Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2685 Beauty Oil Painting

In this Byzantine-style building, Ye Tian and the others didn't find anything surprising, it can be said that they got nothing.

This unexpected result made many people feel very surprised and somewhat disappointed.

At the same time, people secretly breathed a sigh of relief and comforted themselves!

Steven, an extremely lucky guy, is still within the scope of human beings after all, and has not risen to the height of God, and good luck does not always accompany him!

But how did people know that Ye Tian did all of this on purpose.

This Byzantine building is nothing more than a smoke bomb that he uses to confuse the Italian government, confuse others, just to make everything look reasonable!

As early as last year when he bought this Byzantine-style building, Ye Tian knew clearly that there were no treasures in this historic building!

But he still asked his subordinates to buy this building, just for today's performance and to create this illusion for others!

It was noon when we left the Byzantine building.

Ye Tian and the others did not go to the third historic building on this street to continue exploring, but came to a restaurant not far away to have lunch and rest at the same time!

Since this is an ordinary street restaurant with many tourists and diners coming and going, the arrival of Ye Tian and his group immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

From the moment they entered the restaurant and sat down at the table, people kept coming to say hello and ask about Balbo's treasure, especially the residents living on this street and nearby.

Some of them, who dreamed of getting rich overnight, even took their own oil paintings, sculptures, or other things that looked like antiques and had a little value, and came over to ask Ye Tian to help identify them!

Ye Tian did not refuse these guys' requests.

While joking and chatting with the Bishop of Kent and the American ambassador, he also helped the nearby residents identify some so-called antique works of art and gave them a valuation, which added a bit of fun to the lunch!

Of course, the so-called antique works of art brought out by these Roman citizens are basically of little value. These people came here in high spirits and returned disappointed!

Even the owner of this restaurant felt itchy when he saw this situation.

He returned to his office upstairs, took an oil painting down, and then went straight to Ye Tian's table, and said expectantly:

"Excuse me, Mr. Steven, can you authenticate this oil painting? It was a holiday present from a friend of my father's many years ago.

As long as I can remember, that is, in the 1970s, this oil painting has been hanging in the office upstairs, but I don’t know whose work it is and how much it is worth. "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the restaurant owner, then nodded with a smile and said:

"It's okay, Mr. Bruno, in just a short while, I've helped people look at seven or eight so-called antique works of art, and I don't care about one more.

I can help you identify this oil painting, and I also really want to see this artwork that you have collected for decades to see how it is! "

Hearing this, the restaurant owner named Bruno immediately beamed with joy,

Hastily handed over the oil painting in his hand.

Ye Tian immediately reached out to take the oil painting, pretending to be serious and appreciate it carefully.

The size of this oil painting is small, about 50 by 40, and it is surrounded by a simple style solid wood frame.

In this oil painting, it depicts a beautiful woman in a colorful bohemian dress, leaning sideways on a chair in front of the window, staring at the garden outside the window.

Looking out through the window, there is a private garden full of flowers outside, and a little further away, there is a blue sea with a few white sails dotted on the sea!

The bright sunlight shines through the window in this room, reflecting on this beauty's face, clearly outlining her nearly perfect face and graceful body curves!

However, in the eyes of this beautiful woman, there is a little sadness, it seems that she is troubled by love!

The color of this oil painting is bright, the brush strokes are delicate, the characters are portrayed very accurately and vividly, the picture is full of warmth, and it seems to have a romantic taste, it makes people feel happy just looking at it!

The moment he saw this oil painting, Ye Tian's eyes lit up immediately, and a smile appeared on his face.

After appreciating the oil painting for a while, he raised his head and said with a smile:

"Mr. Bruno, first of all, I would like to congratulate you, you have a very good work of art, this is a very beautiful and romantic oil painting, it looks very exciting.

The artist who created this oil painting is Pino Deeni, a famous contemporary painter born in Bari, Italy. This famous painter is one of the top contemporary Italian artists.

Deeni was born in Bari, Italy. He stayed in Italy for nineteen years from 1960 to 1979. This oil painting should be his work in the 1970s.

Since Deeny lived among beauties since he was a child, this had a great impact on his artistic career. His favorite and best painting subject in his life is beauties!

When he was in Italy, Deeni was already famous, but he was not yet a famous painter. It was not until he immigrated to the United States in 1979 that he became a famous contemporary painter.

Deeny's works are spread all over the United States, and are sought after by countless top collectors. I have received one of Deeny's works before, and it was sold at a good price!

Although this oil painting is an early work of Deeny's artistic career, it can be regarded as a fine work. It is rare to see, has high artistic value, and is worth collecting!

According to the current market conditions of antique art, Deeni's oil painting should be worth between 2 million and 3 million US dollars. If it is brought to the United States, the price will be even higher! "

After speaking, Ye Tian handed the oil painting to Bruno, planning to return it to the restaurant owner.

But at this moment, Bruno, as if he had been hit by a freeze spell, froze in place, his eyes were full of disbelief and ecstasy, and he even forgot to take back this valuable artwork!

Seeing his performance, Ye Tian and the others couldn't help laughing softly.

The other people in this restaurant, as well as those who watched the excitement around, looked at Bruno and the oil painting of Deeny's beauty with great envy at this time, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot!

After a while, Bruno just woke up, and he hurriedly took over the valuable oil painting.

Immediately afterwards, the guy said in a trembling voice:

"Mr. Steven, thank you very much. You are indeed the world's top expert in the identification of antique works of art. You have a sharp eye. You can see the origin and value of this oil painting at a glance, and you have solved the problem of our family. Doubts!

I really didn't expect that the value of this beautiful oil painting is so high. God bless, let us have such a top art work. To express my gratitude, today's lunch is mine. free! "

"Hahaha, then I'm not impolite, Mr. Bruno, I will definitely patronize this restaurant of yours in the future and enjoy the food of your restaurant, we are now neighbors!

In addition, I want to remind you that if you want to auction this Deeny's beauty oil painting, you'd better send it to the top auction house, so that you can get the best price! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, reminding the restaurant owner.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, I remember, thank you again"

Bruno nodded gratefully and shook hands with Ye Tian.

Afterwards, this guy took the oil painting and walked quickly to the second floor of the restaurant. When he left, this guy's feet were floating!

Just as Bruno left, a hot-eyed Roman resident suddenly interjected:

"Mr. Steven, I would like to take the liberty to ask, can I invite you to visit my house? My house is on the next street. It is a Romanesque building built in the early thirteenth century.

The basement of my house was transformed from an ancient Roman underground city. There may be something buried deep underground, and there may be treasures, so I would like to invite you to go and have a look! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this wealthy Roman citizen, and then joked:

"This man, it's not impossible to let me go to your house to have a look, but I want to declare in advance that no matter what I find in that historical building, I will take half of it. You can accept this distribution method ?"

Hearing this, the Italian fell silent immediately, and his expression became quite ugly, even a little bit reluctant!

Obviously, there is still no shadow of the treasure, and the horoscope has not been written yet, this one feels distressed first!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued jokingly said:

"Here I would like to advise you, if you are not sure, you'd better not dig for treasures indiscriminately, so as not to dig up that historical building of your own!

In that case, not only will you not be able to find any treasures, and you will not be able to make a fortune, but you may break the law by destroying historical buildings without authorization, and the loss outweighs the gain! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of laughter at the scene.


Everyone laughed and looked at the Roman citizen who was going to hunt for treasure at his home!

Looking at the Italian guy and other Roman citizens who had the same idea, their faces were very embarrassed, and everyone smiled wryly!

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