Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2704 go one step ahead

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The escort convoy has arrived at the entrance of this Roman-style building on the street. Numerous Roman police officers, armed security personnel, US Marine Corps special operations team and members of the Swiss Guard, etc., are all on the highest alert.

Not only them, but many security personnel pretending to be tourists and mingling with the crowd, staring at the surrounding crowd with high vigilance, ready to respond at any time.

Under the gaze of countless fiery gazes, the door of the Romanesque building on the street finally opened again.

As soon as the door was opened, Matisse came out of the historic building with seven or eight heavily armed security personnel, came to the street outside, and quickly dispersed on both sides of the door, on guard.

After confirming the safety of the scene, people from all walks of life who entered the historical building before filed out from the inside and appeared on the street again.

This includes a group of Italians including the mayor of Rome and the secretary of the Italian Prime Minister, as well as people from the US embassy including the US ambassador to Italy and the cultural counselor, as well as the bishop of Kent and others.

After arriving on the street, everyone did not leave immediately, but stood separately in the open space on both sides of the door, staring sideways at the door of this Roman-style building, everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight employees of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company pushed three hotel luggage carts and walked out of the historic building under the protection of several security personnel armed with live ammunition.

On the three hotel luggage carts, metal suitcases and portable safes of different specifications were piled up. There were more than a dozen or twenty of them, and there was even an old-fashioned safe.

As for what is contained in those metal suitcases and portable safes, everyone on this street, as well as all viewers who are watching the live broadcast, know very well in their hearts!

Needless to say, those boxes contained antiques and gold and silver treasures found in the Balbo treasure and the Mark Antony treasure, and almost everything was priceless.

That's not all, behind the three hotel luggage, there are more than a dozen employees of the brave and fearless exploration company, walking out of the Roman-style building!

Without exception, each of them carried a large or small painting bag in their hands.

Obviously, the things contained in those painting bags are exactly the dozens of top artworks found in Balbo's treasure, each of which is from the hands of top artists, and each of them is priceless.

In order to facilitate the escort at night, Matisse and Derek transferred the treasures of Balbo to this Roman-style building as early as around five o'clock in the afternoon, and packed all the top artworks and gold and silver treasures.

During the transfer of Balbo's treasure, the entire street near Trajan's Square became a sensation.

The people on this street looked at the vehicles escorting Balbo's treasure, and their eyes were red with jealousy!

Fortunately, the security measures at the scene were in place, and nothing unexpected happened.

And the many armed security personnel with live ammunition, as well as the two US Marine Corps special operations teams, made many guys with ulterior motives scruples and did not dare to take action in the street.

While talking, many antique relics, gold and silver treasures, as well as many top-level artworks discovered from the treasures of Balbo and Mark Anthony have been moved to the streets outside.

The last people who walked out of the Roman-style building on the street were Ye Tian and David. The two of them came out of the historical building talking and laughing, and appeared in front of everyone.

Same as before, Ye Tian still carried a huge mountaineering bag on his body, and the mountaineering bag was bulging, and it seemed to contain a lot of things.

The appearance of the two of them immediately caused a huge commotion on the street.

Especially the many media reporters standing at the front of the crowd raised their voices and began to ask questions loudly, lest they miss this rare opportunity.

"Steven, in those metal trunks and portable safes, and the picture bags,

Do they contain antiques and artefacts found in the Balbo and Mark Antony treasures? Where are you going to transport those priceless antiques and artworks? "

"Good evening, Steven, the Italian government has just issued an urgent statement that all antiques and artworks from the Balbo treasure and the Mark Anthony treasure cannot be shipped out of Italy without permission! For this Italian government What do you think of the emergency declaration? How do you plan to respond?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian immediately looked at the media reporters, then smiled and said:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, you guessed it right, these metal suitcases and portable safes, as well as these dozen or so painting bags, indeed contain the results of our exploration today.

Next, we will transport these antique relics and artworks from the Balbo treasure and the Mark Antony treasure to the Vatican Museum for preservation. In a few days, they will be on public display in the Vatican Museum.

In addition to these movable antique relics and works of art, there are some temporarily immovable antique relics in the "Mario's Secret Chamber" deep underground in this historical building, such as stone gates and murals engraved with Mario's life story.

After we leave, it will be temporarily entrusted to the National Museum of Rome for management and protection. It will also be open to the public in a short time. Under the condition of ensuring safety, you can also go underground to see the secret room of Marius.

As for the emergency statement issued by the Italian government, I am of course aware of it, and I have reached an oral agreement with the representative of the Italian government that these antiques and artworks will not be removed until a proper solution is found.”

After the words fell, almost all the Italians on this street couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and somewhat relaxed.

Of course, each of them was in pain right now, feeling like they were being ransacked crazily, and each of them was full of envy and hatred in their hearts and eyes.

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions, and then ended the impromptu press conference, ignoring those yelling media reporters.

Then, he began to examine the numerous metal suitcases and portable safes that had just been transported out of the Romanesque building, as well as the dozen or so painting bags.

In the process, he did a quick perspective on everything to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the top-level antiques and works of art, and that the numbers were correct.

He did not let go of all the vehicles responsible for escorting these top antique cultural relics and works of art, as well as the escort vehicles, and even every security personnel involved in the escort mission, and looked through them one by one.

After confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, he told Matisse and them to load these suitcases and portable safes filled with top-level antiques and artworks on the escort vehicle.

Following his order, many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company took action immediately, and loaded the priceless boxes onto the armed escort vehicles one by one.

After all the boxes were loaded onto the escort vehicle, Ye Tian stepped forward to check again, and then asked Mathis and the others to lock the doors and prepare to leave.

Just when everyone thought that this huge armed convoy was about to set off, heading for the Vatican with the treasures of Balbo and Marco Anthony.

A medium-sized helicopter that had been hovering over the street before suddenly began to lower its altitude, and finally hovered in the air only more than 20 meters above the ground, and its position was just above the escort convoy.

Afterwards, the hatch of this medium-sized helicopter was opened from the inside, and two slings were thrown from both sides of the cabin, straight to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, people saw such a scene.

In the hurricane rolled up by this medium-sized helicopter, Ye Tian and Walker bent their waists and quickly walked towards the two slings hanging down to the ground, and then hung themselves on the two slings with safety locks.

The next moment, the two of them were hoisted up, as if they were on a rocket, and headed straight for the medium-sized helicopter above their heads.

Before the people at the scene and the onlookers on the street could react, the two of them were hoisted to the cabin door of the medium-sized helicopter, then got into the cabin and disappeared from people's sight.


The cabin door of the medium-sized helicopter was closed immediately and pulled up quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the medium-sized helicopter was pulled up to more than 100 meters in the air, gradually being swallowed up by the night of Rome!

People standing on the ground can only see the red indicator light that is getting higher and higher in the sky, and can only hear the roar of the huge helicopter engine, but they can no longer see the medium-sized helicopter, let alone Ye Tian !

It wasn't until the medium-sized helicopter disappeared from view that everyone reacted, and the scene was completely boiled immediately.

"David, what does this guy Steven mean? Where is he going to fly? What's in the backpack behind him?"

The mayor of Rome asked in a low voice with a serious face, but his eyes were very flustered and contained anger.

David looked at the Italian, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Mayor, Steven is flying to the Vatican, not anywhere else. The reason why he did this is entirely out of safety considerations, so as to avoid some unexpected situations.

The things he took away this time included Caesar's Conqueror's Staff and the portable sword, the bronze bust of Caesar, the few stone slabs left by Mark Antony, and Balbo's folder.

These are the most valuable things in Balbo's treasure and Mark Anthony's treasure. Before the escort convoy departs, I will make this list public. In this way, I believe it will dissuade some guys from coveting.

Another point is that in the cabin of that medium-sized helicopter, there is an Italian lawyer and an Italian reporter. They will witness the whole process of this operation and supervise the whole process, which is enough to ensure transparency! "

After speaking, David walked over to the media reporters at the scene.

Looking at the mayor of Rome and others, they all froze in place, looking up at the sky shrouded in night, gasping for air!

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