Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2893 A vault without a door

In the conference room of the hotel, representatives of the Egyptian government and the tripartite joint exploration team had already sat down at the long conference table, each occupying one side, and started a meeting.

"Steven, can you tell us now, where the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant may be hidden in the land of Goshen? We can also make some preparations in advance, such as setting up security and so on."

The Minister of Culture of Egypt asked, but his eyes were fixed on Ye Tian, ​​full of expectations.

Following his words, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian to see how he would answer this question.

Because of the different positions held, everyone's mood at this time is also different!

The Egyptians hoped that Ye Tian could tell where Solomon's treasure might be buried, or give him a general range, so that they could start their operations, and they might be there before the tripartite joint exploration team!

The representatives of the Israelis and the Vatican looked worried, lest Ye Tian reveal the key information about Solomon's treasure and the ark prematurely, which would lead to failure.

However, because Ye Tian is the leader of the tripartite joint exploration team, they didn't say much, they just looked at Ye Tian to see how he would answer these questions.

Ye Tian looked at the Minister of Culture of Egypt opposite him, then glanced at the other Egyptians, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Everyone knows that the land of Goshen, where the Israelites fled to Egypt in history, is located in the Nile Delta, which is rich in water resources and has a beautiful environment.

However, thousands of years have passed, and with the development of history and changes in topography, people are no longer able to determine the exact location of the Goshen Land. They only know a rough range, which is not small.

According to the research and research conducted by the Israelites over hundreds and thousands of years, they believed that the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant might be hidden in the land of Goshen, but they were not sure where in the land of Goshen!

The Treasure of Solomon is a legendary treasure after all. It is hard to say whether it really exists. Besides, if the Israelis knew the exact location, there would be no tripartite joint exploration operation!

Under such circumstances, the tripartite joint exploration team can only take one step at a time, explore every place that may hide Solomon's treasure, and see if they can find anything, so the exact location cannot be given! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and there was no disagreement.

can be seen,

Regret flashed across the eyes of the Egyptians on the opposite side, obviously their wishful thinking had failed!

Joshua, who was sitting next to Ye Tian, ​​and several other Israelis in the meeting room secretly let out a sigh of relief, and somewhat relaxed!

The next moment, the director of the Egyptian National Museum suddenly interjected and asked:

"I have a little question, why do you think that Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant may be hidden in the land of Goshen? As we all know, the Israelites left Egypt under the leadership of Moses as early as the 13th century BC!

The Ark of the Covenant was made on Mount Sinai after Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. The time of Solomon’s treasure was even later. At that time, the Israelites had already returned to Canaan and established a country in Canaan! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, and then gave the answer.

"As you know, in the sixth century BC, the Jewish state was twice conquered by the New Babylonian Kingdom established by the Semitic Chaldeans, and King Nebuchadnezzar II marched into Canaan for the second time, easily defeating the Jews.

After capturing Jerusalem and destroying the Jewish state, Nebuchadnezzar II began to massacre the Jews, and took a large number of Jews and members of the royal family captive to Babylon. This is the famous Babylonian prisoner in history!

The Jews thus began the fifth large-scale migration in their national history. Afterwards, the Persian Empire, which occupied Jerusalem, liberated the Jews who had been imprisoned in Babylon, but the Jewish state ceased to exist.

As the Aryans, the Persians treated the Semitic Jews quite well, but Canaan, the hometown of the Jews, was under the rule of the Persian Empire. The liberated Jews began the sixth great migration!

According to historical records, some of the Jews who escaped from Jerusalem returned to the place where their ancestors had lived for a long time, that is, the land of Goshen. At that time, the land of Goshen could still accept Jews.

Among the Jews who escaped from Jerusalem and fled to the land of Goshen during the war, there were many members of the royal family, and the mysterious disappearance of Solomon's treasure and the ark of the covenant may have been brought to the land of Goshen by these Jews! "

After the voice fell, the meeting room immediately became quiet, and everyone was thinking about Ye Tian's words.

After a while, the curator of the Egyptian National Museum just nodded and said:

"Steven, your analysis is indeed very reasonable. If Solomon's Treasure really exists, after being destroyed by the New Babylonian Kingdom, the fugitive Jews may indeed bring Solomon's Treasure to Goshen."

Hearing this, everyone nodded without disagreeing.

Next, regarding the cooperation between the two parties, Ye Tian and the others started negotiations with these senior officials of the Egyptian government, and determined the cooperation plan, including the distribution of benefits, and everyone got something!

Everyone also discussed about the joint exploration of Rommel's treasure by the Braveless Exploration Company and the Egyptian government. Ye Tian still did not give the burial location of Rommel's treasure, and remained silent!

For this kind of result, the Egyptians can only accept it. Although the roots of their teeth are itching with hatred, they wish they could beat Ye Tian up and vent their anger!

The meeting did not last long and ended in just over an hour.

After leaving the meeting room, everyone came to a banquet hall on the second floor of the hotel to attend the dinner party for the tripartite joint exploration team hosted by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and enjoy some special Egyptian food.

Among the special Egyptian delicacies, Ye Tian's favorite dish is roasted squab. The pigeons selected by the Egyptians are fat and thin, and the roasted ones are crispy and delicious. It is worth tasting!

Then there are all kinds of barbecue, the taste is still very good, as for the other so-called delicacies, that's it!

Of course, for a high-level welcome dinner like this, food is secondary, it’s just an embellishment, and socializing is the main purpose!

Ye Tian, ​​who is the leader of the tripartite joint exploration team and has a lot of miraculous treasure hunting experience, is naturally the focus of the audience, attracting the attention of almost all the Egyptians present.

At this welcome dinner, Ye Tian not only met some Egyptian government officials, but also met many professionals in the field of Egyptian antique art collection, antique dealers, top collectors, and several super rich people.

Taking this opportunity, he had a great chat with curators of famous museums and top antique dealers, as well as top collectors and super-rich people, and reached some initial cooperation intentions, which was quite rewarding!

Soon, it was ten thirty in the evening.

After eating and drinking, Ye Tian and the others shook hands with the Egyptians and said goodbye, and returned to the presidential suite on the top floor.

After entering the room, he chatted with David and Matisse for a while, and explained the action plan for tomorrow.

After saying these things, David and the others got up and left, returning to their respective rooms to rest.

After they left, Ye Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and started talking to Bowie who came to Cairo two days ago.

The phone was connected in a blink of an eye, and the voice of that guy Bowie came over.

"Good evening, Steven, I guess you should have called, and sure enough!"

Hearing this guy's voice, Ye Tian suddenly chuckled.

"Good evening, Bowie, you have been in Cairo for two days, tell me, do you have any surprises in Cairo? Is there any place worth visiting? Recommend it to me, I am going to have a good time in Cairo !"

Before the words fell, Bowie joked and said:

"You want to take a good look at Cairo, am I right? Steven, you guys probably want to loot Cairo, just like you did in London, Paris, Rome and other cities!

In the past two days, I took people to visit the city of Cairo, and I can say with certainty that for you, Cairo is a vault without a gate, a huge treasure without guards! ..."

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