Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3006 Quick Cash

Under Charlie's control, the miniature beetle drone flew directly above the things in the center of the cave, condescendingly shooting.

However, due to the thick layer of dust on the pile of things, it is impossible to see what they are, only the outlines of the top few things can be seen.

Among those things, there is a five-branch candlestick, which is very conspicuous because of its unique shape.

It's a pity, is the texture of this five-branch candlestick bronze or gold? But have no way of knowing!

The outlines of the other things are not so obvious, and the light in the cave is very dim, making it difficult to distinguish them for a while.

Ye Tian carefully looked at the monitoring screen, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, it is now completely certain that this unknown and mysterious treasure was left by the ancestors of the Israelites who lived here, and this five-branched candlestick is the best illustration.

This kind of five-branched candlestick is a unique religious item of Judaism. The bronze candlestick of Herod the Great we found in Jerusalem before is very similar to this five-branched candlestick!

Another point is that candlesticks of this shape basically appeared in BC, that is to say, the age of this five-branched candlestick is at least two thousand years, and it is a very precious antique relic! "

Before the words fell, an Israeli archaeologist continued to say:

"Steven is right, this is indeed a unique religious item of Judaism, and this kind of candlestick is of high grade, and it usually only appears in important Jewish temples.

Since the Herod dynasty, the Jews have lost their own country, and have lived a wandering life since then. They basically have no opportunity and ability to manufacture religious items of this level.

From this point of view, it is basically certain that this five-branch candlestick was indeed manufactured in BC, and it can be said to be a valuable top-level antique cultural relic! "

Not surprisingly, everyone became more excited, and everyone's excited eyes lit up!

This is the treasure left by the ancestors of the Israelites who once lived in this valley, and it is certain!

Moreover, this treasure is likely to be extremely astonishing, and its discovery will definitely cause a huge sensation.

As for whether this treasure is the legendary Solomon's treasure and whether the Ark of the Covenant is hidden in this cave,

It is still unknown and needs to be further explored!

If it is indeed the Treasure of Solomon, it will undoubtedly be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time!

Thinking of this, the excited bodies of the Israelites headed by Joshua trembled slightly.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly said:

"Charlie, you fly the drone around this pile of things to see how large their area is, and estimate the approximate number."

"No problem, Steven, leave it to us"

Charlie nodded in response, and then moved into action.

Next, the beetle drone flew around the dust-covered pile and photographed it from various angles.

Due to the dust and light, you can't see what these things are at all, but you can see their footprint.

The area occupied by this pile of things has reached about four square meters, piled up in the center of the cave, and the number is quite considerable.

I just don't know how many of these things are gold and gold products, and how many are bronze products, or other things, etc.!

Ye Tian and several archaeologists carefully analyzed the surveillance footage, but they couldn't see why.

Next, Ye Tian asked Charlie to control the beetle drone and fly to the surrounding stone walls to check the things placed in the niches.

At this time, the light provided by the lighting fluorescent stick at the entrance of the cave has become less and less, and the cave has become darker and darker!

Due to the relationship between light and angle, the pictures taken by the beetle drone are very blurry, and many of them are pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

Only the statues placed in the two niches facing the entrance of the cave can be vaguely seen.

The statue in one of the alcoves seems to be someone's head, but it is temporarily unknown who the carved figure is.

And the statue in another alcove is an angel with wings!

But unlike ordinary angels, this angel statue has six wings, which is very special!

The moment they saw this angel statue, all the Israelis at the scene were extremely excited, and said in unison:

"This is an angel, and it's a blazing angel!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded in affirmation.

"That's right, this is the Seraphim, and it is the Seraphim in Judaism. Statues like this are very rare!"

Following his words, there was another commotion at the scene.

Unfortunately, due to the low light, the Beetle drone could not capture more details.

Everyone can only restrain their strong curiosity and wait for the cave to be opened later to unearth these valuable antiques before they can appreciate and study them.

Under Ye Tian's signal, Charlie manipulated the beetle drone, flew over the entire area in front of the cave, and took pictures of everything here.

Afterwards, the beetle drone flew out of the cave and stopped in the hidden gap again.

Because this thing is more sensitive, it is not suitable to appear in public, so it did not fly off the cliff.

Although the drone exploration was completed, Ye Tian and several archaeologists who stayed at the bottom of the cliff were not idle.

They carefully analyzed every frame captured by the drone to see what they could find.

After some research, they did have a new discovery.

For example, some characters and patterns carved on the stone walls, in addition to ancient Hebrew, they also found some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns.

While studying these video images, they were also discussing and analyzing non-stop, speculating on the situation in the cave.

At the same time, Amir has already called the Sudanese Ministry of Culture and the Presidential Palace to report the situation here.

The discovery of this treasure immediately caused a huge sensation within the Sudanese government, and the Sudanese government responded immediately.

They immediately organized a group of government officials and archaeologists, led some so-called archaeologists, and came straight to Dongola.

The same is true for Joshua and the others. They immediately reported the situation here to the Israeli government, explaining the importance of this treasure.

The Israeli government responded immediately and contacted the Sudanese government as soon as possible, asking the Sudanese government to ensure the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team and the safety of this treasure.

Just when the outside world was disturbed by this discovery, Ye Tian and the others also completed the analysis and research work.

Amir, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, immediately stepped forward and asked impatiently:

"Mr. Steven, I would like to ask, is the treasure hidden in this cave related to the legendary Solomon's treasure, or is it Solomon's treasure?"

Undoubtedly, this is the question that Amir and the Sudanese government are most concerned about, and they all want to know the answer to this question.

If this is the legendary Solomon's treasure, then according to the agreement they reached with the Israeli government, this treasure will have nothing to do with them, and they will get nothing!

All gold and silver treasures and antique artifacts and artworks from this treasure are owned by Intrepid Quests, and religious relics that may be contained in the treasure are owned by the Government of Israel.

What the Sudanese government can get is the generous economic compensation provided by the Israeli government, as well as a series of large investments promised!

If this treasure is not the legendary Solomon's treasure, half of the treasure belongs to the Sudanese government whether they were hidden by the ancestors of the Israelites or not.

As for the other half, it naturally belongs to the Fearless Exploration Company.

Based on the size of this treasure, half of the treasure must be an astonishing fortune.

Faced with such an astonishing wealth, who can not be moved by it? Not to mention a poor country like Sudan.

Ye Tian didn't give an answer immediately, but looked at Joshua and Amir, then smiled and said:

"Although I very much hope that this is the legendary Solomon's Treasure, but based on the evidence found so far, this possibility is unlikely, it can be said to be very small, this is an unknown treasure!

In other words, according to the agreement we reached, our company owns 50% of this treasure, and the Sudanese government owns the other 50%. There is no doubt about it! "

Before the words fell, Amir's face was full of ecstasy, and he was almost dancing!

Looking at Joshua and the rest of the Israelites, their faces were full of disappointment, and their envious eyes were a little red.

After a while, Amir asked again:

"Mr. Steven, how do you plan to take out this treasure? When will you do it, and what method are you going to take? According to the agreement we reached, we must participate in follow-up exploration operations!"

"That's right, Mr. Amir, until your Sudanese government's archaeological team arrives in this valley, we will never touch this unknown treasure, even if it is a stone in the treasure!

After the Sudanese archaeological team arrives here, let's start a joint exploration operation to unearth this amazing treasure together, and then according to the agreement reached in advance, each will get 50%! "

"This couldn't be better, you really keep your promise, Mr. Steven, our archaeological team will arrive soon, I believe it won't be long before we can take out this treasure!"

Having said that, Amir also gave a thumbs up to express his appreciation.

Ye Tian smiled and continued to say:

"There are only two ways to take out this hidden treasure, one is to cut off the rock blocking the entrance of the cave, and the other is to carry out directional blasting to blow up the rock and expose the cave entrance!

From the perspective of protecting the treasure hidden in the cave, the best way is naturally to cut it, so as not to harm the antique cultural relics and artworks hidden in the cave.”

"I also agree with the first method, which can better protect the antique cultural relics and artworks in the cave, and can also protect the interests of both of us to the greatest extent!"

Amir nodded and said, as for his real thoughts, it is unknown.

Next, the two sides discussed the details of the cooperation before concluding the dialogue.

Afterwards, Amir took out his mobile phone and walked aside to report the situation to his immediate superior.

As soon as he left, Joshua stepped forward and said expectantly:

"Steven, after some exploration and analysis just now, it is now certain that this unknown treasure was hidden by the ancestors of the Israelites who once lived here.

From this point of view, this treasure has very special significance to the Israeli government and people. It is a relic of our ancestors. We would like to bring these relics back to Israel.

If possible, the Israeli government could pay for your 50 percent interest in this treasure, just like we did for half of the St. Helena treasure.

We can refer to that cooperation, so that you don’t have to spend time and energy to take the risk of exploring and cleaning up this treasure, and we will do it.”

Ye Tian looked at this senior Israeli official, thought for a while, then nodded with a smile and said:

"I am very happy to accept the cooperation plan you proposed, but I also have some conditions. Only when these conditions are met can we reach an agreement"

"No problem, Steven, as long as it is a reasonable condition, we can agree!"

Joshua nodded hurriedly and said.

Next, Ye Tian began to list his conditions.

"The first and most important thing is that you must reach an agreement with the Sudanese government and try your best to get them to agree to this deal. Only in this way will I sell my 50% interest.

The reason why I did this is because I don't want to offend the Sudanese government. It is estimated that we will come to Sudan to explore treasures in a short time. In this case, we must establish a good relationship with the Sudanese government! "

"I understand this. There is no problem. We will do the work of the Sudanese. For the Sudanese government, this will not harm their interests. We can give them a little sweetness. They have no reason not to agree!"

"Okay, this one is settled, now let's talk about the second one, the transaction between us must be based on the valuation I gave for this treasure, and you can also evaluate it.

After getting the treasure out of the cave on the cliff, I will make an assessment, and then divide the treasure into two, and you and the Sudanese government will choose one! "

"That's no problem. We followed this principle in the previous cooperation in the Sinai Peninsula. The cooperation is very pleasant. The valuation you gave is very accurate, and we have no objection."

"There is also a third rule. Before the transaction, I may pick a few top-level antique relics and artworks from this treasure, collect them myself, and display them in my private museum in the future.

One thing you can rest assured, I will not choose any antiques and artworks related to religion, as well as things related to death. This is my consistent collection principle, and you all understand it! "

Hearing this, Joshua pondered for a while, then nodded.

"We also accept this, but I still hope that you guys won't be too ruthless, don't pick up all the good things, and just leave us with the unimportant things."

"No, there are not many things I can look at, and even less things related to religion and death!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

In a few sentences, he reached a verbal agreement with Joshua, shook hands, and sold half of the treasure he owned in a blink of an eye.

Next, they discussed some transaction details.

How could Amir, who was on the phone not far away, know that their partner had changed in just a short while, from the Intrepid Exploration Company to the Israeli government!

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