Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2709 Acting Again

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Compared with the previous Baroque-style historical building, the area of ​​these two early Renaissance-style buildings is much larger. They have four floors up and down, and there are dozens of rooms in total.

If the basement is counted, the two historic buildings have a larger area, and it can be said that they are two apartment buildings rather than ordinary houses.

Moreover, the internal facilities of the two buildings are also more complete, especially on the first floor, each has a public hall, and the two buildings also share a green atrium garden, which is quite emotional.

In the past hundreds of years, these two historical buildings have been used as apartments, and the people who live here are like revolving doors, and I don’t know how many times they have changed.

The earliest residents here were the clergy of the Holy See of the Vatican, then the diplomatic officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Venice, and then the diplomatic officials and staff of the Embassy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

After the end of World War I, the Palazzo Venezia was nationalized by Italy, as were the two outbuildings.

By 1921, the Palazzo Venezia Museum was established, and the two early Renaissance-style buildings were used as warehouses for the museum and apartments for some employees.

After Mussolini came to power, he occupied part of the Palazzo Venezia, and some of his subordinates lived in these two historical buildings for a long time.

After the end of World War II, the two historical buildings were taken back by the Palazzo Venezia Museum, and continued to be used as apartments, and began to be rented out to make a little profit.

It wasn't until Ye Tian came to Rome last year and saw these two well-preserved early Renaissance-style buildings that he asked his company employees to come forward and take down these two historical buildings.

As before, after entering this early renaissance style building, Ye Tian began to introduce the situation here to others, and led everyone around on the first floor for a general tour.

In the hall on the first floor, many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company are busy preparing for the next exploration operation.

Several experts and scholars from the Vatican Museum and the Palazzo Venezia Museum, as well as representatives from the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Rome City Government, as well as observers from the US Embassy in Italy, are also making preparations.

In addition, two media reporters from Italian National TV and NBC TV, as well as their photographers, are also busy!

Without exception, these guys are very excited at this time, and everyone is full of curiosity and anticipation for the next exploration operation.

After leading people from all walks of life around the first floor, Ye Tian brought these guys to the reception area in the lobby on the first floor, and invited them to sit down on the sofa and chairs.

As before, the company employees who arrived here in advance have already cleaned up the guest area, made coffee and prepared various snacks for everyone to enjoy.

After sitting down on the sofa and chatting with representatives from all parties, Ye Tian got to the point.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next we will start an exploration operation in this historic building to see if we can find something, and hope to get a surprise, so that everyone will not make a trip in vain.

After we launched the operation, you are sitting here drinking coffee and waiting for the results. If we really find something, we will definitely notify you as soon as possible, so that everyone can witness the birth of a miracle together.

At this time, these two Renaissance-style historical buildings are completely under our control, and no one else can break into this place without my permission, so everyone can rest assured about security."

Hearing this, the guys from different backgrounds in the reception area could only nod in agreement, and no one raised any objections.

Even if some people have ulterior motives and purposes, they are secretly considering whether they should give up, so as not to be self-defeating!

Next, Ye Tian introduced the procedures and steps of the exploration operation, got up and left the reception area, and walked over to the company employees under him.

At this time, all company employees entering this historic building are ready.

Coming closer, Ye Tian first looked at these guys, then smiled and said loudly:

"Guys, as before, divide into groups of two, carefully scan every room of this historic building with a pulse metal detector, and don't miss a single corner.

Not only every room, every corner inside and outside the building, including corridors and stairwells, etc., everyone has to explore carefully, surprises may be hidden in some inconspicuous corners.

Compared with the historical buildings that have been explored before, the area of ​​these two early Renaissance-style buildings is undoubtedly much larger. It will take a lot of time to thoroughly explore here.

It seems that we have to spend a day here today. If we find something, one day may not be enough. Everyone must be prepared for a protracted battle. I hope everyone's hard work will not be in vain.

Due to the large area here, once everyone disperses, it is easy to get out of the sight of others, so I ask the various exploration groups to take care of each other and maintain communication at all times.

For safety reasons, I will arrange two to three armed security personnel on each floor of this historic building to stand guard at the stairway and patrol, so as to provide support if any accident occurs.

During the exploration process, if you find something, you must remember to tell me through the walkie-talkie at the first time, do not act without authorization, let me see your exploration results.

As before, I will lead the team to explore the basement of this historic building, and the rest of the team will be responsible for exploring the four-story building on the ground. So much to say, let's start! "

"Got it, Steven"

Many company employees at the scene responded in unison, and everyone was full of confidence and expectations.

Before the words were finished, everyone started to act, in groups of two and two, and walked towards the stairs with the pulse metal detector.

Experts and scholars from the Vatican Museum and the Palazzo Venezia Museum, as well as representatives from the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Rome Municipal Government, as well as the two media reporters also took action accordingly.

Their duty is to supervise at the scene and witness possible discoveries, but they must not interfere with the actions of the various exploration teams.

After issuing the action order, Ye Tian called Mathis aside and whispered to him:

"Matisse, you arrange for the guys to guard the stairways on each floor, protect the groups exploring on each floor, and pay attention to those remote rooms and roofs to prevent people from sneaking into this historic building.

In addition, you told Kenny and Bourne to let them stare at these two historic buildings, the surrounding streets, and the adjacent buildings, and if you find anything, remember to notify me as soon as possible"

"Understood, Steven, leave these things to me, there won't be any problems"

Matisse nodded in response, and then moved into action, making various arrangements.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he returned to the reception area again, and said to the representatives of all parties sitting here:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please continue to sit here, sipping coffee and admiring the scenery of the central hall garden, I will not accompany you.

Next, I will take people into the basement of this historic building to see what's going on there, and when we meet later, I hope a miracle will happen! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took David out of the reception area and walked towards the stairs leading to the basement.

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