Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2719 Secrets related to the Holy See

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Ye Tian nodded slightly, and continued to say:

"It is through these nuances that I can see that this wall has been tampered with. According to my guess, the time of tampering here is around the beginning of the sixteenth century AD, with an error of no more than fifty years.

During that period, the Palazzo Venezia was still the residence of the Pope. These two historical buildings had just been built and were annexes to the Palazzo Venezia. A large number of clergymen of the Holy See lived here, and it was impossible for others to enter and leave here.

That is to say, the person who did something on this wall must have come from the Holy See, and it may be a general clergyman, and it is not ruled out that it was a certain Pope at that time. As far as I am concerned, I very much hope that this person is the Pope.

In that case, the secret hidden behind this wall must be very important, and it may be a huge surprise. Of course, we may also have fun for nothing, because there is nothing behind this wall! "

Before the words fell, David and Ian cheered.

"Wow! That's awesome. If the secret hidden behind this wall is really related to the Holy See in the sixteenth century, it will definitely cause a huge sensation."

"What are you waiting for? Steven, let's do it, break through this wall and see what secrets or treasures are hidden behind the wall!"

While cheering, David and Ian couldn't wait any longer. They wished they could immediately roll up their sleeves and break open the ancient wall.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then shook his head slightly, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, folks, the secrets or treasures hidden behind this wall have been sleeping in the dark for hundreds of years, and they won't grow wings to fly. We have plenty of time to slowly clear and dig.

Since the secrets and treasures behind this wall are likely to be related to the Holy See, and to ensure the openness and transparency of this exploration operation, avoid unnecessary troubles, such as making things difficult for the Italian government.

When we break through this wall and reveal the answer, representatives of the Vatican and the Italian government, as well as the cultural counselor of the US embassy in Italy, as well as media reporters, must be on-site to supervise.”

Hearing this, David immediately nodded and said:

"That's right, Steven, this is the safest way. Even if the Italians want to play tricks, they won't be able to find a suitable excuse!"

Next, Ye Tian told David and Ian a few more words, and then picked up the walkie-talkie, ready to notify Bishop of Kent and Giovanni to come down and witness the next clean-up and excavation operations!

On the ground, the Bishop of Kent and the others were sitting under a parasol in the atrium garden, drinking coffee, admiring the scenery of the atrium garden and chatting with each other.

Some of them were already drowsy, and they either leaned on the back of the chair or on the sofa and took a nap, which was very pleasant.

At this moment, two employees of Fearless Exploration Company walked into the living room and the atrium garden respectively, patted their palms lightly, and woke everyone up.

When everyone turned their heads to look at them, they smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, Steven has just informed us that they have made a new discovery in the basement, perhaps a surprising and significant discovery, and he invites some of you to go down to the basement and witness the discovery live.

As for those who can go to the basement to witness and supervise the next exploration operation, those people can only stay in the living room and garden and continue to wait for the results. Steven has given a list of candidates, and I will announce it next.

The rules are still the same as before, everyone who is allowed to enter the basement must undergo a security check, must not carry any weapons and ammunition, and promise to obey the command, only supervise on site, and not interfere with Steven's exploration operations."

Before the words were finished, the atrium garden and the living room on the first floor were completely boiling.

"Oh my god! This guy Steven has made another major discovery, am I right? Is this guy really God's favorite? Otherwise,

Why did all the good things fall on his head? "

"Steven, an extremely lucky guy, didn't know what he found this time? Could it be another Mark Anthony treasure? His luck is really unbelievable!"

Seeing these guys with shocked faces, the two employees of the brave and fearless exploration company couldn't help laughing softly, and they were also very proud.

When the scene became quieter, they began to announce the list of candidates.

The people who were allowed to enter the basement and witness the follow-up exploration were the same as those who were in the nearby historical building and witnessed the opening of Philip's secret compartment.

They are the Bishop of Kent representing the Vatican, Paul and Giovanni representing the Italian side, the cultural counselor representing the US embassy, ​​and two media reporters.

As for the others, they can only stay on the ground and wait patiently for the results of the exploration.

Seven or eight minutes later, the Bishop of Kent and the others, who had completed the security check, came quickly to the basement where Ye Tian and the others were located, led by Mattis and two company employees.

It can be seen that these guys are very excited, and their eyes are full of envy and expectation.

In the eyes of Paul and Giovanni, there is still a bit of worry. Obviously, the two of them are very entangled and apprehensive at this time.

As soon as he entered the basement, the Bishop of Kent couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, you are so lucky, you are so enviable! Tell everyone, what did you find in this basement?"

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then pointed to the wall opposite the door and said:

"Gentlemen, on this ancient wall, I found some oddities, or rather, some very hidden flaws. Behind these flaws, there may be a major secret or treasure hidden.

The stone used to build this wall comes from around the fifth century AD. This stone wall is part of the original Roman underground city, and it is a section of the back wall of this underground city, but this wall was moved hundreds of years ago. hands and feet.

Around the beginning of the 16th century AD, this wall was dismantled and then rebuilt. In order to cover up the traces of the repair, they used imitation ancient Roman cement, and the flaw was on the cement.

With the demise of the ancient Roman Empire, the technology of ancient Roman cement was also lost. The imitation cement used by these people has different ingredients and different construction techniques from the ancient Roman cement, which shows the flaws.

It was through these flaws that I was able to determine that someone had demolished this stone wall, hidden something behind the stone wall, and then rebuilt this stone wall, trying to cover up the secret hidden behind the stone wall.

In the sixteenth century, this historic building belonged to the Holy See, and outsiders could not enter it except for the priests of the Holy See. From this, it can be determined that the secret hidden behind the stone wall is very likely to be related to the Holy See! ..."

Following Ye Tian's words, the eyes of the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni lit up, and everyone became more excited.

At the same time, each of them was also staring at the stone wall not far ahead, their eyes were extremely hot.

Especially the Bishop of Kent, when he heard that the secret hidden behind that stone wall might be related to the Holy See, how could he bear it, and immediately walked towards that stone wall!

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