Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2962 Dove Occupies Magpie's Nest

After a night of excavation, the pyramid buried under the sand dunes in the distance finally revealed its true face.

To be more precise, the front of the ancient pyramid was excavated, and many places on its back and sides were still buried by a large amount of yellow sand.

As Ye Tian said before, the upper part of this ancient pyramid was demolished at some point and turned into a flat-topped pyramid, which was then buried by yellow sand.

The person who tore down the upper part of the pyramid may be other hostile ancient Egyptian pharaohs or political enemies, the army of other countries and tribes, or tomb robbers.

As for how Rommel discovered this flat-topped pyramid, it is unknown!

As soon as they woke up in the morning, many historians and archaeologists couldn't wait to come to the edge of the campsite, tiptoeing and looking at the ancient and mysterious pyramid in the distance.

When they saw the exposed front of the pyramid, everyone was shocked and froze in place!

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of excited cheers at the scene, resounding through the entire desert.

At this moment, Ye Tian also came to the edge of the sand dunes, overlooking the ancient pyramid.

Seeing him coming, those historians and archaeologists have no patience to continue waiting, one by one eagerly said:

"Good morning, Steven, it's almost dawn now, and the front of the ancient pyramid has been cleared out, can we go and have a look?"

"That's right, Steven, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various symbols engraved on the main entrance of the pyramid tortured us for a whole night, and we almost couldn't sleep at night!"

Ye Tian looked at these historians and archaeologists, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Good morning, gentlemen, I can take you there to check the situation on the front of the pyramid, and you don't have to worry about quicksand falling from the top and burying everyone!

However, no one knows the situation in that pyramid. Everyone can only investigate and study outside, and cannot enter the pyramid for the time being. It is best not to touch those two stone gates!

After breakfast, we will start the follow-up exploration immediately, find a way to open the gate of the pyramid, and lead everyone into the ancient pyramid! "

"No problem, Steven, we won't push the gate of that pyramid until it's safe, please rest assured!"

A Harvard University archaeologist said hurriedly, and the others nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian led these experts and scholars down the sand dunes, and walked straight to the ancient pyramid in the distance along the safe passage opened yesterday.

After a while, the group of them came to the door of the ancient pyramid.

As soon as they came here, those experts and scholars rushed forward, either at the two statues of Anubis, the god of death, or at the main entrance of the pyramid engraved with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various patterns, all of them were extremely excited. Excited eyes shine!

Ye Tian came to the entrance of the pyramid, reached out and knocked lightly on the stone door of the pyramid, with a slightly dull voice.

The next moment, a white phantom sprang out from the gap under the stone gate of the pyramid, and then flew upwards, coiling directly around his left wrist!

That's the little white elf,

After one night, the little guy seemed to have gained a lot of weight. It seemed that the food last night was good!

When people saw clearly what this white shadow was, they couldn't help but gasp, secretly terrified!

However, Ye Tian gently stroked the elf's head, then put it back into his sleeve, then turned around and left, and went back to the campsite for breakfast!

When he left, those experts and scholars immediately got busy, looking at the Egyptian hieroglyphs and various patterns engraved on the statue of Anubis, the god of death, and the front of the pyramid, all fascinated!

After returning to the campsite, the rest of the joint exploration team also got up, got out of their camping tents, washed up, and came to the edge of the dunes one after another.

Like those experts and scholars, everyone was also shocked by the magnificent pyramid in the distance, and all of them were stunned and froze in place!

Next, there was naturally another round of cheers, and everyone was very excited.

At this time, everyone is very clear that the discovery of this ancient pyramid will definitely cause a huge sensation, and it is almost a certainty that it will be included in the history books.

Can you not be excited to personally participate in such a heavyweight archaeological exploration?

Amidst the cheers one after another, Ahmed came to Ye Tian's side and whispered to him:

"Steven, I need to report the situation here to Mr. President and tell him about the situation of this ancient pyramid. Can you guy lift the radio silence?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then pointed to the eastern sky.

"Are you sure you want to call now? Ahmed, it's so early and the sun hasn't risen yet. Is your president getting up now? Will you disturb Mr. President's rest if you call now?

This ancient pyramid has been dug out, and it stands in the distance. It won't grow wings to fly. You don't have to worry at all. Wait for us to go there later, open the pyramid gate and enter it. It's not too late for you to report! "

Following the direction of his fingers, Ahmed looked at the distant sky, pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

"It's really too early now, it's okay to call later to report the situation, don't worry about it now!"

After chatting for a few words, they walked to the camp behind, ready to have breakfast.

Soon, an hour passed, the sky was full of morning glow in the east, and the sun was about to rise.

After breakfast, Ye Tian took David, Ahmed, and a part of the joint exploration team up from the back of the dune where everyone camped, walked down the dune, and walked straight to the pyramid in the distance.

They set off with several desert all-terrain vehicles and more than 30 camels, which were loaded with various exploration equipment and supplies for Matisse and the others.

The rest of the joint exploration team stayed on this sand dune to recharge their batteries, and they will go there later to replace the first batch of exploration team members!

After a while, Ye Tian and the others had arrived in front of the pyramid, and the mighty joint exploration team had also arrived.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others arrived, before they could stand firm, several archaeologists and paleographers hurried over!

Coming closer, one of the archaeologists from Columbia University said excitedly:

"Steven, by studying the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and various patterns carved on the two statues of the god of death Anubis and the wall of the main entrance, we can basically confirm that this is the tomb of a pharaoh of the Hyksos dynasty in ancient Egypt .

The Hyksos dynasty of ancient Egypt, that is, the fifteenth and sixteenth dynasties of ancient Egypt, these two dynasties were in the same era, but their ruling areas were different. They ruled Egypt from 1674 BC to 1567 BC.

The Hyksos are immigrants from Asia, and they are surprisingly similar to the Canaanites. Therefore, it has been believed in history that the Hyksos originated from the Canaanites in the Ballesta area, and they are related to the ancient Egyptians. obvious difference!

Historically, after hundreds of years of migration and infiltration, the Hyksos gradually occupied the Nile Delta of Lower Egypt. Taking advantage of the decline of the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, they established the Hyksos Dynasty in Lower Egypt!

It is not difficult to explain why the pyramid in front of us was destroyed. After the rule of the Hyksos dynasty was overthrown, the ancient Egyptians launched a large-scale liquidation operation, demolished and burned the temples and towns of the Hyksos. .

The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on this pyramid recorded some events during the Hyksos dynasty, but did not specify whether this is the tomb of the pharaoh. It seems that the answer is hidden in the pyramid! "

Before his words fell, another archaeologist continued excitedly:

"Because of the liquidation actions of the ancient Egyptians, the number of antique cultural relics left by the Hyksos dynasty is quite rare. There are only one or two pyramids, and the pyramid in front of us is the most magnificent and best-preserved among them!

Perhaps it is because this ancient pyramid is deep in the Sahara Desert, not in the Nile Delta. When it was demolished in half, it was buried by a sandstorm in time, so it can be preserved until now! "

Following the introduction of the two archaeologists, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone became more excited.

Ye Tian looked at these archaeologists, then at this slightly dilapidated ancient pyramid, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, next we will find a way to open the pyramid of the Pharaoh of the Hicks Dynasty, enter it and explore, and give the whole world a huge surprise!"

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