Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2841 Ancient City in the Desert

In a run-down town near the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, a few guys in abayas and holding AK47 rifles are discussing something in a house riddled with bullet holes.

"Boss, news came from Saudi Jizan that Hadid and the others were killed by someone, died at the bottom of a small hill, and even the people and the car were set on fire.

The Saudi police inspected the scene afterwards. In addition to the traces left by Hadid's two pickup trucks, there were also traces left by a third car, which drove to the interior of Saudi Arabia.

Does anyone know who is driving that car? If it was just a car with only three or four people in it, how could it be possible to kill Hadid and the others? Unless it is special forces!

Not long after Hadid and the others were killed, the tripartite joint exploration team exploring Solomon's treasure happened to arrive at the border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and appeared very suddenly.

Combined with this situation, I am guessing, could it be that bastard Steven and his men who killed Hadid and the others? With the ability of those American bastards, it can indeed be done!

According to the news from the border guard station, that guy Steven has entered Yemen with a tripartite joint exploration team. Obviously, they are here to find the legendary treasure of Solomon!

What should we do next? Do you want to send people to Saudi Arabia to investigate the cause of Hadid's death, avenge them, and bring back the arms and supplies they raised?

Then there is the tripartite joint exploration team. Those guys are either Israelis or Americans, and they are all our enemies. Are they allowed to explore treasures in Yemen? "

An Arab man in his thirties was reporting the situation, his words and eyes were full of greed and hatred.

Obviously, this guy was also moved by the legendary Solomon's treasure, and came up with the idea of ​​this famous treasure.

Following his words, the eyes of the rest of the people at the scene suddenly lit up, each of them glowing green, full of greed.

Needless to ask, these guys were also impressed by Solomon's treasure that might be buried somewhere in Yemen.

Compared with this legendary treasure, the deaths of Hadid and others are not so important!

However, they did not speak aloud, but turned their heads to look at the Arab man sitting cross-legged at the top, about fifty years old, who was obviously their leader.

at this time,

The leader was lost in thought and did not make a decision right away.

After pondering for a moment, the Arab man said in a deep voice:

"Hadid must avenge their revenge. They are our brothers. They cannot be killed in vain. I will send someone to investigate the real cause of their death, and then launch a revenge operation, and bring back those arms and supplies!

Even if it was Steven, that devil and his subordinates who killed Hadid and the others, we must take revenge, otherwise, what would the other brothers think? Will you still follow us? In this matter, we have no way out, we must take revenge!

We can't give up on the legendary Solomon's treasure. If this famous treasure is really in Yemen, then this is an excellent opportunity for us to grow and develop. It is a fortune given to us by Anla, and we must not miss it!

Furthermore, the tripartite joint exploration team is mainly composed of Israelis and Americans, and Steven is a super rich man. For us, these guys are fat sheep, so we can't miss it!

Salim, take someone to find out the news, see where the tripartite joint exploration team is going, and how about the security forces. After finding out the news, we can set off to get the treasures and wealth that Anla bestowed on us! "

"Understood, boss, I will take someone to find out the news."

The younger Arab man nodded in response, then got up and left the room, hoping to go out to inquire about news!

The other people staying in this room were all excited, all gearing up, as if Solomon's treasure was right in front of them, within easy reach!

What happened in this room is also happening in other places in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, just the same.

As the news of the tripartite joint exploration team entering Yemen spread, many people with ulterior motives are ready to move, and some have even taken action.

Just as the outside world was turbulent, the convoy of the tripartite joint exploration team had also bypassed Hajie City and entered a desert in the southeast of the city.

To be prepared, this is a barren Gobi, which is in the process of rapid desertification. It is estimated that it will not be long before it will be completely swallowed by yellow sand and turn into a desert.

In this desert, there is no road, and the convoy had to stop when it reached the edge of the desert.

At this time, several Israelis who came to the front station of Hajj City in advance have arrived here with a large amount of fresh water and supplies, and are waiting here for the arrival of the tripartite joint exploration team.

In addition to them, there were also diplomats and military attaches from the Israeli embassy in Yemen, American diplomats and security personnel in Yemen, relevant officials in Hajah City, and local Yemeni armed representatives who actually rule this area.

These guys drove more than a dozen vehicles, parked at the edge of this desert, watching this huge convoy full of dust.

Because of the different positions they hold, the emotions these guys show are also different. Some are full of anticipation and excitement, some are full of curiosity, and some are full of greed and even hatred!

There are also several military vehicles on the scene, all of which are heavily armed Yemeni rebel soldiers, and three container trucks, which should be loaded with a lot of fresh water and various supplies!

Since this is a desert area, and the ruins of the ancient city are deep in the desert, just in case, the Israelites also prepared more than 20 camels, which would be lying on the ground, snorting boredly!

After the convoy stopped, Ye Tian and Joshua got out of the car one after another, and walked towards the guys who had been waiting here.

As soon as they got down, they felt a wave of heat rushing towards their faces, and even the air they breathed into their nasal cavity was extremely hot!

When we got closer, everyone naturally shook hands and greeted each other, and introduced each other to each other.

Immediately afterwards, a Mossad agent in charge of the front station began to introduce the situation here.

"Mr. Minister, Mr. Steven, Bishop of Kent, where we are now is just west of the ruins of the ancient city. Walk eastward in this direction for about three and a half kilometers, and we will arrive at the ruins of the ancient city!

Since this is a desert, the desertification becomes more serious as it goes further in. The vehicles of the joint exploration convoy can drive up to two kilometers inward, and the further one and a half kilometers are impassable due to the more serious desertification.

That is to say, in the last 1.5 kilometers, everyone can only walk or use camels to reach the ruins of the ancient city. These three container trucks filled with fresh water and supplies can only be parked here.

Considering this geographical condition, we plan to set up three supply points, one is here, and the other is two kilometers deep in the desert, so that it is convenient for supply and rescue, and can also provide mutual support,..."

While the Mossad agent was introducing the situation, Ye Tian was also looking at the surrounding situation, and looked far into the depths of this desert!

In the hot air rising from the ground deep in the desert, he seemed to see an ancient city, but it was like a mirage!

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