Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2767 friendship and loyalty

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian resumed the previous topic.

"According to this order, I can boldly guess that the password for the third section of this arched passage is hidden in another top oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci, that is the famous "St. John the Baptist" .

"St. John the Baptist" is believed to be the last work created by Leonardo da Vinci. It was created between 1513 and 1516. The oil painting is also collected in the Louvre. Like oil painting.

In "St. John the Baptist", there are also some mysterious characters and Fibonacci numbers with unknown meanings hidden, but they are hidden deeper. When I went to the Louvre in Paris, I only discovered it by chance.

There is a reason why it is said that the third pass code of this arched passage is hidden in "St. John the Baptist" instead of other works of Leonardo da Vinci, and there may be a very important secret hidden in it."

Hearing this, Peter and Derek immediately became more excited, and their eyes lit up.

"Wow! This is such a suspenseful story, it's amazing!"

"Steven, what secret is hidden here? Tell us quickly."

Ye Tian looked at these two excited guys, and then continued his performance.

"Like "Madonna and Child with Santa Ana" and "Mona Lisa," "St. John the Baptist" was created after Da Vinci left Milan, and these three oil paintings are his most cherished works, always Take it with you.

Until his death in France, these three oil paintings never left him! Now it seems that the reason why Leonardo Da Vinci cherishes these three oil paintings so much is probably related to the secrets hidden in them besides being the top artworks!

This historic building on the ground was built at the end of the fifteenth century, before 1499, and the same is true for this hidden underground space. It was designed and built by Leonardo da Vinci, and the construction was funded by Grand Duke Ludovic of Milan.

In addition to being the Grand Duke of Milan, Ludovic was also one of the most important and famous art patrons during the Renaissance. His contribution to the Renaissance movement was not much worse than that of the Medici family in Florence.

For Leonardo da Vinci, Ludovic was even more kind to know him, and there was a very deep friendship between them. It was precisely because of Ludovic's generous funding that Da Vinci could devote himself to the study of art and other kinds of knowledge.

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Da Vinci's rise to fame, becoming one of the three masters of Renaissance art, and even becoming the greatest artist in Western history is inseparable from Ludovic's strong support in addition to his extraordinary genius! "

Peter and Derek nodded together, obviously agreeing.

They are now considered insiders in the industry, and they have a certain understanding of the most important Renaissance movement in the history of Western art, Da Vinci's life and works, and know that Ye Tian is right!

After the foreshadowing was completed, Ye Tian finally got to the most critical point.

"In 1498, King Charles VIII of France passed away, and the successor to the French throne was Louis XII. He also had another identity, that is, he was the descendant of Gian Galleazzo, the first Duke of Milan.

After Louis XII came to power, he immediately asked Ludovic to take back the title of Duke of Milan. Naturally, Ludovic could not agree to this request, and the war broke out immediately.

In 1499, with the support of the Republic of Venice and the people of Milan, Louis XII easily conquered Milan. Ludovic could only flee in a hurry and fled to the Holy Roman Empire for refuge.

After Ludovic escaped, Da Vinci, his best friend, had no choice but to flee from Milan in a hurry, started a wandering journey, and finally returned to his hometown, Florence!

In the process of fleeing, Da Vinci successively created the sketches of "Madonna and Child and Santa Ana" and "Mona Lisa", and the sketch of "St. John the Baptist", which may also be created at this time!

It can be seen from the sketches of "Madonna and Child and Santa Ana" collected by the National Gallery of London that Leonardo da Vinci began to hide the code when creating the sketches of these three top oil paintings."

Peter and Derek nodded in unison, the facts are right in front of them, and they cannot be denied at all!

At the same time, these two guys became even more excited. Such a wonderful story, can it not be exciting!

Ye Tian looked at these two guys and continued his performance.

"Let's talk about the dispute between Louis XII and Ludovic, after conquering Milan, Louis XII did not find a large number of top artworks and gold and silver treasures collected by the Sforza family, no gain for nothing!

Not long after, with the help of German and Swiss mercenaries, Ludovic made a comeback, drove out the French, and reoccupied Milan, but the good times didn't last long, and he soon failed again!

This failure caused him to become a prisoner of the French, and then he was taken to Paris, until he died in depression, and failed to return to Milan again! However, he did not give up the title of Duke of Milan until his death!

Now it seems that the reason why Louis XII imprisoned Ludovic until his death was probably not only for the title of Duke of Milan. You must know that he is already the king of France, and the Duke of Milan is just a chicken rib!

The more important purpose of Louis XII is probably to find the top artworks and a large amount of gold and silver treasures collected by the Sforza family, and the treasures of the Sforza family may be hidden here."

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his finger and pointed to the deeper part of the secret path!

Following the direction of his finger, both Peter and Derek looked over there!

After a short pause, Ye Tian's voice sounded again, echoing in this ancient underground secret passage.

"It may be speculated that before fleeing Milan for the first time, Ludovic hid a large number of top artworks and gold and silver treasures accumulated by the family here to avoid being looted by Louis XII.

After Ludovic made a comeback and regained Milan, the French immediately launched a counterattack. He didn't even have time or dared to reveal these family treasures that were so hard to hide!

In that case, this astonishing amount of treasures is likely to be cheap for the French, perhaps because he was too cautious and had no money in his hands, which led to the betrayal of the Swiss mercenaries!

As the Swiss mercenaries refused to work for him, Ludovic quickly failed, and when he escaped with makeup, he was captured by the French at the border and became a captive, completely ruining himself!

After he was taken to Paris, Louis XII should have asked about the whereabouts of the treasures of the Sforza family. Fortunately, Ludovic had relatively hard bones, and he did not reveal the whereabouts of the treasures of the Sforza family until his death!

From this point of view, Ludovic's death may not have ended in depression, but may have died under the torture of Louis XII. This kind of thing can be done by the French king, and they have this tradition! "

Before the words fell, there was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Hahaha, that's right, Philip IV frantically strangled the Knights Templar, wasn't it just for the treasure of the Knights Templar!"

"It's true, the kings of France really have this tradition. There was Philip IV who strangled the Knights Templar before, and Louis XV who said 'even after I die', they are all the same!"

Hearing their complaints, Ye Tian also laughed softly.

After a few jokes, I returned to the topic.

"In 1512, Ludovic's son Maximilian returned to Milan, but the French attacked again. Why didn't the French chase the Sforza family endlessly? Perhaps it was because of the treasure!

After Maximilian became the Grand Duke of Milan, he didn't seem to find his own family's treasure. He attracted the French attack so quickly, which may have something to do with the mysterious disappearance of the Sforza family's treasure!

Just like what happened to his father, Maximilian was also taken to Paris by the French, imprisoned, and finally died in Paris. The French did not find the mysteriously disappeared treasure of the Sforza family in the end.

From this point of view, the only people who know the location of the treasure of the Sforza family are probably Ludovic and Da Vinci. Even Ludovic's two sons don't know where this shocking treasure is buried!

Leonardo da Vinci, who was in charge of burying the treasure, cleverly hid the location of the treasure and the codes for passing through each level in many works of art created by him, fooling everyone's eyes until now!

This explains why he always takes "Madonna and Child with Santa Ana", "Mona Lisa", and "St. John the Baptist" with him, because these three oil paintings hide the most important three codes !

Even da Vinci's going to France is related to this incident! Why did Francois I, the successor of Louis XII, invite the aged Da Vinci to France? I am afraid that the purpose is not just because of the love of art!

Francois I invited Da Vinci to France, and even forced Da Vinci to go to France. The more important purpose may be related to the mysterious disappearance of the treasure of the Sforza family, so he will visit Da Vinci frequently!

It is a pity that until Da Vinci died in France in 1519, Francois I did not get the treasure of the Sforza family that he wanted, but he got the three most cherished oil paintings that Da Vinci always carried with him. !

But where did he expect that the treasure of the Sforza family he wanted to find and the three most important codes to enter the treasure were hidden in these three oil paintings. Even if Da Vinci died, he would not forget to make a joke with the French!

This is exactly what the saying goes, the most dangerous place is often the safest place! Da Vinci practiced this sentence perfectly, and also maintained his friendship and loyalty to Ludovic, and did not tell where the treasure was until his death! "

Hearing this, Peter and Derek were completely dumbfounded, and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

They know very well in their hearts that if the words they just heard are spread and verified to be true, they will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Western world and rewrite part of Western history and art history!

The French king's greed for treasures, the brutal pursuit of the Sforza family, the deep friendship between Da Vinci and Ludovic, the rock-solid loyalty, and all kinds of other treacherous and even bloody events. struggle!

Coupled with this shocking treasure that is sure to cause a sensation in the world, all these combined together can definitely be regarded as an extremely exciting drama!

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