Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2762 a contest spanning 500 years

As Ye Tian said, the next four roulettes had no difficulty, and he solved them one by one.

As the last letter was aligned with the arrow on the cipher box, behind the stone door, there was a sudden burst of 'clicking' sound of the machine, which was louder and harsher than before.

Almost at the same time as the voice sounded, Ye Tian quickly picked up the heavy police shield placed at his feet, blocked it in front of him, took a step back, and became vigilant.

The same goes for Peter and Derek standing on the other side of the spiral staircase, their eyes fixed on the stone door, and if they find something is wrong, they will immediately rush to the ground.

Fortunately, nothing happened!

In the blink of an eye, the harsh sound of the machine turning disappeared, and the scene returned to tranquility.

Looking at the thick arched stone door again, there seems to be a gap on the right side, which has obviously been opened.


Ye Tian heaved a sigh of relief, his nerves that had been tense all the time relaxed a little.

After confirming that the scene was safe, he walked towards the stone gate and said loudly at the same time:

"Peter, Derek, I will push open this stone door next, you still stay at the entrance of the spiral staircase, you don't need to come over, and be vigilant, ready to escape from here at any time"

After the words fell, Peter and the others responded immediately.

"Understood, Steven, just take it easy"

Walking to the stone gate, Ye Tian didn't push it away in a hurry, but pretended to check the situation carefully, then stretched out his right hand and began to push the ancient stone gate vigorously.

Following his movements, there were bursts of piercing noises again. It was the sound of rocks rubbing against each other, not the sound of the machine turning.

Under the action of Ye Tian's continuous output of power, this ancient stone gate was pushed open little by little, and the dark space behind the stone gate ushered in light again after more than five hundred years.

The stone door opened wider and wider, and with the light entering, a semicircular space first appeared in Ye Tian's eyes.

To be more precise, this is a small semicircular hall with an area of ​​only a few square meters and a height of about three meters.

Above is the vault.

Immediately afterwards, there is a statue of a knight about two meters high, wearing armor and holding a long sword, and then an arched corridor that slopes downward at an angle of 15 degrees.

The corridor is arc-shaped, and because the line of sight is blocked, the situation in the depths of the corridor cannot be seen for the time being! Then there is another statue of a knight.

This knight statue is also about two meters high, wearing armor, holding a shield and spear, and posing in a defensive posture, which is different from the knight statue opposite!

Finally, the heavy and unusually thick stone door was completely pushed open, and the situation of the space behind the stone door was clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes!

Ye Tian took another step back, blocked himself with a heavy police shield, and looked at the situation inside the stone gate through the observation hole.

There were no changes, neither javelins or crossbow bolts shot out, nor traps such as rolling logs and rocks, and raging floods.

After confirming that it was safe, he said loudly:

"Peter, Derek, you can come here and see the situation behind this stone door, but don't rush into the space behind the stone door"

Following his words, the two guys standing behind immediately stepped forward and looked into the stone door curiously.

Ye Tian took a step forward, came to the gate of Shimen, and began to check the situation here.

In addition to what I saw before, on the wall on the right side of the stone gate, there are five more round holes with a diameter of about seven or eight centimeters, arranged from top to bottom.

And on the floor inside the stone gate, there appeared two arc-shaped gaps about two fingers wide, and their direction was exactly in line with the opening direction of the stone gate!

Obviously, on the back or inside of this unusually thick stone gate, there are five iron pillars about six to seven centimeters in diameter, which are used to lock the stone gate.

When the stone gate is closed, five iron pillars will protrude from the back or inside of the stone gate and insert into the five round holes on the wall to lock the stone gate firmly, and no one can open it.

Only by mastering the correct code and entering it into the Da Vinci combination lock outside, can the five iron pillars be recovered one by one, and then the stone gate can be opened.

As for the two gaps on the floor, it should be a set of slide rails, which are connected to the stone door through a mechanism, so that the stone door can be opened and closed normally.

It can be seen from this that the floor of this space inside the Shimen has been hollowed out long ago. In addition to the mechanism controlling the Shimen, God knows how many deadly mechanism traps there are!

Looking at the system that controls the Shimen in front of him, even though Ye Tian has already seen clearly through perspective, knowing its internal structure and operating mechanism, seeing it again at this time, he is still very shocked and amazed by it!

What's even more exaggerated is that despite the baptism of more than five hundred years, this incomparably exquisite organ system still works perfectly without any problems, which can be said to be amazing!

"The legend is true at all. Da Vinci is a rare genius in all fields in human history. The mechanism system he designed and manufactured to open and close this stone gate is shocking enough!"

Ye Tian said with emotion, eyes full of admiration.

Before the words fell, Derek next to him continued to say:

"That's true. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed. This mechanism system was designed and manufactured more than 500 years ago. Only the top geniuses can do it!"

After a few words of emotion, Ye Tian and the others looked at other places inside the Shimen.

The most attractive thing inside the stone gate is naturally the two separate knight statues. They are also the two largest objects in the arched space inside the stone gate.

These should be two bronze statues. As for whether they were poured as a whole or combined, it is unclear for the time being.

Outside of them, there is a layer of dust and moss growing, and they are wearing a full set of armor, covering the whole body, making it impossible to see the true condition of the statue.

They are located at the entrance of the arched corridor inside the stone gate, facing the stone gate.

The statue on the right holds the sword of the knight high, as if ready to go into battle at any moment, and swings the sword down fiercely!

The statue of the knight on the left is holding a shield in his left hand, holding the shield in front of his chest, and holding a spear in his right hand, posing a defensive posture, and can stab forward with the spear at any time!

Ye Tian carefully looked at the two statues of knights, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"If I'm not mistaken, these two statues of knights are two deadly traps. Anyone who breaks into this stone gate rashly, once they make a mistake, will be hit by these two statues of knights immediately. !

The mechanism that triggered the attack of the two knight statues should be on the floor. Judging from the attack lines of their respective weapons, it is difficult for intruders to escape their joint strangling, and there is only one dead end!

If the knight statue on the right is the first to attack, due to the limited space, even if the intruder escapes its knight sword by chance, he will be pierced by the knight statue on the left with a spear, and vice versa! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian also stretched out his hand and gestured a few times, pointing out the attack lines of the two knight statues and possible ways to cooperate!

With his explanation, both Peter and Derek were taken aback.

"Wow! It's so ruthless. Anyone who breaks into this place will surely die!"

While exclaiming, everyone immediately looked at the ground of the space inside the Shimen.

On the floor inside the stone gate, it was covered with dust and covered with a layer of moss. I couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but I could only see some imprints, which seemed to be some words, patterns, or numbers carved on the floor!

"Steven, there seem to be some words and numbers engraved on the floor inside the stone gate. Could they be another series of codes left by Da Vinci? This is too exaggerated!"

"I'm going! This is not a treasure hunt! It's simply a battle of wits and courage with Da Vinci, a super genius! But it spans a long history of five hundred years, all of which are incredible!"

Peter and Derek exclaimed again, their expressions were exaggerated and very excited.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"This is indeed the case. If we want to pass through this area and enter the arched corridor behind, we can only solve these riddles left by Da Vinci one by one. Even if we make a mistake once, we will probably end up dead!

If I'm not wrong, the way to pass through the space inside the stone gate should be related to the Fibonacci numbers that Da Vinci hid in "The Last Supper". Those Fibonacci numbers are probably passwords! "

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