Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2915 secret warning

Halfway through lunch, the behind-the-scenes owner of Feishawei Cafe rushed to the cafe, came to the second floor to say hello to Ye Tian and Ahmed, and got to know each other.

As Ye Tian expected, this man is a well-known rich man in Cairo City, and he is also a senior collector.

This person also brought an antique cultural relic from ancient Egypt, and would like to ask Ye Tian to help identify it.

It was a bronze statue of Horus, the ancient Egyptian falcon god. It was only about forty centimeters high, and it was extremely exquisitely carved, with some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on it.

Horus is also the god of vengeance. His image is exactly that of a falcon. He is a very important god in ancient Egyptian mythology!

For Ye Tian, ​​this is nothing more than a little effort, so naturally he will not refuse!

After pretending to appreciate it seriously for a while, he gave an appraisal conclusion, confirming that it was an antique cultural relic from ancient Egypt, with a history of three or four thousand years, and it could be regarded as a top-level cultural relic.

As for the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs engraved on the statue, because he didn't know it, he didn't give an explanation, but the patterns on the statue are not difficult to understand!

Two Cairo University historians who were dining together on the second floor volunteered to come forward, translated the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the statue, and interpreted the rest of the patterns!

The interpretation they gave just supported Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion and proved how accurate his vision was.

Because the bronze statue of Horus was a funeral object, and it was surrounded by a strong sense of death, Ye Tian did not make a request to buy it, and the owner of Feishawei Cafe had no intention of selling it.

After this little episode, everyone rested in the cafe for a while, then got up and left this famous cafe!

When they walked out of the cafe, they immediately saw that a large number of media reporters who heard the news had gathered at the entrance of the cafe, and there were also many people watching the excitement.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come out, those media reporters immediately raised their voices and began to ask loudly, one by one scrambling to be the first, lest they miss this rare opportunity.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from Al-Ahram, as far as I know, you bought a lot of antiques and artworks at the Khalili market this morning.

Are the antique relics and works of art you bought just like the wood carvings of Al Anarzuo you found, are they all valuable treasures? "

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I'm a reporter from Egyptian TV. May I ask, where are you going next? Will you continue to visit the Khalili market, or return to the Nile Hotel?

Will the antique cultural relics and artworks you bought in the Khalili market be displayed publicly to solve everyone's doubts, and how do you deal with those antique cultural relics and artworks? "

Following the questions from these media reporters, everyone looked at Ye Tian who was standing at the door of Feishawei Cafe, everyone's eyes were full of envy!

At the same time, many people at the scene recognized the identities of Ahmed and the Egyptian cultural relics policeman, but everyone's focus was on Ye Tian, ​​and no one paid attention to them for the time being.

Ye Tian looked at the few media reporters who asked questions, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, journalists, I'm Steven, I'm glad to meet you here, Cairo is a beautiful city, I like it here, and I also like the lively Khalili market.

I did buy some things in the Khalili market in the morning, but it was not as exaggerated as the rumors said. Among them, there may be valuable and overlooked antiques and artworks, but they still need to be identified.

Due to the limited time, when I found those things, I didn't conduct a careful identification, and the results of the identification may not be accurate, maybe they were punched! Only those seven African woodcarvings were confirmed by El Anazur.

So, I am not sure now, the things I bought are antiques and works of art, maybe they are modern handicrafts or fakes. As for the value, it is too early to say so.

For those things, I will do another serious appraisal later, and consult relevant experts and scholars. As for how to deal with those things, to be honest, I don’t know, it depends on their real value!

Well, that's all for the question. The Khalili market is very big. We only visited a small part of it. There are still many places that I haven't visited. I don't want to miss this opportunity. Have a nice day everyone! "

After speaking, Ye Tian waved goodbye to many media reporters and tourists at the scene, and then shook hands with the owner of Feishawei Cafe and two historians from Cairo University, saying goodbye one by one!

Almost everyone who heard his words rolled their eyes angrily, and they all complained secretly!

Who doesn't know! Your bastard's eyes are extremely sharp, and you have never looked at them before. The antiques and artworks that you have collected in your pocket are estimated to be worth a lot of money, and there are even some priceless treasures!

Just like this, you bastard is still not satisfied, and you still want to continue to sweep and loot the Khalili market, not letting go of the remaining antique shops. You bastard is exactly like the rumors, greedy to the extreme!

Thinking of this, all the Egyptians at the scene were itchy with hatred, wishing they could swarm up and beat Ye Tianpang up, beat him so hard that he couldn't take care of himself, let out a good breath of anger!

While speaking, Ye Tian had finished shaking hands with the owner of Feishawei Cafe and others, and then he took David and the others and turned away, preparing to continue to sweep this famous market.

The moment he turned around, he quickly looked at a guy standing in the crowd on the right side of the cafe, his gaze paused for a moment, and he smiled and nodded slightly at that guy.

That guy was none other than the Palestinian sniper from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade who had ambushed the tripartite joint exploration team in the Sinai Peninsula.

At this time, that guy was pretending to be a tourist, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, mixing with the crowd watching, staring at Ye Tian and the others.

How did he know that his whereabouts had been exposed long ago, and the camouflage he made was useless at all!

When he was still on the second floor of Feishawei Cafe, Ye Tian had already received news that this guy and two other Palestinian militants had come here and mixed with the crowd outside the cafe.

As soon as these guys arrived here, they were targeted by Ye Tian's plainclothes security personnel pretending to be tourists, and they were also targeted by snipers hiding nearby!

Once they took action, such as attacking Ye Tian and David, they would immediately encounter a fatal blow.

As soon as he came out of Fei Shawei Cafe, Ye Tian secretly targeted these Palestinians, ready to respond at any time! .

Fortunately, these guys are quite sensible, and they don't seem to intend to launch an attack here, perhaps because Ye Tian is not their target, or because they have received orders from the top of the Aqsa Martyrs Brigade!

Following Ye Tian's movements, the face of the sniper disguised as a tourist changed immediately, becoming very ugly!

As long as you are not an idiot, facing this situation, you can think that you have been exposed. That Palestinian sniper is obviously not an idiot!

His reaction was quick, and the moment he realized that he had been exposed, he started to retreat, preparing to retreat into the crowded crowd, using the cover of the crowd to evacuate quickly, so as not to be surrounded by others!

However, just as he took two or three steps back, a cold voice came from his ear.

"Dude, Steven asked me to bring you a word, it's better to stay away from him and the employees of the Daring One, this time we can let you go, next time you won't be so lucky!

Steven has spoken to the high-level figures of your organization through the intelligence personnel of the CIA. He will not intervene in the struggle between you and the Israelis, and it is best not to involve him! "

The pretended Palestinian didn't look back, just nodded slightly.

"Understood, we have received the order from above, today is just to see the fun, we know very well who our enemy is!"

No one responded, and the guy standing behind disappeared like air!

After a short pause, the Palestinian sniper turned his head to look back, but found nothing. All he saw were many Cairo citizens and tourists from all over the world!

When he turned around again, Ye Tian and the others had already left Feishawei Cafe and walked towards an adjacent street, and they were flooded by the crowd in a blink of an eye.

The Palestinian man took a quick look around and hurried away from the scene, and then the al-Khalili market!

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