Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2922 retreat smoothly

Through the doors and windows of the antique shop, everyone saw the very lively situation outside and the excited people.

"Don't worry, Steven, we have mobilized a large number of policemen to ensure your safety and the safety of these Rosetta Stone fragments. You can take them back to the Nile Hotel

But I still hope that you can leave these incomparably precious Rosetta Stone fragments in Egypt. They are one of the symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization, and this land is the place where they should exist!

As long as these Rosetta Stone fragments can be left behind, our Egyptian government is willing to pay a certain price for it, and you will not get nothing. Of course, this price must be within a reasonable range! "

Ahmed whispered, his words and eyes full of anticipation.

Hearing this, Ye Tian just smiled softly, and did not respond.

Next, let everyone on the scene admire the fragments of the Rosetta Stone for a while, and Ye Tian asked his employees to take two portable safes and put the fragments of the Rosetta Stone in them.

Watching his movements, the eyes of the Egyptians at the scene turned red, wishing they could rush up and snatch these priceless treasures directly!

It's a pity that they can only think about it, and it is impossible to put it into action.

You know, there are countless eyes on this antique shop and these Rosetta Stone fragments.

More importantly, what they were facing was Ye Tian. He had always been the only one who robbed others, and no one could try to snatch anything from him. It would be tantamount to courting death!

While packing up these Rosetta Stone fragments, many bulletproof SUVs of the tripartite joint exploration convoy have arrived at the intersection of this street and notified Matisse.

The Cairo police who were in charge of the guards also sent a large number of police cars to escort Ye Tian and the others out of this antique shop and Khalili Market!

At this point, it was already evening.

Although the Khalili Market is still open and has become more lively, Ye Tian is planning to leave this famous market and return to the Nile Hotel, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

As for the antique shops and stalls in the market that I haven’t visited, it’s not too late to come back to sweep them when I have the opportunity. Anyway, those antique shops are always there, and they won’t grow wings to fly!

Ye Tian looked at the sky outside, and then said to everyone present:

"Gentlemen, it's almost time. It's time for us to leave Khalili Market and return to the hotel. As for the fragments of the Rosetta Stone, it won't be long before everyone can see them again!"

Hearing this, many Egyptians at the scene became a little anxious, and said out loudly:

"Steven, these Rosetta Stone fragments are priceless treasures, the national treasure of Egypt, and the key to interpreting ancient Egyptian civilization. I hope you can keep them in Egypt!"

"Yes, Steven, I hope you can leave these priceless treasures. More than two hundred years ago, the British snatched the Rosetta Stone from Egypt. After more than two hundred years, we can't just watch these Rosetta Stones Fragments of the stele are also lost overseas!"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said loudly:

"Gentlemen, it is too early to say how to deal with these Rosetta Stone fragments. After returning to the Nile Hotel, I will seriously think about this issue!

And I will have a serious discussion with the President of Egypt and relevant professionals to determine a reasonable solution acceptable to all parties. Please wait patiently for the result!

Everyone should be clear that how to deal with antique cultural relics of the same level as the Rosetta Stone fragments is a very complicated issue, and it may involve the national level!

Although the ownership of these priceless treasures is mine, there is no doubt about it, but how to deal with them is not something I can decide alone. I hope everyone can understand! "


Many Egyptians at the scene let out a sigh of relief, and their emotions eased a little.

Compared with them, Adel, who sold these Rosetta Stone fragments, looked like a walking corpse at this time, his face covered with ashes,

The pain is unbearable!

Seeing his appearance, everyone at the scene could only sympathize with him, but there was nothing they could do to help him!

Those Egyptian archaeologists and ancient text experts even resented this Egyptian antique dealer a little bit, resenting him for missing the fragments of the Rosetta Stone, and finally let Ye Tian pick up a big deal!

Before leaving, Ye Tian quickly scanned the antique shop, and then said to the Egyptian antique dealer:

"Mr. Adair, I'm very glad to cooperate with you. In your antique shop, I received a huge surprise. Because of the discovery of these Rosetta Stone fragments, your antique shop will also become famous.

I hope that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future. If you receive good antiques and artworks, you can contact our brave and fearless exploration company. I can buy some of them.

Even if our company doesn't buy it, we can still send some of these outstanding antiques and artworks to the top auctions in New York City! The premise is that these antique cultural relics and works of art are legal! "

Hearing this, Adel, who was about to die in heartache, was stunned immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a look of ecstasy appeared on the face of the Egyptian antique dealer, and the grief that was still on his face before disappeared in an instant, as if the person just now was not him at all.

Adel understood that although he had lost sight of these invaluable Rosetta Stone fragments, he turned around when his heart was ashamed, and a door to wealth suddenly opened in front of him!

The New York antique art auction market is the world's top antique art market! How many antique dealers dream of entering, but how many people can enter?

Such a god-sent opportunity is right in front of him, how could Adel let it go, he nodded hurriedly and said:

"Okay, Mr. Steven, if I receive high-quality antiques and artworks, I will definitely contact your company as soon as possible.

Don't worry, I have always been law-abiding and never accept antiques of unknown origin, no matter how valuable they are! Not to entrap partners! "

As he spoke, the Egyptian antique dealer shook hands with Ye Tian and reached a verbal cooperation agreement.

At this moment, the pain and hatred in his eyes had disappeared without a trace, replaced by excitement, and even a bit of gratitude.

For Ye Tian, ​​this is just a matter of little effort, and he can have one more partner, one more channel to obtain Egyptian antiques and artworks, but one less enemy, why not do it!

"Then it's settled, Mr. Adel, it's a pleasure to meet you. Let's meet again. My company employees will contact you later to draw up a cooperation agreement!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, shaking hands with the Egyptian antique dealer.

Afterwards, he shook hands with other Egyptians at the scene and said goodbye one by one!

After finishing all this, he directed his company employees to carry the many trophies that came from the raid, and under the protection of the security personnel, walked straight to the entrance of the antique shop, ready to leave here!

When the group of them walked out of this antique shop, the originally noisy street suddenly became quiet, as if everyone had been cut off from the power supply!

This silence only lasted for two or three seconds, and the scene suddenly erupted, like a volcanic eruption, and a deafening noise erupted in an instant, which was more than ten times exaggerated than before!

Especially those media reporters at the front of the crowd, one by one, scrambled to be the first and began to ask questions hoarsely, lest they would fall behind others!

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, can you tell us about the contents recorded on the fragments of the Rosetta Stone? How is it different from the contents on the Rosetta Stone collected by the British Museum?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from Al-Ahram. May I ask how you plan to deal with these Rosetta Stone fragments. These fragments are priceless treasures. Will you leave them in Egypt?"

Looking at the excited people and media reporters at the scene, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing lightly, and then said loudly:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, about the content recorded on the fragments of the Rosetta Stone that I found, I still need to keep it secret, so I can't tell you!

What I can tell you is that the content recorded on these fragments and the content of the main part of the Rosetta Stone are a link between the past and the future.

The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Greek written on these fragments of the Rosetta Stone still need to be carefully studied and verified by experts and scholars. When there are research results, we will choose an opportunity to make them public.

As for how to deal with these Rosetta Stone fragments, I need to discuss with relevant parties and people, including the Egyptian government. I believe there will be a solution that satisfies all parties!

Well, that's all for answering the question here, we are leaving the Khalili market, I hope you can cooperate, it's a pleasure to see you here, and I wish you all a good day, goodbye! "

With that said, Ye Tian raised his right hand and waved to the excited people at the scene!

Afterwards, under the escort of a large number of armed security personnel and Cairo police, they left Adel's antique shop and walked straight to the intersection.

The people gathered on this street were more cooperative, retreating to both sides of the street one after another, making way for a passage!

In fact, they have no choice but to give way. The high-alert police and security personnel are putting a lot of pressure on them!

After a while, Ye Tian and the others walked out of this street and came to the side of the motorcade waiting outside!

The moment they came here, each of them secretly let out a sigh of relief, somewhat relaxed!

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