Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2860 master of counterfeit

After giving a positive appraisal conclusion, Ye Tian introduced the relevant situation and gave some explanations.

Next, he walked to another Chinese ink landscape painting hanging beside him, and stood in front of this painting to admire it.

The scale of this painting is relatively small, and the picture is an idyllic Jiangnan scenery, with criss-crossing fields, criss-crossing rivers and rivers, and peaceful winds and fields.

More importantly, this is also a copy of a famous painting, or a fake!

What he copied was a representative painting by Tang Yin, one of the four great talents of the Ming Dynasty, and it was also a top-level work of art, famous!

This painting by Tang Yin is also collected in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, which is one of the important collections of the National Palace Museum in Taipei!

The painter who made this fake also used ancient ink and ancient rice paper. The inscriptions and seals on the painting, as well as the calligraphy comments of the literati and inkmen of the past dynasties, as well as the mounting, made every detail almost seamless!

While appreciating the painting, Ye Tian asked Lia about her opinion on the painting, and what appraisals he had made, etc.

Like the one next to it, on this painting, Lia made another eye shot. This Chinese landscape painting with a meaningful artistic conception fell directly into his hands, and no one cared about it!

He also made some appraisals, not only found appraisal experts, but also used modern scientific testing to do some appraisals!

The conclusion given by the appraisal experts is that this is a fake. The reason is very simple. The authentic painting of this painting is collected in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Naturally, it cannot be in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt!

The results of scientific testing told him that it was an ancient painting from the mid-Ming Dynasty, without any doubts!

After listening to Leah's introduction, everyone at the scene understood that the Jewish antique dealer had been tricked again and fell into the same river twice.

At this time, everyone looked at Leah with sympathy.

Pointing out that this is a fake, and the history is only fifty or sixty years later, Ye Tian didn't say anything more, but quietly admired this painting.

His behavior, in the eyes of other people at the scene, seemed to be protecting Leah's dignity, so as not to embarrass the Jewish antique dealer too much!

As for his real intentions, no one knows.

After a while, he walked to the third Chinese ink landscape painting and stood in front of it to admire it.

This Chinese ink and wash landscape painting is no longer a fake, it is a famous landscape subject, but the artist's level is relatively average, it cannot be compared with the previous two paintings!

In front of this picture, Ye Tian's eyes only stayed for less than a minute, then he turned his head to look at Lia who was standing beside him, and said to him with a smile:

"Leah, the three Chinese ink and wash landscape paintings in front of me, and the five blue and white porcelain next to them, I'm going to take them all into my pocket. Please make a price. If the price is right, we can trade it now.

Especially these two famous fake paintings, although they are fakes, the level of imitation is very good. Just this kind of imitation technique is worth studying carefully, so as not to encounter similar paintings in the future, so as to make eye contact!

As for the five pieces of blue-and-white porcelain from the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, they are also considered antiques and have a certain collection value. It may be difficult to deal with them if they stay with you, but I have a channel to dispose of them soon!

More importantly, I am a Chinese. When I see Chinese antiques and artworks lost in other countries, I instinctively want to take them back and bring them back to China. I believe you can understand! "

Hearing this, Leah couldn't help being stunned for a moment, as if a little surprised.

He looked suspiciously at the three Chinese ink and wash landscape paintings, and at the five Qing Daoguang blue and white porcelain pieces, trying to see something.

It turns out,

He didn't see anything new, the blue and white porcelain and Chinese ink landscapes remained the same without any change!

Lia looked back at Ye Tian, ​​then pondered for a moment before giving her offer.

"Okay, Steven, since you have taken a fancy to these Chinese blue and white porcelains and paintings, and want to buy them all and keep them in your pocket, of course it is a good thing. I will ask for 45,000 US dollars for them.

This quotation includes the cost of acquisition, the profit I want, and the cost of holding it during this period. If you can accept this quotation, this art transaction can be successfully completed.

But I have a request. When you leave my antique shop later, I hope you can tell me the exact valuation of these blue and white porcelain and Chinese landscape paintings, so that I can clear up my doubts! "

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"Deal! Leah, I am very happy to make a transaction with you. When we leave, I will tell you the exact valuation of these Chinese blue and white porcelain and ink landscape paintings!"

While saying these words, Ye Tian also stretched out his right hand and held it with Lia.

"Deal, Steven, I am also very happy to make a deal with you, congratulations, you have harvested several beautiful antique works of art!"

Lia shook hands with Ye Tian and concluded this antique art deal.

But in his eyes, there was still some doubts, and the rest of the people at the scene were the same!

Immediately afterwards, Lia called the young clerk over and asked that guy to pack up the three Chinese ink landscape paintings and the five pieces of Daoguang blue and white porcelain, so that Ye Tian and the others could take them away when they left!

Ye Tian looked at the young clerk, and told him to be careful when scrolling the three Chinese ink and wash landscape paintings, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.

He even instructed the young clerk how to roll Chinese ink painting correctly.

After the young clerk rolled up the three Chinese ink and wash landscape paintings, he took David to another shelf next to him, and continued to check and appreciate some other antiques and artworks on that shelf.

In the next fifteen minutes or so, he glanced at all the antiques and artworks placed on the first floor, but did not buy any more.

Although the antiques and works of art placed on the first floor are genuine, their value is relatively average, and they can't catch Ye Tian's eyes!

Except for the three Chinese ink and wash landscape paintings and the five pieces of blue and white porcelain, Lia knows most of the antiques and artworks here very well, and knows their value, so there is nothing to miss!

After viewing and appreciating the antiques and artworks on the first floor, Lia took Ye Tian and the others up to the second floor to admire the exquisite goods in his antique shop!

As for the rest, they could only stay on the first floor of the antique shop and wait patiently.

At the same time, on the street outside, many media reporters and tourists who heard the news had already surrounded this small antique shop!

It's a pity that they couldn't enter this antique shop. Matisse had already sealed the door with armed security personnel to prevent others from entering!

In fact, the interior space of this small antique shop is limited, and it can't accommodate a few people!

Those media reporters and tourists who heard the news could only stay on the street outside, tiptoe and stretch their necks to look into the antique shop, wanting to see something!

While people were watching, they were also discussing in full swing.

"Guys, I have a very strong premonition that several antique shops in this small town will experience a bloodbath tonight, and they will definitely be ransacked by that bastard Steven!"

"That guy Steven has been in this antique shop for more than half an hour. He must have found something. He has stayed in this antique shop for so long. I just don't know what treasure he found?"

In the midst of people's discussions, about twenty minutes passed quickly.

In the antique shop, Ye Tian and Lia came down the stairs and returned to the first floor.

At this time, Ye Tian had a portable painting bag in his hand, which seemed to contain an oil painting, which was obviously his harvest on the second floor!

Looking at Leah again, her expression was quite bitter, with a look of pain in her face.

As Ye Tian and the others came to the first floor, all the people staying here looked at him, at the portable painting bag in his hand, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and envy.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd at the scene, then glanced at the street outside, and then said to Lia next to him:

"Leah, how do we make the settlement, should I transfer the money to you directly, or write you a check? The method is up to you, I can do it, bank transfer is more convenient!

One more thing, you have to issue me a formal contract and certificate, so that I can leave the Sinai Peninsula with these antiques and artworks, and leave Egypt! "

"Bank transfer, Steven, this is just a remote town on the Sinai Peninsula, if you write me a check, I have to go to Jerusalem to cash it!

As for the transaction contracts for these antique cultural relics and works of art, I have a corresponding standard contract here, which can be issued at any time, and there is no problem with the proof, so I will write it to you immediately! "

Leah nodded in response, her expression still quite bitter.

Next, the two parties began to sign the contract, make bank transfers, and complete the last procedure of these several antique art transactions.

After a few minutes, the two parties have settled the money and goods.

Ye Tian and Lia shook hands again, marking the final stop for these several antique art transactions!

The first time the handshake was over, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, let me talk about the valuation of these antique cultural relics and works of art discovered and purchased today, so as to solve everyone's doubts, let's follow the order of purchase.

The first is the five pieces of blue and white porcelain. They are indeed blue and white porcelain from the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty.

Then there are the three Chinese ink and wash landscape paintings, and the first two are indeed fakes. There is no doubt that they are authentic works!

The artist who forged and was one of the most famous modern Chinese painters, Zhang Daqian, who forged those two paintings in the early 1950s.

In the history of modern Chinese art, Zhang Daqian is not only one of the most famous painters, but also the top counterfeiter, unmatched, forged countless famous calligraphy and paintings in his life!

And, it should have been copied by him after visiting the National Palace Museum in Taipei, or rather a forgery, because he used ancient Xuan paper and ancient ink!

Among all the calligraphy and paintings of ancient celebrities forged by Zhang Daqian, these two paintings can be regarded as the best of the best, but I don’t know how they ended up in Egypt, and I came across them again!

As I said before, in the field of Chinese antique art collections, it is a tradition to copy the calligraphy and paintings of ancient celebrities. The value of some fakes copied by famous painters is not even much lower than the real ones!

Zhang Daqian is one of the best. The calligraphy and paintings of ancient celebrities he copied can often reach the point of being fake, and the value is naturally very high. Many paintings are priceless!

His forged paintings are not worth as much as the real ones, because the original painter is so famous, he is a well-known art master in Chinese history!

Even so, these two paintings are priceless top-level works of art. I value them at 20 million US dollars, or 15 million US dollars! "

Before the words fell, there was a sound of gasping for air.

Looking at Leah again, she froze in place, as if she had been given a hold spell, dumbfounded!

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