Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2928 The Unknown Massacre

In the mountain depression, Ye Tian was walking in the ruined wall where the ancestors of the Israelites once lived, checking the scene.

No one has lived here for at least a thousand years. The original city wall made of stones has already collapsed, leaving only a very short and short section. It can be vaguely seen that there used to be an ancient castle here.

As for the various buildings in this castle, such as residential buildings and churches, there are only some foundations and a few low walls that are only tens of centimeters high.

Most of the collapsed stones were removed by the Egyptians living nearby, and were used to build houses, repair sheepfolds, and pave roads.

After a long time of more than a thousand years, there are not many remaining stones here. After a while, even the few remaining low walls will be demolished.

Of course, there are still some collapsed buildings and scattered stones, which have long been buried underground and completely integrated into this mountain depression.

Ye Tian, ​​who was walking among the broken walls, would squat down from time to time to look at the stones of different sizes on the ground, or check the few remaining low walls.

Archaeologists and historians from Israel and the Vatican, as well as Harvard and Columbia Universities, have dispersed to look around the historic site.

As for the following Egyptian experts and scholars, they stood outside this historical site, watching and supervising the actions of the tripartite joint exploration team from a distance.

While speaking, Ye Tian turned over another rock, then scraped off the soil with the shovel in his hand, and began to check the side of the rock facing the ground.

The next moment, his eyes lit up.

On this stone, there seemed to be several ancient Greek letters engraved, as well as a cross, but it was not very clear.

Ye Tian immediately took the mineral water bottle that was set aside, and rinsed the area where the ancient Greek and the cross were engraved with water!

As the soil was washed away, the ancient Greek characters and crosses engraved on this stone suddenly appeared clearly!

Only then did he realize that those ancient Greek letters were just a few letters, which looked like initials of people's names, perhaps the name of the owner of the building where this piece of granite was located, and these ancient Greek letters were somewhat blurred.

The cross that was also engraved on this stone has relatively clear inscriptions, and the age of the engraving on this stone seems to be many years later than those ancient Greek letters!

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

David, who followed him, and an archaeologist from Columbia University were all very excited, looking at the granite with bright eyes!

After pretending to think for a while, Ye Tian said:

"I think I know when and why this old castle was abandoned"

Hearing this, several people nearby all looked at him, and David asked even more curiously:

"You can tell me, Steven, I believe everyone wants to hear your analysis. Is the legendary treasure of Solomon buried in this fragment of the wall? Where might it be buried?"

Following David's words, several people at the scene nodded, looking forward to Ye Tian's answer.

"If I'm not mistaken,

This ancient castle should have been abandoned after the Arabs conquered Egypt. The specific time should be after the seventh century, more than 1,300 years ago.

After the Arabs conquered Egypt, why didn't they use this already existing castle, but abandoned it? There must be a reason for it, you know, the location of this castle is very good!

According to my analysis, it may be related to religious belief! The Arabs in the seventh century believed in the newly-emerged Islam, and the Byzantine Empire that ruled Egypt originally believed in the Orthodox Church!

After the Arabs conquered Egypt, they launched an operation to expel the heretics. The people living in this ancient castle, because of the Orthodox Church, were naturally also expelled and driven out of their homes! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded without any objection.

What Ye Tian said are all historical facts that happened in the past, irrefutable, and everyone knows it.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"The reason why I say this is of course based on the fact that the ancient Greek letters and crosses carved on this piece of granite, as well as some words and patterns carved on the stone discovered before, have revealed this secret.

According to my research and identification, the ancient Greek letters carved on this piece of granite were much earlier than this cross. They existed before BC, and can even be traced back to the period when the Macedonian Kingdom ruled Egypt.

Of course, the Byzantine Empire that later occupied and ruled Egypt, that is, the Eastern Roman Empire, also admired ancient Greek civilization, used ancient Greek, and believed in the Orthodox Church, but their time was much later!

The cross carved on this stone was carved during the rule of the Byzantine Empire, and after Christianity came from underground to the earth and became the main religion of the Roman Empire, that is, after the fourth century AD.

Why did the Arabs abandon or even destroy this ancient castle instead of using it? According to my speculation, it may be related to the status of this castle, and it is likely to be a religious city!

That's why the Arabs completely destroyed this place, trying to erase it, and for more than a thousand years, no castle was built here again! It is not even ruled out that there have been major unknown historical events here!

The major historical event I mentioned that is unknown to the public must be well known to everyone, and that is a large-scale massacre! In ancient times, bloody massacres due to different religious beliefs were too common!

And the bloody massacre that happened here, I don’t know why, but no one knows. Maybe the ruler at that time deliberately blocked the news. It was because of the massacre that this place was completely abandoned by the Arabs!

Of course, these are my conjectures and need to be verified by exploration! As for whether Solomon's treasure is buried here? Where exactly is it buried? I don’t know, I can only explore step by step.”

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone fell into deep thought.

A moment later, an archaeologist from Harvard University just said:

"Steven, I think your analysis makes sense. First of all, these ancient Greek letters are indeed very old, and should be dated back to BC, while the age of this cross is a little closer.

Secondly, whether an unknown bloody massacre took place here is still uncertain. I hope we can find evidence to support it. Once this is confirmed, a secret history may be revealed..."

Next, many historians and archaeologists at the scene expressed their opinions and discussed it.

After some discussion, Ye Tian said loudly:

"Gentlemen, I just went around this ancient historical site, and I have a certain understanding of the situation here. Next, I am going to have my staff scan it with a pulse metal detector to see if they can find something. What!

If there is really any treasure buried here, as long as it is not too deep, I believe we can scan it with a pulse metal detector. As for whether there has been a massacre here, I believe we can slowly find some clues! "

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