As Matisse reported, less than two kilometers ahead of the joint exploration convoy, there is a small canyon that is no more than three or four hundred meters long and less than one hundred meters wide.

On both sides of this canyon, there is a barren mountain with a height of 60 to 70 meters. The mountain is jagged with strange rocks, and there is hardly a little bit of green, and it is full of desolation!

The coastal road on the edge of the Red Sea happens to pass through the middle of these two barren mountains, separating the two barren mountains that were originally connected.

In addition to these two barren hills on both sides of the road, there are many boulders and rolling sand dunes on the ground. The terrain is more complicated!

Going along this road, through this canyon, on the other side of the canyon, two old heavy goods vehicles are parked on the side of the road!

If someone gets close and observes, they will see that the engines of the two heavy goods vehicles are both in working condition, and they seem to be ready to rush onto the road at any time.

Moreover, there were a few Arab men sitting in these two heavy trucks, and each of them had an automatic rifle and a lot of ammunition, and even RPG and grenades, etc., with good firepower!

Around their necks are black hoods that are used to cover their faces. As long as the black hoods are lifted up, they can cover their mouths and noses and cover the lower half of their faces.

In addition to the two heavy trucks and the militants in the vehicle, there were also many masked militants with automatic rifles ambushing on the barren hills on both sides of the road.

These guys were all hidden behind the rocks, only a few of them showed half of their heads, staring at the road below and the speeding vehicles on the road.

Behind a rock, an Arab man seemed to be talking to someone, his tone and expression were quite excited, and there was a bit of hatred in his eyes!

Soon, he ended the call, hung up the phone, and then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Guys, according to our folks, the convoy of damned Israelis and Yankees is about to reach this canyon, less than two kilometers away.

Everyone get ready to fight, listen to my order, and shoot together, kill those damn Israeli soldiers and officials, don't let anyone go! "

Before the words fell, there was a burst of cheers at the scene, and the same burst of cheers came from the walkie-talkie. Fortunately, the sound was not loud and did not spread far.

After the cheers fell, another voice came from the intercom.

"Boss, how do we know what those bloody Israelis and Yankees are driving and riding in? As far as I know, those guys are riding in civilian vehicles, no different from other vehicles on the road!"

Hearing the inquiry, the Arab man responded immediately:

"Actually, it's not difficult to tell the difference. According to the guy following the tripartite joint exploration convoy, there are many Egyptian military and police vehicles behind and behind that convoy, protecting the joint exploration convoy.

When I order everyone to attack, everyone can choose the ordinary vehicles under the protection of the Egyptian military and police vehicles to attack. You can’t go wrong, that’s the target vehicle.”

Immediately afterwards, someone asked again.

"Boss, as far as I know, that ruthless guy in Steven has been let out some time ago, if someone finds trouble with the Israelis and attacks the Israelis, they will not intervene in the conflict, they will just stand by and watch!

But if someone attacks his staff and security personnel, they will retaliate bloodily, an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, what should we do? That bastard is notoriously crazy, it is not an exaggeration to say he is a devil! "

After the words fell, the Arab man fell silent immediately, and his expression became extremely dignified.

Not only him, but the people who were preparing to ambush the tripartite joint exploration team all counted as one, and their expressions became much more dignified!

The shadow of a man's famous tree!

These Arabs have all heard of the things Ye Tian did before, the bloody massacres he caused, his demeanor of killing everything and vengeance, and all kinds of miraculous abilities!

Such a terrifying opponent like a devil, no one wants to provoke, unless the life is boring, and these Arabs are the same!

More importantly, they came to ambush the Israelis and seek revenge from the Mossad and the Thirteenth Commando. They have nothing to do with Ye Tian and his Boldless Exploration Company, let alone any hatred!

To set up such a strong and disturbing opponent for no reason, as long as he has a little sense, he will not do such a stupid thing!

After a moment of silence, the Arab man gritted his molars and said:

"If the ambush affects Steven, that bastard, there's no way, after all, bullets don't have eyes, who let them mix with those damn Israelis, and this is Egypt, not damn New York!

When you attack the tripartite joint exploration convoy later, the main targets are the vehicles at both ends. As expected, the ones driving and riding in those vehicles are our enemies, the Israeli Mossad and the 13th Commando.

Once we launch an attack, the Israelis will immediately launch a counterattack. Then we will see how the people in the vehicles in the middle of the convoy react. If the people in those vehicles do not actively shoot, it will prove that they are not Israelis!

The people in those vehicles are likely to be that bastard Steven and his subordinates, as well as members of the exploration team from the Vatican. After distinguishing their identities, things will be easy, and we can let the people in those vehicles go.

If that bastard Steven and his men are involved in the battle, in order to avoid the bloody revenge of that bastard who will revenge, we can only act first and kill that bastard Steven in this canyon as much as possible!

I will let the snipers keep an eye on the situation on the road. If Steven and his men are involved in the battle, as soon as that bastard Steven shows up, our snipers will kill that guy as soon as possible, so as not to leave any hidden dangers ! "

Hearing his words, the Arab men who participated in the ambush nodded, but everyone's eyes were full of worry!

This is an ambush operation, and the other party is riding in a civilian vehicle. Who can tell the identity of the people in the vehicle?

Once a battle starts, who can accurately judge the battlefield situation and avoid provoking enemies who shouldn't be provoked when the enemy and the enemy are shooting at each other and stray bullets are flying around? This is too difficult!

While these guys were discussing and thinking, the situation had changed.

The tripartite joint exploration convoy was getting closer and closer to the canyon, but its driving speed slowly slowed down. The other vehicles following it also had to slow down to avoid rear-end collisions.

Not only that, the numerous Egyptian military and police vehicles protecting the tripartite joint exploration convoy, as well as those vehicles on which members of the Israeli Mossad and the 13th Commando were riding, quickly widened the distance from other vehicles in the convoy!

The seven or eight vehicles driving at the front of the convoy accelerated forward one after another, then stopped suddenly about 300 meters away from the canyon, crossed the road, and blocked the road.

The seven or eight vehicles guarding behind the joint exploration convoy slowed down and suppressed the other vehicles that followed. After driving for a certain distance, they also stopped and lay across the road.

With this series of actions, the tripartite joint exploration convoy quickly separated from other social vehicles on the road, not only avoiding the sneak attack of the enemies mixed in those vehicles, but also effectively preventing those vehicles from being affected by innocent people!

Ye Tian, ​​Bishop of Kent, and the vehicles that Joshua and the others were traveling in also stopped on the road, and there was a distance from the front and rear escort vehicles!

Their location is about 400 meters away from the canyon in front of them, just outside the effective range of the AK47, which can be regarded as a relatively safe distance!

Of course, for some experienced snipers who occupy a favorable position, this distance is completely negligible!

The other vehicles that followed the tripartite joint exploration convoy also had to brake suddenly and stopped on the road in a haphazard manner. The coastal road suddenly became a mess!

The people in these vehicles were a little puzzled for a moment, not understanding what happened in front of them. Why did the driving tripartite joint exploration convoy suddenly stop and distance themselves from everyone?

However, they quickly realized that something must have happened ahead, and the tripartite joint exploration convoy was likely to be ambushed!

It seems that the rumor about Steven is not wrong at all. Wherever this guy appears, there will be constant turmoil, and there will even be a bloody killing!

Thinking of this, many people panicked immediately, and fear appeared in their eyes! There are also people whose excited eyes are shining brightly, as if they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

The scene that happened on the highway also fell into the eyes of those guys who were going to ambush the tripartite joint exploration team!

As long as you are not a fool, you will understand what this means!

Those Arabs instantly understood that this seemingly well-planned ambush had already been leaked!

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