Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2959 the god of death guarding the tomb


Accompanied by a crisp gunshot, an empty can that was more than 200 meters away was directly sent flying.

The person who shot was Ye Tian, ​​and the gun he used was the Mauser 98k rifle that had been buried in the desert before.

The butter coated on this Mauser 98k has been completely wiped off, and some maintenance has been done. The gun body reflects a dark metallic luster, which looks like a new gun that has just left the factory.

In fact, this is a new gun that has never been used, but was produced more than seventy years ago!

Ye Tian fired five bullets with this Mauser 98k rifle, and each bullet accurately hit the empty cans placed more than 200 meters away, knocking them all into the air!

After firing the last bullet, he pulled the bolt of the gun casually, checked the situation in the chamber, and couldn't help expressing a few words of emotion.

"As expected of a world-renowned gun, it really lives up to its reputation. It is accurate and feels great when shooting. It is completely different from those assault rifles. Shooting with this gun really feels like playing an elite sniper!"

As he spoke, he admired the famous World War II gun again, and then handed it to David who was standing beside him.

David couldn't wait a long time ago. After taking the Mauser 98k, he immediately pressed the rifle bullet in his hand into the barrel, and then started aiming and shooting!

"Bang, bang"

The gunshot rang out again, and the wind spread further into the desert.

However, David's marksmanship was much worse. After five bullets were fired, he didn't hit any empty cans.

This kind of result made him feel very depressed, but there was nothing wrong with it!

After playing shooting games in this desert for a while, I had enough fun. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Ye Tian and the others returned to the campsite with this Mauser 98k!

As soon as they returned to the camp, there was a violent explosion in front of them, which was deafening!

At this time, Matisse and the others had advanced to less than 50 meters from the pyramid, found another landmine transformed from a heavy artillery shell, and successfully detonated it!

Following the detonation of this heavy artillery shell, a mushroom cloud more than ten meters high rose immediately under the pyramid that was completely buried by yellow sand. The scene was full of yellow sand, and countless shrapnel shot out, roaring and flying in all directions.

Fortunately, Matisse and Seaman retreated far enough and hid in the dug bunker. No one was injured, but their ears were buzzing.

When the dust fell all over the sky, everyone came out of the bunker where they were hiding, and when they looked at the pyramid completely buried by the yellow sand again, they suddenly found that the yellow sand on the pyramid seemed to have slid down a lot.

Obviously, the yellow sand was shaken down by successive violent explosions, and slid down the slope to the bottom of the dune!

What's more, on the front of the dune, at a height of about fifteen or sixteen meters, an ancient statue suddenly appeared!

To be more precise, it was just the head of an ancient statue, whose body was still buried under the yellow sand!

And it was a black jackal head,

He is huge, with a ferocious face, and his black eyes stare coldly at the front, which makes people shudder!

The first time they saw the black jackal head, Matisse and Seaman couldn't help being stunned, each of them stunned!

In just a moment, these guys cheered directly.

"My God! This is the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, the statue of Anubis! It seems that what Steven said is right, there is an unknown pyramid buried under this tall sand dune!"

"Great! We are not far from the entrance of this unknown pyramid. As far as I know, in ancient Egypt, the statue of Anubis, the god of death, was often placed at the entrance of the pyramid to guard the tomb of the pharaoh!"

After cheering, Mathis immediately informed Ye Tian of the latest situation through the wireless invisible earphone.

As soon as he received the notification, Ye Tian picked up the binoculars and looked at the sand dune about 30 to 40 meters high in the distance!

The moment he saw the head of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of death, even he shook his fist in excitement.

Afterwards, he handed the binoculars to Ahmed next to him, and then smiled and said to everyone present:

"Gentlemen, the treasure map left by Rommel is correct, and we did not find the wrong place. Under the tall sand dune in the distance, there is indeed an unknown pyramid buried with the famous Rommel treasure.

The head of the statue of Anubis, the god of death in ancient Egypt standing in front of the pyramid, is the best evidence. I believe that the pyramid under the dunes will be fully revealed in a short time! "

Before the words fell, the scene was already boiling!

"It's really great. I didn't expect that there is an unknown pyramid here. I don't know if it is the tomb of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt?"

"This is really an unexpected surprise. The discovery of Rommel's treasure and this pyramid will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

Just when everyone was cheering, Ahmed saw the black head of Anubis in the telescope, and the picture was very clear.

The moment he saw the head of the god of death clearly, this guy danced with excitement!

After the cheers subsided, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"Gentlemen, please wait patiently for another night here, tomorrow morning we will be able to unveil the mystery of that unknown pyramid, and then find a way to enter that pyramid to explore."

"Steven, we want to go and see this unknown pyramid now. This discovery is really important, and it is probably one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Egypt in recent decades!"

Apparently, it can't wait, says a leading Egyptian archaeologist.

Ye Tian shook his head firmly, rejecting the other party's request.

"Mr. Yusuf, other gentlemen, everyone can see that the safe passage leading to the unknown pyramid has not been completely cleared, and the demining work is still going on!

The past is too dangerous now. If you risk yourself and get injured by a landmine planted by the Germans, or if you accidentally step on a trap and get injured, the following archaeological discoveries will have nothing to do with you!

So everyone has to think clearly, whether you are risking yourself, go there now to check the situation, or wait until it is completely safe before going there, the pyramid is there, and it won't grow wings to fly! "

Following his words, the expressions of all the historians and archaeologists at the scene changed suddenly, and they gave up the idea of ​​going over to check the situation immediately.

For such an important archaeological discovery, none of them wanted to lose their qualifications to participate in follow-up archaeological operations because of a momentary impulse, go to the hospital to lie down, or even die!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian took Ahmed down the sand dune, followed the safe passage opened by Mathis and the others, and walked straight to the sand dune in the distance!

After a while, they came close.

At this time, the head of Anubis that appeared not far in front of them was far bigger and more shocking than what they saw in the telescope!

Ahmed froze in place, staring dumbfounded at the head of Anubis, extremely excited!

Ye Tian quickly scanned the surrounding situation, then whispered to Mathis and the others:

"Guys, if you find something like a mine, try not to detonate it under this pyramid, so as not to cause damage to this unknown pyramid!

You can dig the mines out of the sand with the demining bots, and then figure out how to get them to the back to detonate, but the most important thing is to keep everyone safe! "

"Okay, Steven, we know what to do!"

Matisse nodded in response, and the rest of the people also nodded.

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