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"David, you probably know a little bit about the story of 'Escape from Egypt' in the Bible, but in order to let you better appreciate this oil painting by Caravaggio, I still want to introduce it.

After Jesus was born, the three wise men of the East heard the news that the savior of mankind was born, and they went to the holy city of Jerusalem to worship together, but it aroused the fear of King Herod of Israel.

When Jesus could not be found, King Herod immediately ordered to kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, in order to kill Jesus and avoid threatening his rule.

So God dreamed of Joseph, Jesus' adoptive father, and told him to take the Virgin Mary and the newborn Jesus to Egypt, a neighboring country, to avoid being chased and killed. This is the story of fleeing to Egypt.

In this oil painting, Caravaggio used his own paintbrush to depict this plot. In the painting, the Virgin Mary rides on the back of a donkey, mixed with the migrating crowd, and is marching on a country road.

The person in charge of guiding in front was Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus, and the baby in the arms of the Virgin Mary, of course, was Jesus. In addition, there were several servants, and passers-by who went to Egypt together.

When painting this oil painting, Caravaggio abandoned some traditional painting methods, and let the Virgin Mary and Jesus descend to the world, full of secular human touch, just like a pair of ordinary mother and child.

It can be said that this is a vivid secular picture. Caravaggio invited the gods to the world and turned them into people, and contrasted light and dark light to create a tense atmosphere.”

Ye Tian introduced the oil painting and the story behind the oil painting to David and the others.

Around the next table, the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni were seriously admiring and studying the oil painting. Everyone was extremely excited, and their eyes were shining brightly.

Fortunately, they were still a little sensible, remembering Ye Tian's previous warning, and didn't touch this priceless top-level artwork!

"Yes, this is definitely the work of the art master Caravaggio, and it is one of his best masterpieces. It is so precious!"

The director of the Brera Art Museum muttered to himself, so excited that even his body trembled slightly.

Not only him, but also the other experts and scholars on the scene!

At this moment, Tony's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, we found two more hidden compartments, which were also taken out from the inner wall. In each of these two dark compartments, there is an item wrapped in black moisture-proof tarpaulin, which is probably painting!"

Following Tony's report, everyone in this room turned their heads to look at the door, and everyone became more excited and full of curiosity.

The Italians who were present at the scene felt even more bitter while feeling excited and curious!

They clearly know that the more top artworks are discovered today, the greater the loss Italy will suffer. Can you not feel distressed!

As soon as Tony finished speaking, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Got it, Tony, I'll come right over and see what we'll gain this time"

After finishing speaking, he nodded to David, then turned and left the room.

David nodded knowingly, then walked to the table and took on the supervisory duties.

In just a moment, Ye Tian returned to this room, and at the same time brought back two long cylindrical objects wrapped in tarpaulins.

Not surprisingly, everyone at the scene looked at him, at the two items in his hand, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

"Judging from the appearance, these are two oil paintings, but I don't know which top art master they are?"

"I have to say that today's series of discoveries are really amazing. The discovery of these top oil paintings that have been hidden for more than two hundred years will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Ye Tian had come to the table and gently placed the two newly discovered oil paintings on the table.

Afterwards, he quickly glanced at the crowd, smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, everyone has seen and carefully appreciated this painting "Escape from Egypt" by Caravaggio, the founder of Baroque art, so there must be no doubts.

In order to save time and protect this oil painting, I am going to put away this oil painting. After a while, when these top artworks are on public display, everyone will appreciate them again! "

With that said, Ye Tian had already put on his gloves, carefully began to collect this top-level artwork, and slowly rolled it up.

Watching his movements and seeing this top-level artwork that was about to be put away, everyone at the scene was full of reluctance and even a bit of pain.

Especially Italians like Giovanni, everyone feels their hearts are bleeding!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian rolled up Caravaggio's "Escape to Egypt" and prepared to put it into a prepared telescopic painting tube.

At this moment, the reporter from NBC suddenly asked curiously:

"Steven, I would like to ask, how much do you value Caravaggio's "Escape from Egypt"? It's a bit of a vulgar question, but I think many people want to know the answer to this question"

Following this question, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian looked at the NBC TV reporter, then smiled and said:

"I have owned a work by Caravaggio, the founder of Baroque art, that is the "St. Francis, St. Lawrence and the Nativity of Jesus" found in Boston, which is one of Caravaggio's masterpieces.

The artistic value of this "Escape to Egypt" is no less than that Italian national treasure oil painting, or even higher. When I sold that oil painting to the Italian government, it was priced at 150 million US dollars.

The final transaction price of that oil painting was exactly 150 million US dollars. The value of the "Escape from Egypt" in front of me is not lower than that one. If I really want to value it, I value this oil painting at 180 million tens of millions of dollars.

The reason for giving this valuation is firstly because of its great artistic value, and secondly because the works of the swordsman painter Caravaggio handed down to the world are extremely rare, there are only a few pieces, and rare things are more expensive! "

Before the words fell, the scene was completely fried.

"Oh my god! 180 million US dollars, I heard that right, this valuation is really amazing!"

"This is really a huge treasure. Just the valuation of this oil painting can buy dozens of such historical buildings!"

While everyone was exclaiming, Giovanni and the rest of the Italians were so distressed that they almost passed out.

In the previous painting of Caravaggio's "St. Francis, Saint Lawrence and the Birth of Jesus", the bastard Steven killed the Italian government. The appearance of this "Escape to Egypt" seems to make the tragedy happen again. repeat!

Thinking of this, the Italians at the scene felt even more distressed, and they all hated Ye Tianhen's teeth.

Even so, they can only choose to stick their necks out and let others slaughter them.

"Steven, I don't know what you plan to do with Caravaggio's "Escape to Egypt"? If possible, our Brera Art Museum intends to acquire this top-level artwork.

This "Escape to Egypt" has been hidden in the wall for too long, and the picture is very fragile. For the sake of safety, it is best not to transport it long distances, and try to choose local protection.

Our Brera Art Museum is the best museum in Milan, with the best exhibition conditions and many top cultural and cultural personnel, which can provide the best protection and collection conditions for this oil painting.

You will not collect works of art with strong religious overtones. When you find such works of art, you usually choose to sell them. In this case, why not sell this "Escape from Egypt" to us! "

The director of the Brera Art Museum said impatiently, his words were full of expectations.

With this kind of thought, he was not the only one at the scene, and several other experts and scholars were also eager to try.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then glanced at the others, and then gave his own answer.

"Brad, you're right, I really don't want to collect Caravaggio's "Escape from Egypt", and I also intend to sell this top art piece, so it would be great if I could sell it in Milan.

You Brera Art Museum wants to buy this oil painting, I welcome it with both hands, not only you, other famous museums and top collectors, I also welcome them to join the competition, the highest price wins!

We will talk about the transaction later, the most important thing right now is to open the remaining oil paintings wrapped in tarpaulins and hidden for more than 200 years, and everyone will witness the miracle happen together."

With that said, Ye Tian had put "Escape to Egypt" into the painting tube, then put the painting tube aside, and picked up the second oil painting wrapped in a moisture-proof tarpaulin!

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