Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2702 God's to God, Caesar's to Caesar

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In a blink of an eye, it was around six o'clock in the afternoon.

Although a long time has passed, the number of people waiting outside this Roman-style building to watch the excitement has not decreased at all, but more and more.

Not only that, there are more people who have received the news, and they are rushing here. Everyone is excited, full of curiosity, and full of expectations, and there is even a bit of jealousy and greed in their eyes.

This street next to Trajan's Square has long been blocked by swarms of people. If you look around, the street is full of black heads, and you can't see the end at a glance!

The people on this street were all staring at the Romanesque building on the side of the street and discussing it enthusiastically.

"That guy Steven brought people into this historic building for nearly four hours, and he hasn't come out yet. During this period, there was only a burst of motor rotation noise, and there was no other movement!

But I'm sure that lucky bastard Steven must have found something amazing in this historical building, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in it for so long, it's a pity that Rome will be sacked again! "

"Guys, I don't know if you've noticed that in the past four hours, the security of this historic building has been continuously strengthened, reaching a very alarming level, and the White House is nothing more than that!

The security personnel who came here included not only tough guys in casual clothes, but also many American soldiers with live ammunition. The armbands were from the US Marine Corps, and many Italian cultural relics gendarmes also came.

It can be seen from this that in this historic building, Steven, the extremely lucky bastard, must have made a major discovery. Once this major discovery is made public, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, there is no doubt about it.”

Just as people were discussing, the door of the Romanesque building on the street finally opened again.

The first to come out of that historic building was a group of armed security personnel with live ammunition. As soon as these guys came out, they quickly dispersed and became vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​who was carrying a huge hiking bag, walked out of the historical building and stood on the steps at the door.

Behind him, Bishop of Kent, David, Antonio, Giovanni and others also came out of the historic building one after another, and stood scattered on both sides of the door.

It can be seen that everyone who came out of this historic building was very excited at this time.

Seeing this scene, the street at the door suddenly boiled.

And those media reporters standing at the front of the crowd raised their voices and started asking questions loudly, lest they lag behind others.

"Steven, I'm the reporter of Le Figaro in Rome. Can you tell everyone what you found in this ancient Roman building? Is it a major secret or a shocking treasure?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from CBS TV. Can you tell me about your discovery in this Romanesque building? And the process of discovery? Everyone who pays attention here wants to know!"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian glanced at the audience first, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I am Steven, I am very glad to meet you here, and thank you very much for your attention. The weather is good today, and I hope everyone is in the same mood.

In the Romanesque building behind me that is privately owned by me, we did find something, and a very important discovery, enough to cause a sensation in the entire Western world, and this discovery will also change the partial history of ancient Rome.

Don’t worry everyone, as before, the whole process of our exploration in this Romanesque building will soon appear in the news media, on TV and on the Internet, and everyone will be able to see the relevant videos by then.”

As soon as the words came to this point, the scene was completely detonated, and the people were completely shocked by Ye Tian's words.

"My God! A major discovery that is enough to shock the entire Western world,

True or false, did I hear correctly? This guy Steven is not bragging, is he? "

"This discovery will change the partial history of ancient Rome? It seems that Steven's discovery is related to ancient Rome, but what exactly is it?"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again, reaching the ears of everyone in front of this Roman-style building.

"In the underground wine cellar of this Romanesque building, we found a very secret secret passage leading directly to the depths of the ground, and following that secret passage is a very ancient and isolated underground secret chamber.

The person who built the underground secret room was Gaius Marius, the ancient Roman consul, so we call that underground secret room 'Marius' secret room'. According to our on-site research, Marius' secret room was built in 90 BC years or so.

An astonishing treasure is hidden in this secret room, but this treasure was not hidden by Marius, but was hidden by Mark Antony in 44 BC. We call it "Mark Antony's Treasure". .

In the treasure of Mark Antony, there are hidden bronze statues of the first three alliances, that is, the busts of the three ancient Roman giants Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, and these three statues are all perfectly preserved.

The sculptor who created these three bronze statues was Polyodoros, one of the most famous sculptors in the late Hellenistic era. The famous group sculpture "Laocoon" collected in the Vatican Museum is one of his works.

"Laocoon" was created by him together with two other contemporary sculptors, and the bronze bust of the former three-headed alliance was created by him independently. It is more representative and is the top three antique cultural relics. "

Hearing this, people were stunned, and the originally noisy street quickly quieted down.

But Ye Tian's voice still kept coming, reaching everyone's ears.

"Next, we found another Julius Caesar's sword. Although it has gone through more than two thousand years, the Roman dagger is still sharp, intact and cold. It can be said to be invaluable.

But the most shocking discovery was not the priceless antiques I mentioned before, but a golden scepter we discovered later, which was Caesar's Conqueror's Staff that only existed in legends in the past.

Just like in the legend, on this famous Conqueror's Staff, there is engraved Caesar's famous saying, "I have come, I have seen, and I have conquered", and the body of the staff is uneven, representing the path of thorns. meaning.

The symbolic meaning of the Conqueror's Rod and what it represents, I don't want to say that everyone is very clear, and more importantly, behind the Conqueror's Rod, there is a bloody history of ancient Rome.

This period of ancient Roman history is different from the history of ancient Rome recorded in all history books. It can be said that the birth of the Conqueror's Rod will definitely rewrite the partial history between 30 BC and 44 BC.

Behind the Conqueror's Rod, we found bronze statues of Marius and Sulla, and then in a chest, we found several stone tablets inscribed with ancient Latin, which were left by Mark Antony,… ..."

Following Ye Tian's introduction, everyone on the scene was shocked and stunned, as if they were being bombarded non-stop by rolling thunder, they all froze in place, stunned.

This is just the initial state of people, and later on, people have become completely numb, and many people even wonder if there is something wrong with their hearing, is it an auditory hallucination!

After a while, after Ye Tian finished his introduction, the whole street became silent without any sound.

After a long time, the media reporters standing at the front of the crowd were the first to wake up.

As soon as they woke up, these guys began to ask questions loudly with excitement, and each of them entered a state of madness in an instant.

"Steven, I am a reporter from Corriere della Sera, the discovery you made today is truly earth-shattering, enough to cause a sensation in the whole world, and may also rewrite the partial history of ancient Rome!

The Conqueror's Staff you just mentioned, Caesar's sword, the statue of the former three-headed alliance and other antiques are all priceless and well-deserved Italian national treasures.

Here, I would like to ask, what are you going to do with these Italian national treasures that were discovered in Rome, but also from ancient Rome? Are they brought back to New York, or are they left in Italy? "

Following the Italian reporter's questioning with ulterior motives, everyone on the street looked at Ye Tian to see how he would answer this tricky question.

Ye Tian glanced at the Italian reporter disdainfully, then said loudly with a sneer:

"I believe everyone has heard the saying, 'Give God what is God's, and Caesar what is Caesar'. Here I want to say, what is mine is mine, and no one can take it away from me!"

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