Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2692 Seven Roman Consuls

The ground and walls in front of the stone gate are the same as those on the spiral staircase, and there are no traps, so it is very safe.

After confirming this, Ye Tian walked down the stairs and came to this ancient stone gate.

At the same time, Walker also arranged lighting fixtures to illuminate the place brightly, completely dispelling the darkness that has shrouded the place for more than two thousand years.

This is a stone gate with a width of only 1.23 meters and a height of about 2 meters. It looks very old. The gap between the stone gate and the wall is clearly visible, obviously unable to isolate the air.

Due to the fact that it was too old, a thick layer of dust fell on the stone gate, but it can still be vaguely seen that some patterns and characters seem to be engraved on this stone gate, but it is not clear.

On the walls on both sides of the stone gate, there seemed to be some patterns and characters engraved, which were also covered by dust.

In addition, the floor beneath the feet, as well as the ceiling above, seemed to have some patterns.

After standing in front of the stone gate and observing for a while, Ye Tian took out a towel and began to wipe off the dust and moss attached to the stone gate.

Following his movements, the pattern engraved on the stone gate finally appeared.

Appearing in front of Ye Tian and Walker was an ancient Roman general on a war horse.

The ancient Roman general was wearing a red cloak, staring into the distance, leaning forward, pointing obliquely forward with the Roman dagger in his hand, as if commanding the battle, ordering the troops under his command to charge.

Behind the ancient Roman general, stood several ancient Roman soldiers holding spears and shields, posing a charging posture, but their faces were very blurred, which was obviously deliberately done by the sculptor.

In addition, at the bottom of this stone door, there are several lines of ancient Latin engraved.

Ye Tian and the others don't know ancient Latin, so naturally they have no way of knowing what these words express and what they describe.

Looking at the patterns and characters carved on this stone door, Ye Tian's eyes lit up immediately, and he began to appreciate it with great interest.

The same is true for Walker, but he is confused and doesn't know who the ancient Roman general on the stone gate is.

However, his doubts were quickly resolved.

After quietly admiring it for a while, Ye Tian said excitedly:

"I think I know when this secret passage and the secret chamber behind the stone door were built, if I'm not mistaken, they should be built between 86 BC and 100 BC, and the wine cellar above was built later a little.

The person who ordered the construction of them was the ancient Roman general engraved on the stone gate. His name was Gaius Marius. He was once elected as the consul of the ancient Roman Republic because he saved Rome from the Germans.

The ancient Latin engraved under the stone gate should describe his life. Although I don’t know the ancient Latin, I know the name of Gaius Marius, and I also know that the seven-time-elected ancient Roman consul General.

Walker, you may not know much about Gaius Marius, the consul of the ancient Roman Republic, but you must know his nephew. His nephew is Julius Caesar. It was Marius who freed the Gaius family from tenant farmers identity.

Since this stone gate is engraved with the pattern of Gaius Marius commanding the battle, then I am sure that on the walls on both sides of this stone gate,

It must have been engraved with images related to the famous battles of Thermae of Thektilius and Vercelli.

It was in these two battles that Marius led the army to defeat the Germans, rescued the Roman Republic from danger, and defeated the Germans, which became the culmination of Marius’ career and pushed him to the throne of consul.”

While saying these words, Ye Tian pointed to several ancient Latin characters under the stone gate, which were Gaius Mario's name.

Hearing his words, Walker was stunned immediately, his face full of shock.

After a while, the guy just woke up, and then he exclaimed.

"Wow! This is actually the underground secret passage and secret room built by the uncle of Caesar the Great. Could it be that the building above the wine cellar was the residence of Gaius Marius? If this is the case, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Another point, if this place once belonged to Gaius Marius, he was elected as the consul of the ancient Roman Republic seven times, and he was so powerful, why would he need to build this underground secret room to hide secrets?

Then who completely sealed this secret passage? Who wrote the secret or treasure hidden behind this stone door? Mario himself seems unlikely? Could it be his nephew, that is, Caesar? "

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then explained:

"Although the Romanesque building on the ground was built later, more than a thousand years later than Mario's time, the location of this historical building is in the center of Rome.

From 80 BC to 100 BC, the building standing at this location may really be the residence of Gaius Marius, but unfortunately that building has not remained until now.

Although Marius was elected as the consul of the ancient Roman Republic seven times, it was not all smooth sailing. From the first time he was elected as the consul of Rome to the last time, many things happened.

He even fled Rome several times to save his life, especially in the struggle with Sulla, another famous ancient Roman military commander. If he hadn't escaped Rome in time, his life would have been lost.

In that turbulent and even precarious situation, Marius naturally needed to build an underground secret room to hide some secrets or treasures that were inconvenient to carry when fleeing.

As for who completely sealed the underground secret passage, I also think it is unlikely to be Mario himself. The person who sealed the underground secret passage may be Mario's cronies, and Caesar is not ruled out!

After Marius died of illness as a Roman consul in 86 BC, only three years later, Sulla became the new Roman consul and the first lifelong dictator in Roman history.

After taking power, Sulla began to frantically cleanse the Marian remnants. Many Marian factions, including Caesar, fled Rome one after another. This secret passage may have been sealed during that period.

There is also a possibility that the time when this secret passage and the secret room were sealed may not be during Sulla's reign, but after Caesar was assassinated, Caesar's men completely sealed it.

After Caesar's death, a certain degree of purges also took place in the city of Rome, targeting the remnants of Caesar's party and supporters. As Caesar's confidant, Mark Anthony had to flee Rome at that time! "

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Walker couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice again, and at the same time became more excited.

After briefly introducing Gaius Mario's life and the origin of this secret passage, Ye Tian came to the wall on the right side of the stone gate, and wiped off the dust and moss on the wall with the towel in his hand.

Following his movements, a magnificent scene of ancient battles appeared immediately.

Ye Tian looked at the patterns carved on the wall, then smiled and said:

"Sure enough! The engraving here is indeed one of the most proud deeds in Marius' life. It is the battle where he led the army to defeat the Germans. This pattern should be the famous Battle of Vercelli.

Then there is no need to ask, the wall on the left side of the stone gate must be engraved with the famous scene of the Battle of Serktilius Hot Springs. It was these two battles that kept Rome and made Mario reach its peak! "

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