Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2700 New Roman History

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After Antonio finished venting his anger, Ye Tian continued to smile and said:

"The discovery of Caesar's Conqueror's Rod here made me have some doubts about Caesar's death and the series of things that happened after that. The real history may be different.

Caesar's shrewdness and wisdom are well known, otherwise he would not have become the supreme leader of ancient Rome, and he would have become a military commander and statesman who will endure through the ages. However, some of his behaviors before he was assassinated were full of strangeness.

First of all, he publicly humiliated the senators at the senators meeting. When the senators awarded him the title of "Holy Ruler", he sat still in his seat and did not stand up to accept the title. This move undoubtedly angered the senators.

Those senators were all big men in Rome, all of them were high-ranking and powerful, so they couldn't stand this kind of humiliation. Therefore, it is not surprising that they had the idea of ​​assassinating Caesar. As the saying goes, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone those senators.

The second doubt is that after publicly humiliating the senators, Caesar fired all the bodyguards abnormally and left himself in a completely defenseless state. This is by no means something a shrewd ruler can do.

For a period of time before the assassination, there were already rumors that someone was plotting to assassinate Caesar in Rome at that time. Of course, this was not groundless. Caesar, who had the most powerful intelligence system at the time, could not have known about it.

Even when Caesar was on his way to the Senate, someone secretly handed him a warning note, but Caesar ignored it and entered the Senate with confidence. Everyone knows what happened next.

With Caesar's shrewdness and wisdom, even if he is very confident, he should not be so confident when it comes to matters of life and death. This makes people suspect that all these things are in his calculations.

His calculation is to use his own death to clear away all political enemies and clear the way for his successor, Octavian. If this is the case, then there is no doubt that he has done very successfully and won the first battle! "

Undoubtedly, everyone at the scene was stunned by Ye Tian's words. They were all stunned, and they froze in place, their eyes full of disbelief!

A few of them wanted to refute, but couldn't find a suitable argument for a while.

After a moment of silence, the Bishop of Kent asked curiously:

"Steven, what you said seems to make sense, but why did Caesar do this? Is it too expensive to use himself as a bait to pave the way for Octavian?"

Hearing this, everyone else at the scene nodded and echoed a few words.

Ye Tian looked at the Bishop of Kent, then scanned the crowd, and then gave his own answer.

"Gentlemen, I believe everyone knows that Caesar was 58 years old when he was stabbed to death, which was already considered an elderly person in ancient Rome, and Caesar also suffered from severe temporal lobe epilepsy.

With Caesar's pride and self-esteem, whether he died in epileptic madness accompanied by incontinence, or was murdered as a hero, Caesar bravely and decisively chose the latter, and the murder will happen.

Caesar once said, 'I would rather be a leader in a small fishing village than walk into Rome in a mediocre way', 'I have come, I have seen, I have conquered', which is the perfect embodiment and portrayal of Caesar's character.

Because of this, he accepted the sudden death and counted all the enemies. Caesar was Caesar after all, and he even designed his own death as a sharp weapon against political opponents.

Moreover, six months before he was assassinated, he made a will early and arranged everything in an orderly manner. Facts have proved that Caesar's death did not bring chaos to Rome!

Those senators who murdered Caesar did not get any benefits. They fled Rome in a hurry amidst the fury of the Roman people, and finally chose to commit suicide or die under Octavian’s iron cavalry.”

The voice did not fall,

The exclamation sounded crazily.

"Wow! If this is the case, it is really a shocking chess game. Everyone has become a pawn in Caesar's hand, let him fiddle with it, this is simply terrible!"

"Not to mention, the assassination of Caesar was indeed full of heroism. It was a tragic epic and completely wiped out all enemies. If he died of epilepsy and madness, it would definitely not have such an effect!"

After some exclamation, someone at the scene asked curiously:

"Steven, even if, as you said, Caesar's assassination and death were all in his own calculations, what does that have to do with the Conqueror's Rod? This golden scepter, which symbolizes the highest power in ancient Rome, why is it not passed down?" To Octavian?"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded, and then all looked at Ye Tian to see how he would explain.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and immediately gave his answer.

"As we all know, when Caesar was assassinated, the then Roman Consul Mark Anthony was also in the Senate, but before the assassination, he was invited by his colleague Torreponius to talk aside, so he could not stop the assassination.

However, after Caesar was assassinated, the Senate fell into chaos. It is entirely possible that Mark Anthony, who was also in the Senate, took Caesar's relics in disorder, then escaped from the Senate, and then escaped from Rome.

Shortly after Caesar's death, in order to fight for the supreme power of the Roman Republic, Octavian, Caesar's first successor, accepted Mark Antony's proposal, and together they pardoned the elders who assassinated Caesar.

But it didn't take long, after Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus formed the last three-headed alliance, Octavian directly tore up the promise and began to hunt down the elders and their followers who participated in the assassination of Caesar.

All the elders who participated in the assassination of Caesar, including Brutus and Cassius, were on Octavian's blacklist and made public. Those elders were eventually forced to commit suicide or died in Octavian Under the cavalry!

Octavian saw that Caesar died at the hands of the person he had forgiven, so he insisted on killing the grass and roots, and launched a frenzied massacre in Rome. At least two thousand people died under his butcher knife, and he was buried with those stupid senators.

It now appears that Octavian’s frantic massacre may not have been entirely to avenge Caesar and cleanse his political enemies, but perhaps he was looking for Caesar’s relics in the name of revenge, such as this extremely important Conqueror’s Rod.”

Having said that, there was another exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! If these are true, this is simply another "History of Rome"!"

"Oh my god! It's been a crazy day, it's so disruptive!"

Amidst the exclamation, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"After killing all the elders who assassinated Caesar, Octavian tore up the agreement of the 'Later Triumvirate Alliance' and started chasing and killing Mark Anthony crazily. Everyone knows that Mark Anthony is his father-in-law!

Since then, their relationship has been on and off, but in any case, Octavian never gave up the idea of ​​​​killing Mark Antony. Mark Antony also knew this. Octavian asked him to return to Rome several times, but he ignored it.

It wasn't until 30 BC that Mark Antony was completely defeated by Octavian. He and his mistress, the famous Cleopatra, chose to commit suicide and ended the Roman civil war.

The reason why Octavian crazily chased and killed Mark Antony, in addition to competing for the highest power in Rome, may also be related to Caesar's relics and the Conqueror's Staff in front of everyone. This connection seems more reasonable!

Because he couldn't return to Rome, Mark Anthony couldn't take out the hidden Caesar's relics. As a kind of revenge, he didn't say that these Caesar's relics were hidden in Rome, right under Octavian's eyes!

Of course, the above are all my conjectures, and you don’t have to take it seriously, but I believe that these conjectures still have some truth, and we may be able to find evidence to verify them in the next exploration.”

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Without exception, everyone had a dumbfounded expression, their eyes full of disbelief.

The eyes they looked at the Conqueror's Rod became even hotter, almost burning up!

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