Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2924 carve up the baby

On the night when he returned to the hotel, Ye Tian had a three-way video call with the President of Egypt and the President of the United States to discuss how to deal with the fragments of the Rosetta Stone.

The Egyptian president hoped to keep those priceless treasures. He told Ye Tian very clearly that the Egyptian cultural relics authorities would soon list those Rosetta Stone fragments as antique relics restricted from leaving the country.

In other words, as the discoverer and owner of the Rosetta Stone fragments, Ye Tian has no problem collecting those priceless treasures in Egypt, but he cannot leave Egypt with those priceless treasures.

In this way, he has only two choices.

Or buy a villa in Egypt to house those Rosetta Stone fragments and other antiques and artworks found in Egypt but restricted from leaving the country.

Either sell those Rosetta Stone fragments, and other top-notch antiquities and art found in Egypt to the Egyptians, or to the major museums in Egypt!

As for the person in the Oval Office of the White House, he also covets the fragments of the Rosetta Stone, hoping that the US government or the museum will come forward to acquire some of the fragments of the Rosetta Stone.

To that end, the American president has made generous promises.

For example, make a large investment in Egypt, support the Egyptian government on some international issues, reduce or exempt the tax of the brave exploration company, etc.

After understanding the demands of the two presidents, Ye Tian pretended to think for a long time before coming up with his own solution.

The found Rosetta Stone fragments amounted to seven, which he decided to distribute.

Two of the fragments were given to the Egyptian government without receiving a penny. The Egyptian government will handle the two fragments of the stele, and the academic research and results related to the two fragments of the Rosetta Stone will also be organized and enjoyed by the Egyptian government!

Of course, this is conditional, there is no such thing as a free lunch!

The condition is that the Egyptian government allows Ye Tian to take away the remaining fragments of the Rosetta Stone, as well as other antiques and artworks he found in Egypt, and they must not be stopped under the pretext of restricting departure!

For example, the antique relics and works of art he raided in the Khalili market, except for some of the antiques and works of art that were disposed of on the spot in Cairo, he plans to transport the rest of the top antique relics and works of art to New York and Beijing respectively!

The other two fragments of the Rosetta Stone will be purchased by the U.S. government or top museums, of course based on the market price!

Not only that, the large amount of investment in Egypt promised by the President of the United States, as well as support for the Egyptian government on some international issues, as well as some tax relief for the brave and fearless exploration companies, must be fulfilled!

For the remaining three Rosetta Stone fragments, Ye Tian plans to take them to Beijing, and display them in his private museum in the future, as the treasures of the Egyptian and West Asian Civilization Museum!

Every once in a while, these fragments of the Rosetta Stone will be exchanged and exhibited, so that the people of the three countries have the opportunity to see these priceless treasures, and let relevant experts and scholars study them!

In this way, the three parties participating in the talks will all have income, which can be regarded as a relatively reasonable distribution plan!

After listening to Ye Tian's introduction, the two presidents who were in Cairo and Washington respectively fell silent, and they were quite moved!


They did not make a decision right away, but said that they had to think about it and discuss it with relevant professionals before making a final decision!

Ye Tian naturally has no objection, he has plenty of time to wait and is not in a hurry!

After the video call, he held a small appreciation meeting in the presidential suite where he lived, showing the fragments of the Rosetta Stone, as well as other antiques and artworks raided from the Khalili market!

Those who participated in this small appreciation meeting were basically experts and scholars in the industry.

Among them are experts and scholars from the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and the National Museum, as well as some other Egyptian museums and universities, as well as many experts and scholars from the tripartite joint exploration team that has just returned from visiting the Giza pyramids.

Moreover, Ye Tian specially requested that everyone participating in this small appreciation meeting can only appreciate and research on the spot, and cannot take photos with mobile phones or cameras, especially those fragments of the Rosetta Stone!

His purpose of doing this is naturally to protect his own interests and prevent the pictures of the Rosetta Stone from being leaked!

Not only that, the time for the public display of those Rosetta Stone fragments was also very short, only about ten minutes, which made every expert and scholar at the scene unsatisfied, but helpless!

Just as Ye Tian expected, many experts and scholars who went to visit the Giza Pyramids saw the fragments of the Rosetta Stone and other antique cultural relics and artworks, and they all regretted that they missed participating in this event. An opportunity for a great discovery that can only be part of after the fact!

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world!

At this small appreciation meeting, Ye Tian introduced the spoils that were raided in the Khalili market today one by one, and gave a positive appraisal conclusion and an accurate valuation!

Following his introduction, there were constant exclamations in the presidential suite, almost without interruption!

While exclaiming endlessly, everyone had a very deep understanding of how sharp Ye Tian's eyes were and how ruthless his strikes were, and everyone was terrified!

Especially those Egyptian government officials, experts and scholars, seeing so many top-level antiques and works of art falling into his hands, all of them were heartbroken and almost died!

But how did they know that the antique relics and works of art that appeared in this small appreciation meeting were only part of the loot that Ye Tian raided from the Khalili market!

The rest of the antique relics and works of art that were sold and secretly purchased by the employees of the fearless exploration company did not appear in this presidential suite, but were placed in other rooms, and there were even more of them!

The raid on Khalili's market is not over, it's just getting more covert!

In the next few days, Bowie will lead a group of subordinates, use the information sent to him by Ye Tian to find out what to do, continue to crazily sweep the Khalili market, and then disperse and evacuate from Egypt!

This small appreciation meeting lasted until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and many experts and scholars left reluctantly.

If it wasn't too late, they didn't want to leave, and even wanted to live in a presidential suite, study and appreciate those valuable antiques and artworks!

It was night, and the presidential suite of the Nile River Hotel became the focus of everyone's attention, attracting countless attention, and it also became the room with the strictest security in Egypt!

Nothing happened overnight, and it was a new day in a blink of an eye.

Not long after waking up in the morning, Ye Tian received a piece of good news.

The good news was sent by Ahmed. This old friend rushed to the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived early in the morning and said excitedly:

"Steven, after the video call with you and the President of the United States yesterday, Mr. President thought about the solution you proposed, and discussed it with relevant people until late at night.

After some serious research, Mr. President decided to accept your plan of processing and distributing the fragments of the Rosetta Stone. In this way, we in Egypt can leave two fragments of the Rosetta Stone!

You can take the remaining five Rosetta Stone fragments with you, but the investment and support promised by the President of the United States must be fulfilled. Every five years, those fragments of the stele will be exhibited in turn!

Another point is that the Egyptian museums and collectors have the right of first refusal for the antiques and artworks you swept through the Khalili market. It is best to hold a special auction in Cairo! "

Before the words fell, Ye Tian immediately pretended to be excited and said:

"Great, Ahmed, this is the first good news I heard today, please rest assured, Mr. President, since it is the solution I proposed, it will definitely be implemented!

As for Washington, there should be no problem! I'm thinking of doing a small auction of antiques and art from the Khalili market.

Of the batch of antiques and works of art, I have to dispose of nearly half of them. It would be great if I could finish this job in Cairo, so that we don’t have to transport them away! "

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