Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2926 it was him

It was that guy Zhao Nan who called.

Five or six days had passed since visiting the National Museum of Egypt with them. Ye Tian thought that the young couple had already left Egypt, but unexpectedly he called at this moment.

When the phone was connected, Zhao Nan's anxious voice came over immediately.

"Brother Chen, is that you? I'm Zhao Nan, are you still in Egypt?"

Ye Tian smiled, and then responded:

"That's right, it's me, Zhao Nan. I didn't expect you to call. I thought you had already left Egypt. What's the matter with you calling me? I heard something wrong with your voice, did something happen?" something wrong?"

Before the voice finished, Zhao Nan on the other end of the phone excitedly continued:

"You are still in Egypt! That's great, Brother Chen, I remember you once told me and Lin Yu that if you encounter any trouble in Egypt, West Asia or Europe, I will call you, and you will be able to solve any troubles." solve!

We have been visiting various places in Egypt for the past few days, and we just returned to Cairo last night. We are going to leave Egypt today and go to Greece on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, but we have encountered trouble, and it is a big trouble!

Just now, Lin Yu and I left the hotel and planned to take the bus to the airport. As soon as the bus got on the airport expressway, we encountered a group of armed robbers who robbed the entire bus. Most of the bus was full of Chinese tourists!

Probably because they heard that Chinese tourists are rich and like to carry a lot of cash with them, that’s why those scumbags focused on this bus. They drove everyone out of the bus, threw them on the highway, and drove away in the bus!

Everyone's suitcases and backpacks, wallets and phones were looted by those bastards, and a few of them were smashed with gun butts by those guys because they were slow, and they were in a bad state."

Hearing this, Ye Tian's face immediately turned cold, and a murderous look flashed across his eyes.

But he didn't interrupt Zhao Nan's words and continued to listen.

"When those bastards started looting, I saw that something was wrong, so I secretly took out the SIM card and hid it. After being kicked off the bus, I borrowed a mobile phone from the passing driver before I could call you!

Everyone’s losses this time were too heavy. Not only were their luggage, all cash and mobile phones taken away, but also all the things they bought in Egypt, and most of the people’s passports and ID cards were taken away.

Lin Yu and I’s passports, ID cards, wallets, mobile phones and luggage were all ransacked, except for our clothes, especially the passports and ID cards. We couldn’t go anywhere without the passports!

After being kicked off the bus, everyone stood on the highway. Some people have called the police. Some people have called the Chinese embassy in Egypt, asking for help from the embassy. I am calling you, asking for your help!

We dare not ask for anything else, as long as you can help us retrieve our passports and ID cards, we will be grateful, so that we can find a way to leave Egypt and return home, now we just want to get out of this damn place as soon as possible! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Nan's tone was full of pleading and fear, and also full of anger.

This is so normal, anyone who is ransacked in a foreign country will feel panic, let alone those armed robbers even snatched everyone's passports and identity documents.

especially the Chinese,

Who would encounter such a thing in China! At this time, they encountered it in a foreign country. The fear and helplessness can be imagined!

After listening to Zhao Nan's introduction, Ye Tian didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said in a deep voice:

"Zhao Nan, send me your location, and I will send someone to find you. The person who is looking for you is probably the Egyptian police, or it may be my subordinates. Just keep talking and leave other matters to me.

As for the mobile phone you borrowed, ask the passer-by to report a bank account, and I will have someone transfer the money to him to buy this mobile phone. You can use it, and how to deal with it afterwards is up to you!

You can also tell those Chinese tourists who are in the same car with you to rest assured that everyone's luggage and passport can be retrieved, and you just need to pay attention to safety on the expressway, so that no more accidents will happen!

It shouldn’t be too difficult to find the gunmen who ransacked you, and they will pay for the ransacking of Chinese tourists. By the way, you can also warn other scumbags so that this kind of thing does not happen again and again.”

"Okay, Brother Chen, I'll send you the location information right now, thank you so much"

Zhao Nan responded hastily, her voice trembling slightly with excitement, quite a bit like weeping with joy.

He probably didn't expect that when he and his girlfriend were the most helpless, the person who helped him was actually a person who met by chance and broke up within a few hours from acquaintance, which was so surprising.

While being grateful, Zhao Nan was secretly guessing.

Who is this so-called Chinese man from Seattle, USA? Does he really have that much energy? Can the Egyptian police be mobilized at any time and punish the gunmen who ransacked the bus?

Zhao Nan still had some doubts in his heart. He wondered if this buddy named Chen Fei was as awesome and omnipotent as he said, and could travel to Egypt, West Asia and Europe to solve all troubles?

Although he was a little skeptical, Zhao Nan at this moment hoped that all this was true, this was almost his only hope!

Another hope is the Chinese embassy in Egypt. If the embassy comes forward, everyone may be able to return to China after waiting for a few days, but getting back their luggage, passports, ID cards, and money is out of the question!

The reason is simple, the embassy can only follow the official procedures, step by step, but with the efficiency of the Egyptian police, when they find the armed robbers, the day lily will be cold!

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Nan quickly sent the location, they are on the highway leading to Cairo International Airport!

Ye Tian looked at the message, then turned around and came to Ahmed and Mansur, and whispered to the two Egyptian officials:

"Gentlemen, two of my friends were ransacked by a gang of gunmen on the highway leading to Cairo airport, along with many tourists from China, some of whom were beaten to death flow.

The bus they were riding in was ransacked. Everyone's luggage, wallets, passports and ID cards, and mobile phones were all ransacked, and they were all kicked out of the bus. The robbers ran away in the bus!

They were thrown on the expressway, where the traffic was fast and dangerous. In desperation, my friend borrowed a mobile phone from a passing driver and called me for help. I couldn't just sit idly by!

You know, they came to Egypt for tourism and brought income to this ancient country, they should not be treated like this! Without passports and identity documents, as well as money, they will not be able to move a single step, and they must be helped.

The occurrence of this kind of thing makes me very disappointed with the law and order in Egypt! How to deal with this matter? I would like to hear your opinions. Did you send someone from the Egyptian police to deal with it? Or should I send my security guards to deal with it?

If my security personnel went to deal with it, I can't guarantee what will happen next! If those guys take the initiative to attack my security personnel, they will have to bear an extremely violent counterattack!

In this case, I am basically sure that those idiots will go to hell! If your Egyptian police send someone to deal with it, then I have a request, all the stolen things must be returned, and someone will be punished! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Ahmed and Mansur's expressions changed, they became extremely ugly, and their expressions were very serious!

Who the hell are the bastards who actually caused trouble at this juncture, and they were so desperate that they went to rob Steven, the bastard's friend, and they were so terrific that they ransacked a whole bus of tourists!

Thinking of this, both Ahmed and Mansur felt a headache and exchanged glances.

The moment they exchanged glances, they reached a consensus.

This matter must not let the ruthless guy like Steven take action, otherwise, none of the armed robbers will survive until tomorrow, and even Cairo, a famous historical city, may suffer huge damage!

"Steven, let us handle this matter, and it will be settled soon. You don't have to worry, those bastards who robbed tourists will not escape, we will not let those scumbags destroy Egypt's international image!

Each of them will be punished and will spend a period of time in prison. We will recover all the things they robbed at the first time, and then return them to those unfortunate Chinese tourists! "

Ahmed said indignantly, it is not known whether he is acting or revealing his true feelings.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Well, let the Cairo police handle this matter. I believe in the ability of the Cairo police. At the same time, I will send two security personnel to supervise and protect my two friends!"

Hearing this, Ahmed and Mansour Qiqi rolled their eyes, but there was nothing they could do.

Next, Ye Tian gave Ahmed the location of Zhao Nan and the others, and asked them to send the Cairo police to deal with it.

Afterwards, he nodded to Mattis again, and Mattis immediately sent two armed security personnel to set off first, and rushed to the scene of the accident!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian's phone rang again, it was still Zhao Nan calling, telling Ye Tian the passerby's bank account number!

Ye Tian then asked his staff to transfer a sum of money to that account, and bought the mobile phone that Zhao Nan borrowed!

After finishing these things, Ye Tian and his party walked out of the hotel, got into the car, and drove straight to Cairo International Airport!

As for the media reporters guarding the entrance of the hotel and a small group of protesters, Ye Tian simply ignored them!

Twenty minutes later, the escort convoy drove onto the Cairo Airport Expressway and headed straight for Cairo International Airport.

Not far ahead, Ye Tian saw a bus parked on the side of the road not far ahead, and there were many Cairo police cars and ambulances with flashing police lights in front and behind, occupying two entire lanes!

In addition, there were two vehicles from the Chinese embassy at the scene, and the national flags hanging on the front of the vehicles were extremely bright!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian saw that Zhao Nan and Lin Yu were standing on the side of the road holding hands, being questioned by a Cairo policeman, accompanied by a staff member of the Chinese embassy.

The emotions of these two guys have calmed down a lot. There is basically no fear on their faces, and their expressions are relatively normal!

For the rest of the tourists from China, some have already boarded the bus that came to pick them up, and some are still queuing up to be questioned by the police. There are indeed tourists with bloody heads, but they have been bandaged up!

At the same time, Ye Tian also saw two security personnel under him, standing next to the bus, watching the Cairo police work.

When the escort convoy passed by the accident point, the two guys waved at the convoy and greeted Ye Tian.

Zhao Nan and Lin Yu standing next to the bus, as well as the Chinese tourists on the bus, were also watching this huge convoy!

Many of them recognized this team instantly, for no other reason. This team can now be said to be the focus of attention in Cairo, appearing on the news at various times almost every day.

Zhao Nan also recognized the convoy and saw the waving movements of the two security personnel.

The next moment, a dazed expression appeared on this buddy's face, which was immediately replaced by a burst of ecstasy!

Until now, he didn't know who that Fade Chen who met by chance was. It turned out to be him. No wonder that guy's back looks so familiar!

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