Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2881 The Temple on the Top of the Mountain

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the cave on the right and the surrounding situation, and then led a few company employees away from the 'Stairway of Confession' to the front of the cave.

At the same time, Matisse quickly dispersed with seven or eight armed security personnel and directly blocked the area!

Following their actions, the people who were climbing the 'Stairway of Repentance' all stopped and had to stand on the stairs and wait!

Those who are in relatively flat areas are better off, they can take this opportunity to rest for a while, and watch Ye Tian and the others explore the ancient cave.

And those guys who happened to be in the steep section fell into a dangerous situation of a dilemma, and many of them were full of fear!

The road in front of them was blocked by people, and they couldn't move forward, but there were extremely steep and dangerous stairs under their feet. Looking down, their legs felt weak, and they were sweating coldly!

But they could only stay where they were, trembling, holding tightly to the iron chain next to them with both hands, not daring to let go for a moment, lest they would fall down the steep stairs if they missed one!

Especially those who climbed the "Stairway of Confession" for the first time, they were complaining endlessly at this time, and they were also regretting that they followed the joint exploration team and stepped on this dangerous ladder rashly!

At this time, Ye Tian was observing the ancient cave on the right side of the 'Stairway of Repentance'.

This is a naturally formed cave, sandwiched between two granite boulders, the cave is only about seven or eight meters deep, and the area inside is not too large.

Because it is located next to the "Stairway of Repentance", it has long been used by the monks who practiced asceticism on Mount Sinai as a temporary shelter, and also provides shelter for tourists and believers who climb Mount Sinai!

When people climb Mount Sinai along the "Stairway of Repentance", if they encounter sandstorms or wind and rain, or some other bad weather, they can hide in this cave and seek shelter!

After the sandstorm or heavy wind and rain pass, people will come out of this cave and continue to climb Mount Sinai, or go down the mountain along the "stairway of repentance"!

At the entrance of this ancient cave and on the two granite boulders, there are many characters and patterns carved, including Arabic, Hebrew, English and Greek.

As for the patterns engraved in these places, most of them come from Bible stories, or various patterns related to the three major religions, such as the Christian cross, the Jewish hexagram, and the Islamic crescent moon, etc.

The ages of these characters and patterns are also different, not only carved by ancient people, but also traces left by modern people, and so on!

Of course, there are also many graffiti works here, such as XX visiting here, XX loves XX and so on, which is somewhat unpleasant!

Ye Tian pretended to look carefully at this ancient cave, and then said to the company employees around him:

"Put a small drone in first to check the general situation in the cave. After confirming that it is safe, let's enter the cave to explore!"

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us"

A company employee nodded in response, and then took action.

Soon, a small drone carrying a searchlight and a high-definition camera flew into the ancient cave and began to investigate.

During this period of time, Ye Tian walked around the cave and checked the surrounding situation, but unfortunately found nothing!

Before he returned to the cave again, the small drone had already flown out of the cave, ending the preliminary investigation work!

There is no danger in this ancient cave, and there are no tourists, believers, or ascetic monks inside, so you can enter with confidence!

Afterwards, Ye Tian walked into the cave with a few of his men and began to explore!

Watching them walk into the cave, the tourists, believers, and media reporters who were not far away stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks to look into the cave.

It's a pity that they can't see anything and can only be tormented by curiosity!

Only after Ye Tian and the others come out of the cave can others ask about the results of the exploration, it depends on whether Ye Tian is willing to tell!

Fortunately, the waiting time was not long. After a while, Ye Tian and the others walked out of that ancient cave.

As soon as they appeared, the media reporters standing on the steps of confession and waiting outside couldn't wait to start asking loudly.

"Steven, may I ask what you found in this cave? Can you tell everyone?"

Hearing the inquiry, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the media reporter not far away, and said loudly with a smile:

"Nothing was found. In this ancient cave, there is no treasure we are looking for, and there are no other surprising discoveries. We can only continue to explore!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored these media reporters, as well as the many tourists and believers who followed to see the excitement, and returned to the "Stairway of Confession" again, leading the team to continue climbing Mount Sinai!

During the next climbing process, they successively explored several locations, all of which were on both sides of the 'Stairway of Confession', but unfortunately there were no surprising discoveries!

In fact, in one of the caves and under a cliff, through perspective, Ye Tian also found some hidden secrets and several hidden antiques!

However, he still doesn't like those so-called secrets and antique relics, and he doesn't want to spend a lot of time digging them out!

Those secrets and antique relics are closely related to religion. Even if he finds them, he doesn't plan to collect them himself, he will only resell them!

And here is Mount Sinai, the famous holy mountain of the Three Religions. He cannot take away everything he finds on this mountain. It has to be investigated and examined by others, and it may even cause some unnecessary troubles. .

That being the case, Ye Tian didn't want to ask for trouble if he didn't have enough interests to lure him!

Since Ye Tian and the others walked and explored all the way, it took a lot more time than normal climbing. By the time they reached the top of Mount Sinai, it was already noon!

The other joint exploration team that climbed the mountain along the camel trail had already reached the top of Mount Sinai, and stayed on the top of the mountain for a long time!

When Ye Tian and the others climbed to the top of the mountain, these guys were visiting many historical buildings on the top of the mountain, or condescendingly admiring the scenery!

David, Joshua, and several others stood on a boulder on the top of the mountain, looking at the Red Sea in the distance.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming up, these guys looked away and greeted them.

When he came close, Joshua couldn't wait to ask before he could stand still:

"Steven, have you found anything on the two sides of the 'Stairway of Repentance'?"

Ye Tian looked at the senior official of the Israeli government, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Nothing has been found, Joshua, whether Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden on Mount Sinai is temporarily uncertain, but what is certain is that the treasure is not on the 'stairway of repentance'"

Upon hearing this, a look of disappointment flashed across Joshua's face, as did the rest of the audience.

After briefly introducing the previous exploration process, Ye Tian and the others walked towards the ancient temple on the top of Mount Sinai, preparing to visit this legendary temple!

The location of the temple is said to be the place where Moses spent 40 days and nights of penance on the top of Mount Sinai, praying to God to show the way for the Israelites. It is also the place where God gave Moses and the Israelites the "Ten Commandments".

For the Israelites and Judaism, as well as Christianity and Islam, this is a holy place, and it occupies a very important position among the three major religions!

In the process of walking towards the temple, Isaiah was also introducing this ancient temple to Ye Tian and the others.

"Steven, the ancient temple in front was built to commemorate Moses' acceptance of God's commandments. It was first built in 532 A.D., and was destroyed and rebuilt many times afterward.

The existing temple was built in 1934, but the stones used are still the stones used in the beginning of 532 AD, and the temple has always maintained the original appearance,..."

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already arrived in front of this temple, and then stopped in their tracks, and began to appreciate the modern reconstruction of the ancient temple!

At the same time, almost everyone on the top of Mount Sinai looked at Ye Tian and the others, at the temple, and everyone was full of expectations!

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