Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2938 Rommel Beach

Overnight, Matruh, a seaside town, has many new faces and has become more lively.

Except for some journalists who came after hearing the news and the lively tourists, quite a few of these people came for the legendary Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

Among the crowd, some rebellious and fierce-eyed guys could be seen, as if they had just come off the battlefield. Among them were Arabs and many blacks.

These guys who rushed to Matruh overnight basically gathered around the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team stayed, staring at the hotel gate and everyone who entered and exited the hotel.

And in a luxurious suite in the hotel, Ye Tian and David were sitting on the sofa in the living room, listening to Matisse's report on the outside world.

"Steven, a lot of people gathered outside the hotel, quite lively, including some militants from Libya, and people closely related to the Libyan armed faction. These guys are all desperadoes, which is a headache.

In addition to these desperadoes, those guys who had been following the tripartite joint exploration team before also rushed to Matruh overnight, and the number of them was increasing. The later guys obviously bypassed Israel,..."

After listening to Matisse's briefing, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then smiled and said:

"This situation is expected and not unexpected. Matruh is very close to Libya, and the border between the two countries is almost deserted. Libyan militants have almost no difficulty in crossing the border between the two countries.

In fact, many Libyan militants should be hiding in Egypt, and then enter Libya when they are fighting for territory. They can come and go freely and are relatively safe. These guys are undoubtedly the most dangerous.

I believe everyone knows the situation in Libya. When they heard that there is such a legendary huge treasure near the neighboring Matruh, how could they not be moved by it, so they flocked here!

Compared with other guys who came for Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, these Libyan militants have no limit. They may not be obsessed with looting Solomon's treasure, and they may hit our minds.

For example, kidnapping hostages, as long as they can achieve the goal of making a lot of money, these guys will do whatever it takes to tell all the guys not to hang out if they have nothing to do, so as not to be targeted by those guys and become the target of kidnapping!

If you want to go shopping and enjoy the beautiful scenery in and around the city of Matruh, you must go with a company, and you must be under the protection of security personnel. You must not act alone. I don't want to go back and rescue them.

As for those guys who bypassed Israel, it is normal. Those guys who were detained by the Israeli police before them and then thrown into prisons are a lesson from the past. How dare they pass through Israel! "

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, they must be properly arranged, and I will also notify the Israelis and the Vatican to make them be careful!"

Next, they discussed today's arrangements, focusing on security arrangements, and just ended this conversation.

Soon, the time came to around nine thirty in the morning.

More and more media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel, and there were also many pedestrians and tourists watching the excitement. The scene was full of people and it was very lively.

at this moment,

Seven or eight vehicles from the tripartite joint exploration team drove up suddenly and stopped end to end at the entrance of the hotel. Along with them were several vehicles with Egyptian license plates and several police cars.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene immediately understood that the members of the three-party joint exploration team were about to come out, and the scene suddenly became noisy and became more lively!

Immediately afterwards, the hotel door opened, and Ye Tian, ​​Ahmed and others came out of the hotel one after another, preparing to leave by car.

The media reporters guarding the entrance of the hotel, how could they let go of such a good opportunity, and began to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from Egyptian National Television. May I ask if you are here to explore the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the treasure of Solomon buried near Matruh? Tell everyone about it?"

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from the "Republic". Can you tell us about today's arrangements for the tripartite joint exploration team? Are you launching the exploration operation immediately, or do you have other arrangements? Everyone wants to know!"

"Hello, Mr. Ahmed, I am a reporter from Al-Ahmad. As far as I know, you have been in Matruh for more than a week, and there are many people who followed you.

According to the information I have received, the Egyptian government and the Daredevil Exploration Company are likely to cooperate to jointly explore a famous treasure. Can you tell me the specific situation of this treasure? "

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian and Ahmed stopped in unison, looked at each other, and exchanged glances quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian came forward and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning, I'm Steven, I'm glad to see you here, Matruh is a beautiful city with a well-deserved reputation, I like it here!

Needless to say, the reason why the tripartite joint exploration team came to Matruh this time is to explore the legendary treasure of Solomon and find the Ark of the Covenant, but the exact location of the exploration needs to be strictly kept secret!

Today we don't plan to start exploring immediately, but plan to visit Matruh and its vicinity. It would be a shame if we don't take a good look at such a beautiful seaside town!

As for Mr. Ahmed, they are only here to supervise the tripartite joint exploration team, just like the series of exploration operations we launched after we entered Egypt, the Egyptian government sent people to follow and supervise the whole process!

In the previous exploration operations in St. Catherine's Monastery and the Nile Delta, because what was discovered was not Solomon's treasure, the Egyptian exploration team also participated in the archaeological and research together.

It's the same this time, if we find something near Matruh, but it's not Solomon's treasure, then we will cooperate with the Egyptian government again to jointly explore the unknown treasure."

Hearing his answer, many media reporters and other onlookers at the scene nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Next, another media reporter asked loudly, but Ye Tian didn't respond again, he just waved to everyone present, and then boarded a black SUV.

When the others boarded the car one after another, the convoy started up with a bang, slowly drove out of the street, and drove straight to the outside of Matruh City.

The media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel, as well as many spectators, and those who came for the treasure also drove up.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour had passed.

On the Mediterranean Sea, on the famous Rommel Beach.

Ahmed and several Egyptian government officials, experts and scholars were standing on an open space on the beach, looking at Ye Tian who was walking around alone on Rommel Beach in the distance, seemingly thinking.

Ye Tian has been wandering alone on that beach for nearly half an hour, and has always been in this state. He doesn't know if he discovered something or was thinking about something. It's very mysterious!

Ahmed and the others were not the only ones staring at him.

David, Joshua and the others, as well as the media reporters and onlookers who followed him, also stared at his every move, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

"What is this guy Steven doing? Did you find out something? Could it be that Rommel's treasure is hidden on this famous beach? But we explored here carefully, but found nothing?

Or maybe this guy, Steven, is an admirer of Rommel, he is learning from Rommel, walking up and down on this beach and thinking about problems? With Steven's arrogant personality and style, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing! "

murmured an Egyptian archaeologist, apparently bewildered.

Hearing this, Ahmed pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice:

"It doesn't matter if this guy Steven is playing tricks or discovering something, after they leave, immediately organize people to secretly explore Rommel Beach again, don't let a corner or a rock go! Even if the hard work is in vain, This possibility cannot be ignored!"

"Want to explore the secrets of Rommel Beach again? I'm afraid this is not possible, Ahmed, look at those guys and media reporters who are watching the excitement, everyone is eager to try and want to explore Rommel Beach!

Once that guy Steven leaves Rommel Beach, those guys will definitely swarm up and make this famous beach as lively as a market. It is almost impossible for our people to operate secretly! "

Another Egyptian archaeologist continued, and pointed to the crowd of onlookers not far away who were full of excitement and eager to make a fortune!

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