During the few days when everyone was resting in Cairo, Ye Tian was not idle.

On the third day after returning to Cairo, he held a private auction at the Nile Hotel, auctioning off some of the antiques and artworks from Rommel's treasure that are closely related to Egyptian civilization and history, but full of death. .

Participants in this private auction were mainly Egyptian collectors, antique dealers, representatives of major museums, representatives of the Egyptian government, and representatives of several museums in the United States.

In addition to these antique relics and works of art, there are also some gold and silver treasures from Rommel's treasure. He also chose to deal with them in Egypt and did not intend to bring them back to China or New York.

Through this private auction, he swept another large fortune, which made everyone envious.

And deep in the desert, the Egyptians have once again begun to explore the Pyramid of the Pharaoh Apophis I.

The news that this ancient pyramid was discovered by a joint exploration team and that there were two huge treasures hidden in the pyramid was finally announced to the public, and it spread all over the world in an instant with TV and Internet signals.

Unsurprisingly, with the release of related video materials, this great archaeological discovery immediately caused a huge sensation all over the world and attracted countless attentions.

Especially in the circles of Egyptian and Western history and archaeology, the discovery of this ancient pyramid caused a sensational effect that was no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake!

Everything in the Pharaoh's Pyramid of Apophis I, including Rommel's treasure, made everyone amazed and shocked!

And Ye Tian, ​​who discovered this ancient pyramid, also showed his magic to everyone in the world again, which made everyone amazed!

Hearing that he swallowed Rommel's treasure all by himself, many people were dumbfounded and envious of him, wanting to replace him!

As the news of the discovery of the Pharaoh Apophis I's Pyramid spread, many eager to make a fortune but overwhelmed themselves rushed into the depths of the Sahara Desert in groups.

Among these guys, there are many tomb robbers, explorers, professional treasure hunters, etc., as well as various militants, bandits, etc., from various sources.

These guys are all staring blood red eyes, trying to get something out of this ancient pyramid, and then get rich overnight!

Faced with this situation, in order to ensure the safety of the treasures of the Apophis I pyramid and to ensure the smooth progress of the next exploration operation, the Egyptian government had to mobilize a large number of heavily armed military police into the desert to protect this ancient pyramid. !

It didn't take long before conflicts broke out deep in the Sahara Desert. Even though those guys didn't even see the shadow of the Apophis I Pyramid, murders and robberies happened one after another! .

These things have nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​and he doesn't pay much attention to them, he just reads them on the news occasionally!

After a few days of rest in Cairo, everyone recovered completely.

The company employees and security personnel who escorted Rommel's treasure to Beijing and New York respectively returned to Cairo one after another. Everything went very smoothly without any problems!

It's time to set off again to continue exploring Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!



Around eight o'clock in the morning.

In the lobby of the Nile River Hotel, Ye Tian and the others pushed their luggage and walked out of the elevator.

At this time, the Israeli exploration team and the Vatican exploration team, as well as many Israeli security personnel, are waiting in the lobby, ready to go!

Besides them, Ye Tian also saw a few old friends, it was Ahmed and others.

Coming to the front, it is natural that some politeness is unavoidable.

After greeting everyone, Ye Tiancai asked in surprise:

"Ahmed, you didn't lead a team to explore the Pyramid of Apophis I in the Sahara Desert. Why did you appear here? I'm really surprised!"

Ahmed smiled, then explained:

"It should be like this, but considering that I am familiar with your tripartite joint exploration team and have a good relationship with you, Mr. President decided to let me continue to lead the team to follow you and supervise!"

"That's good, acquaintances are easy to handle, and it saves us from having to get acquainted with other Egyptian officials!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, Joshua and Bishop Kent also nodded.

After chatting for a while, everyone walked towards the hotel entrance, preparing to leave Cairo and go down the Nile River to explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

The convoy of the tripartite joint exploration team has arrived at the entrance of the hotel and stopped end to end. There are still many Egyptian policemen on the scene, responsible for maintaining order on the scene!

As soon as they walked out of the hotel, there was a surge of protests and countless protest flags and banners desperately waving.

"Steven, you greedy bastard, get out of Egypt, you are not welcome here!"

"The treasures in this land belong only to the Egyptian people, and no one else has the right to take them away!"

The protests and demonstrations in front of the Nile Hotel are basically college students from various universities in Cairo. These guys are the most energetic and passionate, and they are the easiest to be instigated and used by others!

As soon as the news that Intrepid Exploration Company monopolizes Rommel's treasure came out, these Egyptian university students immediately flocked to protest and demonstrate in front of the Nile Hotel.

For this kind of protest and demonstration, Ye Tianhe's employees have long been accustomed to it, and they don't take it seriously at all.

In Italy, in France, in the UK, in many other places, you have encountered all kinds of protests and demonstrations, and the scale is even bigger than this!

In addition to the protesting crowd, a large number of news media reporters from all over the world gathered at the scene.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come out of the hotel, how could these guys let go of such a good opportunity, and they all raised their voices and started asking loudly.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from The Times. It is said that you are going to start a joint exploration of Solomon's treasure again? Can you tell us about your next destination?"

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from Al-Ahram. What do you think of the golden coffin of Pharaoh Apophis I? Will there be a second golden coffin inside?"

Ye Tian didn't give any response to the turbulent protests and demonstrations and the questions from many media reporters. He just waved his hand to say goodbye, and then boarded a bulletproof SUV.

After him, other members of the tripartite joint exploration team also boarded the vehicle one after another, ready to set off.

Soon, this huge exploration convoy started briskly, left the Nile Hotel, and embarked on the journey of exploring Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant again.

As the tripartite joint exploration team set off again, countless people turned their attention to this tripartite joint exploration team, and to Ye Tian, ​​to see if he would create another miracle!

Compared with when it first arrived in Cairo, the scene when the tripartite joint exploration convoy left this ancient city was bigger and more eye-catching!

When this huge convoy passed through the streets of Cairo, everyone on the street was watching the convoy, and everyone's eyes were full of envy!

It didn't take long for this huge convoy to leave Luo, go upstream along the Nile Valley, and head straight to the south!

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