Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2753 the mystery is about to be revealed

"Steven, we've found another Fibonacci number, engraved as usual on top of a granite pillar, the Arabic numeral 0!"

The voice of the employees of the subordinate company came from the intercom, and the voice did not sound so excited anymore.

Ye Tian has heard the same report many times, and the content is the same.

"Got it, Dennis, let's check the situation right away, hoping to find something"

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and responded, and then led David and the others to go deeper into the basement.

While talking, it was half past twelve noon, and it was lunch time.

Today's exploration operation can only come to an end temporarily, Ye Tian brought many of his staff back to the ground floor, ready to take a rest.

After spending a whole morning, many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company finally removed all the decorations on the stone pillars in the basement of this historic building, revealing their original appearance.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others checked all these granite pillars, and they didn't miss any of them!

Unfortunately, apart from the seemingly disorganized Fibonacci numbers carved on the stone pillars, they found no surprises.

As Ye Tian expected, the Fibonacci numbers engraved on these stone pillars include both Arabic numerals and natural Fibonacci numbers, which are all kinds of flowers and plants that match the Fibonacci numbers.

In addition, each exploration team took a pulse metal detector and scanned the stone pillars engraved with Fibonacci numbers, as well as the room and surroundings where the stone pillars were located, and found nothing.

During this time, the pulse metal detector went off a few times.

However, what were detected were scattered metal objects, not tools or agricultural tools buried in ancient times, or broken weapons such as arrowheads and short swords, which were not of much excavation value.

The secrets hidden behind these stone pillars and those disordered Fibonacci numbers have never been solved by everyone, and everyone is at a loss!

Faced with this result, everyone is inevitably a little disappointed.

As for Ye Tian, ​​since returning to the ground, he went straight back to his suite and fell into deep thinking.

Over the next hour or so,

He didn't come out of the room even at lunch time.

For his performance, everyone is full of curiosity and expectations.

Everyone expects him to create miracles again, solve the riddle left by Da Vinci more than 500 years ago, and bring everyone a huge surprise!

Of course, in the reception area on the first floor, and on the street outside, there are countless guys who are secretly gloating.

Needless to say, these guys are basically Italians, or opponents and enemies who hate Ye Tianbu to death. Everyone hopes that he will encounter Waterloo and find nothing in this historical building!

It wasn't until around two o'clock in the afternoon that Ye Tian came out of his suite, went downstairs, and joined David and the others.

Seeing him coming, David immediately asked impatiently:

"Steven, after thinking about it for so long, have you solved the riddle left by Da Vinci? Tell everyone quickly."

Ye Tian looked at David and many of his employees, and then glanced at the representatives of all parties staying in the reception area not far away, and then said in a low voice:

"David, I think I have found a clue, maybe I can solve the riddle left by Da Vinci, but I need to do some work, and I don't dare to guarantee it!"

Before the words fell, David and Derek cheered.

"Great! Steven, I knew that there is nothing you can't do. It seems that we will be able to solve the riddle left by Da Vinci soon!"

While cheering and celebrating, David and the others were very sure in their hearts that the riddle left by Da Vinci would soon be solved, and the secret or treasure hidden in this historic building would soon be revealed!

The reason why they are so sure is because of their understanding and confidence in Ye Tian, ​​which has been proven countless times in previous treasure hunting operations!

As long as he said that he could solve the riddle left by Da Vinci, he would be sure. As for whether he could succeed, it was just unnecessary politeness!

Hearing David's cheers, the representatives of all parties staying in the reception area were immediately affected and became more excited, and everyone was full of expectations.

The Italians at the scene, while looking forward to it, were also a little uneasy, and their moods were very conflicted.

Although they didn't hear what Ye Tian said, they could tell from the excited reactions of David and the others that Ye Tian must have discovered something, and it was a very important discovery.

Coupled with the magical aura condensed on Ye Tian's body, they couldn't help wondering whether Ye Tian and the others had discovered any major secrets or amazing treasures in this historical building!

After the cheers on the scene subsided, Ye Tian casually took out an ipad, turned it on, called up a building plan, and said in a low voice:

"Derek, here is the floor plan of the basement, you take this ipad to the basement, and mark every granite pillar engraved with Fibonacci numbers in the basement on the floor plan.

If there are Arabic numerals engraved on the stone pillars, mark them with numbers; for those engraved with flowers and plants, write the names of the flowers and plants; if you don’t know those flowers and plants, write the number of petals of those flowers and plants.”

With that said, he handed the ipad to Derek.

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to me, and it will be done soon"

Derek nodded in response, then reached out to take the ipad, and then took another guy in the same group out of here and went to the basement.

When they left, David immediately asked curiously:

"Steven, do you have any special purpose in asking Derek to mark the Fibonacci numbers on those stone pillars in the basement?"

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, pretending to be mysterious and said:

"Don't reveal the secret, David, you will know my intentions later, let's go say hello to those guys first, so that they won't be suspicious!"

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the representatives of all parties staying in the reception area.

Hearing this, David could only suppress his curiosity and walked to the reception area on the first floor with Ye Tian.

When they came to the reception area, they greeted representatives from various parties and many experts and scholars, and introduced the progress of this exploration operation.

Ye Tian also introduced the riddle left by Leonardo Da Vinci, but he didn't explain whether he is sure to solve this unsolved mystery that has existed for more than five hundred years!

Even so, everyone at the scene was stunned and stunned, and the exclamation kept ringing out.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight minutes had passed.

Derek's voice suddenly came over the intercom, announcing the latest situation.

"Steven, we have completed the task you gave us. Do you come to the basement to check, or shall we go up?"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Derek, you just wait in the basement, we will come down immediately, and the exploration operation in the afternoon should also start."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the crowd again, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, we are likely to make a major discovery next. This discovery is closely related to Da Vinci. You can choose a few representatives to enter the basement with us to witness the discovery process.

Since the exploration operation is still in progress, there should not be too many people entering the basement, so as not to affect our work. Apart from the Bishop of Kent and Giovanni, all parties can only elect one representative! "

Before the words fell, the scene was already fried.

"Wow! What will be the major discovery related to Da Vinci? Is it some major secret or treasure?"

"Could it be that the riddle left by Da Vinci can be solved, or Da Vinci has hidden some treasure deep underground in this historical building?"

While exclaiming endlessly, everyone at the scene except Bishop of Kent and Giovanni raised their arms, scrambling one by one!

Without exception, everyone here wants to enter the basement, participate in the next exploration, and witness the miracle with their own eyes!

That is a major discovery closely related to Da Vinci, who would be willing to miss it?

Ye Tian looked at these guys at the scene, just smiled softly, and didn't specify who to bring into the basement, but gave them the right to choose!

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