Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2879 Stairway to Repentance

At the foot of Mount Sinai, Ye Tian, ​​David and others were standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the holy mountain of the Three Religions.

Behind the few of them, other members of the tripartite joint exploration team have arrived here, preparing to climb up the holy mountain of the Three Religions to explore Solomon's treasure that may be hidden here.

Many believers and tourists gathered around St. Catherine's Monastery, as well as media reporters, followed them to the foot of Mount Sinai, and prepared to climb the mountain with them to witness the next exploration.

The treasure of St. Helena is hidden in the Well of Moses in the Monastery of St. Catherine. They could not enter the monastery, and naturally they did not see the process of exploring and discovering the treasure.

Today's joint exploration operation is carried out on Mount Sinai. This is a holy mountain of the three religions. No one can block it. The same is true for the tripartite joint exploration team. They can only explore within the public eye!

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, no one wants to miss it!

Of course, among the crowd following the tripartite joint exploration team, there are also many guys who covet Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant. Everyone's eyes are full of greed and anticipation!

For these guys, Ye Tian didn't let his security personnel or Mossad agents drive them away, and let them follow the joint exploration team.

He just asked his security personnel and Mossad agents to be vigilant and keep an eye on these guys secretly!

The reason is simple, these guys are targeting Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, or other treasures discovered by the tripartite joint exploration team, rather than seeking revenge!

Before the treasure is found, these guys will not be so stupid as to reveal their identities casually, and then fight with the security personnel of the three-party joint exploration team!

Some of the believers, tourists, and media reporters who had gathered around St. Catherine's Monastery stayed at the gate of the monastery, waiting for the press conference to be held at 9 am!

At that press conference, representatives of the tripartite joint exploration team and representatives of St. Catherine's Monastery will disclose the process of exploring and discovering St. Helena's treasure, as well as the details of this shocking treasure!

Ye Tian no longer cared about the treasure of St. Helena.

The transaction money from Israel and the Vatican to acquire half of the St. Helena's treasure has just entered the bank account of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company. It is a huge amount of wealth that is enough to make people crazy!

What Ye Tian cares about now is,

It is whether the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden on Mount Sinai, whether today's exploration will find something, and which way to choose to go up the mountain!

The holy mountain of the Three Religions standing in front of them is a steep granite mountain. The mountain is bare, with jagged rocks, and almost no green can be seen. There are only endless rocks and loess, which is extremely desolate!

And on this holy mountain, there are colorful gravels all over it. Looking up from the foot of the mountain, it really gives people a sense of mystery of "God is on the mountain". This is one of the reasons why Mount Sinai has become the holy mountain of the three religions.

"Steven, what route shall we take to climb the mountain, the Camel Path or the Penitent Staircase? It's a pity we came too late to see the sunrise on Mount Sinai unless we stay on the summit until tomorrow morning"

Ye Tian was observing the holy mountain of the Three Religions in front of him, and David standing beside him asked suddenly, and this guy still looked eager to try.

Not only him, but also all the joint exploration team members who did not climb Mount Sinai to watch the sunrise yesterday performed the same!

In the eyes of these guys, being able to ascend this famous holy mountain of the Three Religions has a very important symbolic meaning.

Especially those Israelites, everyone had bright eyes and a solemn expression, obviously attaching great importance to climbing Mount Sinai, not to mention that this time they came to find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, which made the significance even more special!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at David, then glanced at the other people present, and then said with a smile:

"Let's climb the mountain in two ways. I lead a group of strong and healthy explorers and security personnel to climb Mount Sinai along the 'Stairway of Confession'. Several places to be explored during the climb are on both sides of the 'Stairway of Confession' .

You and other people are riding a camel, carrying all kinds of exploration equipment, and climbing along the camel trail. You can climb the mountain while enjoying the scenery. It is more comfortable. After you reach the top of the mountain, just wait for us at the temple on the top of the mountain!

The "Stairway of Confession" has existed for a longer time, and it has been the preferred route for believers of the three religions to climb Mount Sinai throughout the ages, while the "Camel Trail" appeared later and is mainly used for mountaineering by tourists, with no exploration goals!

Another point is that the terrain of the "Stairway of Repentance" is relatively dangerous. If you climb along this route, you will definitely be able to get rid of many people with ulterior motives, and even use the terrain to trap some people on the mountainside, unable to advance or retreat! "

"Okay, then we will ride camels up the mountain and wait for you at the temple on the top of Mount Sinai. In fact, I can also climb along the 'Stairway of Repentance', but this time I am here to explore the treasure, so I will not insist!"

David nodded and said, he didn't forget to defend himself a few words, and there was a trace of regret in his tone!

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian called the leaders of the other two parties and the representative of the Egyptian government over, talked about the action plan, and asked them to divide their exploration team into two groups to climb the mountain in two ways.

Regarding his arrangement, the rest of the people had no disagreement and nodded in agreement.

After a while, the tripartite joint exploration team was grouped and divided into two exploration teams.

A relatively small exploration team, all composed of strong male exploration team members, plus several younger experts and scholars, and many security personnel!

They will act together with Ye Tian, ​​climb the mountain along the "Stairway of Repentance", explore treasures, and temper their bodies and wills!

The other expedition team has a larger number of people and a more complex composition. They will ride camels, climb the mountain along the "Camel Trail", and climb Mount Sinai leisurely all the way!

After completing the grouping, the two exploration teams separated.

Ye Tian took a part of the exploration team and some exploration equipment, and walked straight to the 'Stairway of Confession'.

In addition, the exploration team went to the camel herd to choose their own mounts!

Many tourists, believers, and media reporters who followed the joint exploration team immediately followed up, and many of them followed the exploration team led by Ye Tian!

In front of these guys, there are many people who have climbed Mount Sinai before.

When they saw that Ye Tian was about to lead people up the mountain climbing the 'Stairway of Repentance', they all secretly complained, and their expressions became much more serious!

However, in order to witness the great miracle that may happen, they can only grit their molars and be prepared to pay a small price to climb the "ladder of repentance".

Compared with them, those guys who have never climbed Mount Sinai have a much lighter expression. Everyone is very excited, their eyes are shining, and they are also full of anticipation!

How did they know what they were going to face next, how difficult this climbing route called 'Stairway of Repentance' was!

While talking, Ye Tian and his group had already arrived at the step of repentance!

Ye Tian first observed this famous pilgrimage road, then glanced at those guys following behind, and nodded to them with a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward and took the lead on this 'stairway of repentance'.

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