Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2856 Jewish antique shop

As the sun set, night gradually enveloped the entire land.

When the last twilight of the sunset disappeared from the sky, Ye Tian's David and the others turned around and left the viewing platform located at the highest point in the west of the town, and followed the flow of people into the town.

During the march, almost everyone was paying attention to them, their eyes full of curiosity and envy.

Especially many Jewish believers, and even a few rabbis, looked at them and their group with anticipation in their eyes, even a little hot.

Perhaps in order to protect the safety of their group, those Jewish clergy and believers consciously or unconsciously surrounded them, separating them from other people on the street.

Obviously, these Jews all hope that the tripartite joint exploration team can find Solomon's treasure and find the most sacred object in the hearts of the Jews, the Ark of the Covenant!

And these Jews are also very clear that the greatest hope of the tripartite joint exploration team to find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant rests on Ye Tian, ​​only he can create miracles!

Because of this, these Jews gathered spontaneously, trying to protect Ye Tian and his group, even though it was not necessary!

Mattis and many armed security personnel who followed Ye Tian, ​​as well as Mossad agents and members of the 13th Israeli commando were enough to guarantee the safety of their group.

What's more, Ye Tian knows the situation on this street and even this small town like the back of his hand. Whether there is any danger here, he knows better than anyone else!

However, he did not reject the kindness of these Jews, but accepted it frankly, and nodded to these Jews.

When coming down from the hill on the west side of the town, people kept saying hello to Ye Tian and the others, and asking them actively.

The content of the inquiry is naturally the progress of the joint exploration operation, as well as things about Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant. Everyone is full of curiosity.

For these inquiries, Ye Tian mostly dealt with them on the grounds that they needed to keep them secret, and only answered a few less important questions.

After a while, they walked down the hill and entered the town again.

While stepping into the town, Ye Tian whispered to several company employees around him:

"Ramon, Jessica,

Aren’t you going to climb Mount Sinai tomorrow and watch the sunrise on Mount Sinai? Then you have to start climbing at 3:00 in the morning. Now you should go back to the hotel to rest, so as not to get up early tomorrow morning! "

Hearing his words, the few company employees looked at their watches and nodded together.

Immediately afterwards, the company female employee named Jessica whispered:

"That's right, Steven, it's time for us to go back to the hotel to rest, otherwise we might miss the sunrise on Mount Sinai tomorrow morning, and that would be a pity!"

As soon as her voice fell, another guy continued:

"We're going back to the hotel, Steven, where are you and David? Are you going back to the hotel with us, and are you still shopping?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, then shook his head and said:

"Let's not go back to the hotel, and continue to visit this Egyptian town. This town has a very long history and is worth visiting. Moreover, there are several antique shops here. I may find some treasures!

We will not go to watch the sunrise on Mount Sinai tomorrow morning, which is somewhat regrettable! While you watch the sunrise, I will take someone to explore St. Catherine's Monastery, looking for clues to Solomon's treasure.

St. Catherine's Monastery has a special status and limited space. It is unrealistic for all the three-party joint exploration team to go in. I will take a few people to explore. You can just enjoy the beauty of the sunrise on Mount Sinai.

After exploring St. Catherine's Monastery, we will also climb Mount Sinai, but it should be noon or afternoon at that time. If we find something in the monastery, we can only postpone the climbing time."

"Okay then, Steven, you continue to go shopping, we will go back to the hotel first, I hope you have gained something in this small town, we look forward to hearing good news from you"

Several company employees nodded in agreement, then separated from Ye Tian and the others, and walked towards the street where the hotel is located.

Mattis assigned several security personnel to follow these guys and escort them back to the hotel.

Ye Tian glanced at the situation on the street, and then led David and others to another street, laughing and chatting, admiring the ancient buildings on both sides of the street, as well as the customs and customs here!

Other tourists on the street, as well as priests, followed suit.

At this time, night had enveloped the entire town, and the street lamps on the street and the lights in various buildings on both sides of the street had been turned on.

Under the leadership of Ye Tian and the others, the people on the street were like flowing water, basically flowing in the same direction!

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to another street.

compared to the previous street. The commercial atmosphere on this street is stronger and more mundane, with more pyrotechnic atmosphere!

There are many shops lined up on the street, including stores selling daily necessities or handicrafts, restaurants, cafes, and hotels belonging to different religions, and two or three small antique shops!

Those two or three antique shops are exactly the purpose of Ye Tian coming to this street.

Unlike antique shops and galleries in other cities, due to the hot weather in the Sinai Peninsula, not many people go out to shop during the day, and the passenger flow is scarce, so the antique shops here are still open at night, and they are not closed!

Walking to this street, Ye Tian glanced at the situation on the street first, and then walked towards a small antique shop on the side of the street.

This is an antique shop run by Jews. In fact, there are only a few antique shops in this small town, all of which are run by Jews.

When Ye Tian and the others walked into this antique shop, there happened to be two Caucasian tourists in the shop, a clerk wearing traditional Jewish clothing and a small felt hat, who was introducing an item to these two customers.

The owner of this antique store is sitting on a sofa in the store and reading a book. He is also wearing traditional Jewish clothing, wearing a black top hat, and has a long beard.

If anyone looked closely, he would see that the book the owner was reading was a best-selling novel related to the legend of Solomon's treasure.

According to common sense, this kind of best-selling novel with more fiction than historical facts would generally not appear in the hands of a Jewish antique shop owner, and this one is still reading it with gusto!

The reason why this happens is actually very simple!

After the news spread that the brave man explored the company, the Israeli government, and the Vatican to jointly explore Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, it immediately triggered a wave of exploration and research on Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

Especially among the Jews, the reaction was even stronger.

During this period of time, the Jews in Israel and even the whole world are most concerned about the progress of the tripartite joint exploration operation, and what they are most concerned about is when Ye Tian and the others will find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

With this surging craze, books about Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant suddenly became very popular, and their sales increased greatly, including best-selling novels related to Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

"ding dong"

Just as Ye Tian and the others pushed open the door of the antique shop, a pleasant bell rang in the shop.

The next moment, the two customers in the shop, as well as the Jewish shopkeeper and the shop assistant, all looked up towards the door.

When they saw that it was Ye Tian and David who walked into the antique shop, they were stunned and petrified!

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