Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2991 2nd hand preparation

"Steven, this should be the architectural site of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Although it is old, it has nothing to do with the ancestors of the Israelites!"

In another ancient architectural site near Luxor, a tripartite joint exploration team is exploring here.

The person who introduced the situation to Ye Tian was an archaeologist from Columbia University, and what he was referring to was an ancient building remnant.

There are no words and marks on this architectural remnant, only a few lines, and some clues can still be seen from its artistic style.

Ye Tian looked at the building remnant, then nodded slightly and said:

"That's right, from the analysis of the remaining lines on this stone, it looks like a part of the Doric column. The Doric column building appeared in ancient Egypt during the Ptolemy dynasty, and it has nothing to do with the ancestors of the Israelites. !"

Hearing this, Joshua and several Israelites who stood aside felt a little disappointed, but also very helpless!

This ancient architectural site, or more appropriately, the ruins, was the last exploration site of the tripartite joint exploration team in Luxor.

If you still find nothing here, you can only leave and continue to go upstream along the Nile Valley to explore the possibly illusory treasures of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant.

However, the next exploration site is in Sudan. If the next exploration site is still not found, the tripartite joint exploration team will have to enter the Ethiopian plateau.

Compared with Egypt, which is relatively politically stable, the situation in Sudan and Ethiopia is much more turbulent, with local armed forces rampant and even civil wars going on, which can be said to be very dangerous.

Nobody wants to be in these two turbulent countries, if at all possible.

It's a pity that things backfired. Judging from the current situation, the tripartite joint exploration team will have to enter Sudan and Esserbia!

For the Israeli government authorities, once the tripartite joint exploration team enters Sudan and Ethiopia, the price they pay for this joint exploration operation will increase significantly!

In order to ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team, the Israeli government will have to agree to various demands made by various forces in Sudan and Ethiopia, even some unreasonable demands.

At the same time, they will also send a large number of armed personnel, or even troops, to stand near the border of these two countries or above the Red Sea, ready to dispatch the tripartite joint exploration team at any time!

If the tripartite joint exploration team discovers Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant in these two countries, it will be a very huge expense just to safely transfer the treasure and open up the relationship between all parties.

If one is not careful, it may even trigger a war with these two countries.

For these, Ye Tian didn't care.

After appraising the building fragment, he glanced at the frustrated Joshua and the others, then turned around and walked towards several subordinates not far away.

In the next exploration, we found some things, and also detected some metal objects buried deep in the ground.

Unfortunately, after some research and analysis, it was determined that these discoveries had nothing to do with Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and those metal objects buried deep underground were of no excavation value!

When the time came to three o'clock in the afternoon,

The exploration of this historical site officially came to an end, and everyone left the historical site immediately and returned to Luxor by car, finding nothing!

This result undoubtedly disappointed everyone.

After returning to the hotel, Ye Tian immediately called David and Mathis to his room, and began to prepare for the next stage of exploration.

"Guys, the tripartite joint exploration team's goal in Egypt has been explored until today, but unfortunately we did not find the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant.

Next, we will enter Sudan and even Ethiopia. These two African countries are currently in a civil war. The situation is very chaotic and very dangerous.

If we are going to these two countries to explore the treasures, we must make some preparations, and even be prepared to withdraw from these two countries at any time. Everyone's safety is the most important thing, and the treasures are the second thing.

Although the Israelis have done a lot of work, communicated with the governments and local armed forces of these two countries, and reached some agreements, I am still worried, and we must be prepared.

Mattis, you arrange a few guys to enter Sudan and Ethiopia, investigate the local situation, find out the details of the various local armed forces, and explore a few quick evacuation routes to get out!

On the borders of these two countries, neighboring countries, and the Red Sea, we must arrange manpower and equipment to respond. Once the situation gets out of hand, we will immediately withdraw from these two countries.

When doing these things, you can ask those guys from Raytheon to help, or you can ask the local forces supported by the United States, as well as the embassy and the army to help, and it is best not to let the Israelis know.”

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, don't worry!"

Next, the few of them continued to discuss how to deal with the next exploration operation, making various preparations!

About half an hour later, Matisse and David just left, each getting busy.

In the evening of that day, and in the early morning of the next day, several security personnel who had stayed in Cairo before appeared in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, and Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, in various identities!

Immediately afterwards, those guys left the capitals of these two countries and went to several destinations of the tripartite joint exploration team!

At the same time, on the borders of Sudan and Ethiopia, as well as on the surface of the Red Sea, many armed security personnel and various equipment under Ye Tian's orders appeared one after another!

On the night of the end of the exploration mission in Luxor, Ahmed and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Egypt came together to find Ye Tian.

No sooner had he entered his apartment than Ahmed asked:

"Steven, your exploration operation in Luxor has ended. Are you going to continue your exploration in other parts of Egypt, or are you planning to leave Egypt? If so, when are you planning to leave?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"I can tell you, Ahmed, that the tripartite joint exploration team's exploration operations in Egypt have all ended. Next, we will leave Egypt and enter Sudan and Ethiopia on the upper reaches of the Nile River.

But when we leave Luxor depends on the attitude of your Egyptian government. To put it bluntly, I must confirm the ownership of the ancient Egyptian record pillar before I can leave Luxor and continue exploring! "

Hearing this, Ahmed and the deputy minister immediately looked at each other, and then Ahmed said:

"Steven, after our report, Mr. President organized all parties to have a serious discussion, and decided to accept your transaction terms, and exchange the ancient Egyptian record pillar with gold worth 500 million US dollars!

There is no way, we need a large amount of gold reserves to maintain the stability of the monetary and financial system, so we can only reluctantly part with it, and transfer that priceless ancient Egyptian memorabilia to you.

However, we need time, and we need to transport the ancient Egyptian record column to Cairo and exhibit it in the Egyptian National Museum for a period of time, and we need to duplicate an identical record column!

The length of this time is about one year, and after one year, you will be able to transport away the ancient Egyptian record pillar, and give us gold worth 500 million U.S. dollars to complete this antique cultural relic transaction."

A look of surprise appeared on Ye Tian's face immediately, and he didn't hide it at all.

But he didn't respond immediately, but thought for a moment before smiling and saying:

"It would be great if you could accept the terms of the transaction I offered. In this way, you will get the reserve gold worth 500 million U.S. dollars, and I will get the ancient Egyptian record pillar, and we will each get something.

But for this amazing antique art transaction, I have several conditions, which must be met before this antique cultural relic transaction can be completed. You can rest assured that these conditions are very reasonable! "

Hearing this, Ahmed and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Egypt only felt their eyelids twitch, and they had a bad feeling.

"Tell me about your conditions, Steven, we are all ears, if the conditions are reasonable, then of course we can consider it"

Ahmed said pretending to be calm, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

"You are going to transport that ancient Egyptian record column to Cairo for display, and it will take up to a year, that is to say, within this year, that ancient Egyptian record column is completely out of my control!

In order to ensure that my 50% interest is not damaged, shouldn't we sign an agreement? Use documents to confirm this antique cultural relic transaction, after all, there is no proof!

One more thing, one year later, when we complete this antique cultural relic transaction, I will only take out the gold and hand it over to you when I transport the ancient Egyptian record pillar away! "

"Signing the documents to confirm that the transaction is fine, but you plan to ship the ancient Egyptian pillar in a year and then give us the gold, that is absolutely not acceptable!

What if you go back on your word? What if you don't give us the gold by taking away the notepad? Who will guarantee our interests? "

Ahmed shook his head, not accepting the condition.

Ye Tian smiled, and said leisurely:

"This problem is easy to solve. One year later, when I remove the ancient Egyptian pillar, I will buy gold futures worth 500 to 600 million U.S. dollars in the gold futures market, and hand over the futures contracts to you.

After I find the gold worth 500 million U.S. dollars and hand it over to you, you will return the gold futures contract to me, and then I will close the position. In this way, the interests of both of us can be guaranteed! "

Hearing this, the two senior officials of the Egyptian government couldn't help being stunned, and they didn't react for a long time.

After a while, Ahmed smiled wryly and said:

"I almost forgot, you guy used to work on Wall Street, this method couldn't be easier for you, well, as long as our interests can be guaranteed, we can accept this transaction method!"

Next, Ye Tian discussed the details of the transaction with these two old friends, and asked David to draft an agreement on the spot and hand it over to Ahmed.

About an hour later, Ahmed and the others left.

Immediately afterwards, Joshua, Bishop of Kent, Seaman and others came together to discuss the follow-up exploration with Ye Tian!

Regarding the turbulent situation in Sudan and Ethiopia, entering these two countries to explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, they are also very worried about safety issues!

The night passed quickly, and it was a new day.

The tripartite joint exploration team did not leave immediately, but planned to stay in Luxor for two days to rest and prepare various supplies and equipment before setting off to enter Sudan along the Nile Valley.

After breakfast, most of the joint exploration team members left the hotel one after another, and under the escort of many security personnel, they went to visit the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile.

Ye Tian and the others stayed in the hotel, waiting to negotiate with the representatives of the Egyptian government again, and then sign an agreement to confirm the transaction of the ancient Egyptian record pillar.

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, after representatives from Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Ministry of Finance arrived in Luxor, the negotiations officially began.

The Egyptian government accepted Ye Tian's offer and agreed to exchange gold worth 500 million U.S. dollars for 50% of the ancient Egyptian pillar. The transaction will be completed in one year.

Within this year, the ancient Egyptian record column will be collected in the National Museum of Egypt and will be exhibited publicly. Experts and scholars from all walks of life in Egypt can conduct various academic research on it!

Not only that, the National Museum of Egypt can also reproduce one as it was, and it will continue to be displayed in the National Museum of Egypt for exhibition and research in the future!

After one year, Ye Tian gave 500 million US dollars in gold to the Egyptian government in order to transport away the ancient Egyptian record pillar!

Although the transaction agreement was signed on the spot, it was not announced to the public immediately, so as not to attract doubts and opposition from the public, and even set off a wave of protests and demonstrations!

Because the previously discovered Rommel's treasure was monopolized by the Daredevil Exploration Company, the Egyptian government has attracted a lot of criticism, and it has become a handle for many opposition parties to attack the government!

Fortunately, the Egyptians also understood that the treasure of the Apophis I pyramid was more valuable, and the fact that Rommel's treasure was swallowed up by Ye Tian did not cause much trouble!

If the details of this antique cultural relic transaction are leaked out now, maybe it will be used by someone to oppose the Egyptian government and this antique cultural relic transaction!

No one wants to see this kind of situation!

After signing the agreement, the Egyptians acted immediately, and in the afternoon they removed the ancient Egyptian record column and transported it to Cairo.

After dealing with this priceless treasure, Ye Tian also relaxed, temporarily put aside the matter of exploring Solomon's treasure, and took David and the others to visit the Valley of the Kings!

The short rest period passed quickly, and two days later, the tripartite joint exploration team left Luxor, continued along the Nile Valley, and went straight to Sudan upstream!

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