi, Steven, I'm the Rome correspondent for The New York Times. When is the treasure in this historic building? Was it hidden in the Roman Empire, or in modern times?

We just received a message that you have purchased a total of six historical buildings in Rome. Is there an amazing treasure hidden in these six historical buildings? How did you discover them? "

With the loud questions from these media reporters, the scene suddenly became more lively.

Many people who don't know the situation very well, or only know a little bit, are shocked when they hear the questions from these media reporters, and they are almost crazy with jealousy!

A total of six historical buildings were secretly purchased, which probably correspond to six unknown huge treasures! Steven, a greedy bastard, is going to loot Rome!

Ye Tian did not answer the questions of many media reporters. He first greeted the experts and scholars waiting on the street outside, as well as the officials of the Vatican and the Italian government, and was polite.

After going through the procedures on these scenes, he came to the center of the street and stood still, then quickly scanned the situation on the street, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning everyone, I am Steven, I believe many people here know me, I am very happy to meet you here, the weather is fine today, I hope everyone is in the same mood!

Here, I would like to publicly announce a major discovery. When we came to Italy last year, we bought several charming and distinctive historical buildings in Rome. This Roman-style historical building on the street is one of them!

Since these historical buildings have existed for too long, there are many damaged places inside and outside, so we plan to carry out some interior decoration and renovation of these historical buildings to see if these historical buildings can be used.

In view of this, our company's employees in Rome have applied to the relevant municipal departments of Rome and have been approved. We are here this time to check the situation before carrying out interior decoration and renovation."

Hearing these words, except for David and Ye Tian's many employees and security personnel, everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained crazily to themselves!

Doing interior renovations and remodels? Make use of these historical buildings? Stop talking nonsense!

You bastard liar go! It is estimated that even ghosts will not believe these words!

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