Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2888 Africa, here I come

Although the ambushed Arab militants withdrew, the tripartite joint exploration team did not pass through the canyon in front of them immediately, but waited in place for nearly an hour.

During this period, the Egyptian military police, Israeli agents and commandos thoroughly searched the canyon ahead and the hills on both sides to eliminate hidden dangers.

After confirming safety, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started again and successfully passed the canyon ahead.

The cars wrecked by the heavy trucks, as well as the injured people, stayed where they were, and were taken over by numerous Egyptian police officers who came from nearby towns!

After this sudden ambush, the number of vehicles that continued to follow the tripartite joint exploration team suddenly decreased a lot.

Obviously, all those who followed understood that if they continued to follow this joint exploration team, they might be able to witness miracles, and they might also be killed.

If it is the latter result, it is too worthless!

Because of this, some people choose to stop here and no longer follow the tripartite joint exploration team, so as not to put themselves in the fatal danger that may come at any time.

Of course, there are also many guys who still do not give up and choose to continue to follow the tripartite joint exploration team!

After this ambush, the rest of the journey was very peaceful and nothing happened.

At around 4:30 in the afternoon, the tripartite joint exploration convoy has arrived at the Suez Canal Tunnel!

This is a road tunnel dug in the 1980s. It passes under the Suez Canal and is about six kilometers long, connecting the Eurasian continent with the African continent.

In addition to being a road tunnel, it is also a water pipeline that transports Nile water from the African part of Egypt to the extremely arid Sinai Peninsula, solving the problems of irrigation and drinking water for humans and animals in the Sinai Peninsula.

The tripartite joint exploration convoy drove here, and did not wait in line to pass through the Suez Canal Tunnel like other social vehicles, but separated from other social vehicles.

The reason for this is because of the previous ambush.

The position of the Suez Canal Tunnel is very important. It is a major artery connecting the Eurasian continent and the African continent, and it is responsible for supplying water to the Sinai Peninsula.

more importantly,

This tunnel is under the Suez Canal, deep underground, and above it is one of the busiest commercial waterways in the world, the Suez Canal!

In view of this, the safety of this road tunnel has become extremely important.

Once this road tunnel is attacked, or an accident occurs in the tunnel, such as an explosion, the loss and impact will be huge!

Because of this, the tripartite joint exploration convoy did not immediately enter the highway tunnel. Who knows if someone would set up an ambush in this tunnel and attack the joint exploration convoy!

After the convoy stopped, the Egyptian military police immediately stopped other social vehicles, and then sent some military and police vehicles into the tunnel to start inspections to eliminate hidden dangers.

The Israeli side also sent several Mossad agents and commandos into the tunnel to check the safety of the tunnel, also to supervise the Egyptian military and police.

As for the other vehicles of the tripartite joint exploration team, they stopped at the entrance of the Sinai Peninsula of the Suez Canal Tunnel, waited for the inspection results to be released, and then passed through this tunnel to officially enter the African continent!

And a few hundred meters away is the busy Suez Canal.

At this time, a container freighter with a length of more than 400 meters and a width of 60 to 70 meters was passing through this section of the river, and this freighter was full of containers, tens of thousands of them!

From where everyone is looking, this freighter looks like a huge steel behemoth, which is staggering!

Looking at the freighter, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, suddenly said:

"David, what do you think would happen if such a huge container ship ran aground in the Suez Canal, lay across the river, completely blocked the Suez Canal, or sank in the middle of the canal?"

Hearing this, David first looked at the slow-moving giant ship through the car window, and then said with certainty:

"If that happens, don't worry, the world's shipping market will be shaken, and the prices of Western countries will rise rapidly, especially the price of oil, which will definitely increase every day.

If the Suez Canal is completely blocked and cannot be unblocked in a short period of time, the economies of all countries in the world will inevitably be greatly affected, and it may even trigger a new round of economic crisis! "

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"It is true. The Suez Canal is so important. For the Egyptian government, this is a huge gold mine, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. At the same time, it is also a weakness of the Egyptian government."

During the conversation, more than half an hour passed.

The Egyptian military police and Israeli agents who entered the tunnel to check the situation returned to the entrance here one after another. The tunnel is safe and no one is ambushing it.

Then, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started with a bang, entered the tunnel in a long line, left the Sinai Peninsula, and headed for the African continent!


Ten minutes later, this huge convoy successfully drove out from the west end of the Suez Canal Tunnel and officially entered Black Africa!

However, what appeared in front of everyone was still a boundless desert, no different from the scenery on the Sinai Peninsula!

Seeing this scene, everyone can't help but have the illusion that they are still in the Sinai desert!

In fact, in front of you is the famous Sahara Desert, or the edge of the Sahara Desert, not the Arabian Desert on the other side of the Suez Canal!

In addition to the long yellow sand, there are some Arabic-style buildings at the entrance of the Suez Canal Tunnel, and then there is a convoy and several Egyptian police cars parked on the side of the road.

After driving out of the Suez Canal Tunnel, the tripartite joint exploration convoy stopped by the side of the road.

At the same time, Ahmed's voice came over the intercom.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm Ahmed, welcome to Africa, I hope you can enjoy this trip to Africa and gain something, and I hope we can cooperate happily.

I heard that you were ambushed on the road. Fortunately, there was no danger. For safety reasons, you don't have to get out of the car. Let's go straight and we will arrive in Cairo soon! "

Hearing this old friend's voice, Ye Tian smiled softly, and then picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Good afternoon, Ahmed, I am very much looking forward to this trip to Egypt, especially the ancient and great city of Cairo, and the Nile River that gave birth to the ancient Egyptian civilization. I can't wait to see it.

In Egypt, an ancient land with splendid civilization, I believe that there will be surprising and important discoveries, and I also believe that the cooperation between us will be very pleasant and we will reap great surprises! "

Next, Ahmed greeted Joshua and the bishop of Kent again, and said a few words of courtesy, welcoming the arrival of the tripartite joint exploration team on behalf of the Egyptian government!

After some courtesy, the vehicles of these Egyptian government representatives drove out first, and drove westward with the tripartite joint exploration convoy, heading straight for Cairo, which is more than 100 kilometers away!

While the convoy was driving out, Ye Tian was admiring the vast Sahara Desert outside through the car window. Although his eyes were full of yellow sand, it was not so beautiful!

Africa, here I come!

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