Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3014 True and False Ark of the Covenant

In the next few days, the tripartite joint exploration team went to several other places in Sudan to continue their exploration.

It is a pity that everyone found nothing, and did not find the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant.

Afterwards, the tripartite joint exploration team rested for a day in Sudan, and then drove southward to Ethiopia in the south.

After seven or eight hours of running around, the joint exploration convoy finally arrived at the northern border of Ethiopia at around 4:00 pm.

This is the edge of the northern plateau of Ethiopia, very close to Eritrea, another country in East Africa.

The tripartite joint exploration team entered the first exploration site in Ethiopia, which is at the junction of Ethiopia and Eritrea.

At this point, the joint exploration convoy had to slow down, followed other social vehicles in front, and slowly drove towards the border.

The joint exploration convoy passed through the Sudanese border without much trouble.

However, when the convoy entered the Ethiopian border, it encountered the strictest inspection since this joint exploration operation, and it can even be said to be harsh.

At the Ethiopian border checkpoint, there have been a large number of heavily armed military police waiting long ago, all of them staring at each other with very unfriendly eyes.

In addition to a large number of armed military police, representatives of the Ethiopian government, as well as representatives of the Orthodox Church and Islam, also waited for a long time on the border.

In addition, there are Israeli ambassadors to Ethiopia and cultural counselors.

These Israelis were full of worry, staring at the slowly approaching joint exploration convoy, and from time to time looked at the surrounding Ethiopians.

As soon as the joint exploration convoy entered Ethiopia, the heavily armed Ethiopian military police immediately surrounded them.

In an instant, they surrounded the joint exploration convoy.

The Israeli agents responsible for protecting the joint exploration convoy, as well as the members of the 13th commando, immediately went on high alert, staring at the Ethiopian military police vigilantly.

Numerous security personnel of the fearless exploration company are also on high alert.

Everyone sitting in the car tightly held the assault rifles in their hands, ready to respond at any time.

With the actions of both parties,

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, and the air seemed to be filled with a choking smell of gunpowder.

Ye Tian, ​​who was in an Israeli military vehicle, had already put on a kevlar body armor, and the loaded g36c short assault rifle was at hand, ready to fire.

He looked at the situation outside, and then said through the intercom:

"Matisse, let the guys be vigilant and ready to fight at any time, it can be seen that the Ethiopians do not welcome the arrival of the three-way joint exploration team.

Once there is a firefight later, everyone must protect all company employees and many experts and scholars, and withdraw to Sudan as soon as possible, safety first! "

"Understood, Steven, I will notify all the guys and let everyone be more vigilant!"

Mattis snapped back and sprang into action.

David, who was sitting in the same car as Ye Tian, ​​looked at the situation outside, and couldn't help feeling a little terrified.

"I'll go! Why did the Ethiopians behave like this? Many of them looked at the tripartite joint exploration convoy, their eyes seemed to be filled with hatred and anger, and they were gnashing their teeth.

The performance of the Ethiopians is different from that of the Yemenis, Egyptians, and Sudanese. Why is this? Is it because of the hatred with the Israelites? "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this guy, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry too much. This is more of an insult from the Ethiopians to the tripartite joint exploration team. They probably won't really attack the tripartite joint exploration team. They can't bear the consequences!

If there is any country and people in this world who do not want the tripartite joint exploration team to find Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, it must be Ethiopia and almost all Ethiopians.

Legend has it that after the Babylonians captured Jerusalem, they began to loot Solomon's Temple frantically. Menelik I risked his life to transfer the Ark of the Covenant and returned to Ethiopia with the Ark.

Menelik I thus became the founder of the Ethiopian dynasty, and the Ark of the Covenant also remained in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Christians believe that the Ark of the Covenant is kept in the Church of St. Mary in Ashume.”

"I've also heard of this. Could it be that the Ark of the Covenant is really in that Church of St. Mary? If so, why did Israel and the Vatican spend so much time looking for the Ark of the Covenant?"

David continued, obviously not knowing why.

Ye Tian shook his head, and continued to say:

"The St. Mary's Church has thus become the most important religious shrine in Ethiopia. It is said that the Ark of the Covenant is guarded by a priest and outsiders cannot enter, but no one can prove whether the Ark of the Covenant exists.

There is also a saying that in the 1990s, due to the turbulent situation in Ethiopia and frequent wars, the Israeli government sent a special force in 1993 to secretly transport the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel.

Looking at it now, the latter statement is obviously non-existent, and it is nothing more than rumors. Otherwise, the Israelis would not have come to our company to jointly explore Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

But is the Ark of the Covenant really stored in the Church of St. Mary in Ashume, Ethiopia? Ethiopian Christians and Muslims basically believe that the Ark of the Covenant is really in that church.

Believers in almost all other countries and the three major religions do not believe that the Ark of the Covenant is really in Ethiopia. People think that it is hidden in a very secret place and will appear one day.

The tripartite joint exploration team came to Ethiopia this time to explore the treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant. If we really found the Ark of the Covenant, it is not in the Church of St. Mary of Ashume.

In this situation, how will the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Islamic Church deal with themselves? How will it face the majority of believers, and all Ethiopian people? That's why they have this attitude!

In addition, when the Israeli military organized Operation Solomon and Operation Moses to evacuate the Beta Israelis in Ethiopia, they also completely offended the Ethiopians!

Especially the Ethiopian military, that is an indelible shame! Because of this, they will be filled with anger and hatred when they see the Israeli military police protecting the tripartite joint exploration team! "

"Wow! There are so many stories here. It seems that the trip of the tripartite joint exploration team to Ethiopia is not destined to be peaceful!"

David said a few words with emotion, but also a little worried.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, said with a smile:

"Indeed, this trip to Ethiopia will surely be full of troubles, and it may be the most difficult and dangerous part of this tripartite joint exploration operation.

During this exploration, we may be attacked by some religious extremists. The attackers may be Orthodox Christians or others! "

While the two of them were chatting, Joshua, Seaman and others got out of the car and walked over to the Ethiopian officials and religious figures, preparing to negotiate with them.

At the same time, the heavily armed Ethiopian military police at the scene still stared at the Israeli agents and soldiers protecting the tripartite joint exploration team, with a fierce look in their eyes!

The atmosphere at the scene is still very tense, and it seems that there is a possibility of misfire at any time!

Just as Ye Tian expected, the reason why the Ethiopians put on such a scene was more to give the tripartite joint exploration team a bad start, rather than to really block or even expel the tripartite joint exploration team.

As a poor third world country, Ethiopia did not have the courage to offend Israel and the Vatican at the same time, let alone provoke Ye Tian, ​​a difficult opponent.

They just want to show a gesture so that they can bargain later.

Negotiations between Joshua and the Ethiopians did not go smoothly. After more than half an hour, the two sides have not yet reached a conclusion.

As a result, the tripartite joint exploration convoy could only stop at the Ethiopian border and wait patiently for customs clearance.

Other social vehicles behind the joint exploration convoy were also blocked here.

All vehicles can only be lined up in long lines, suffering under the scorching sun.

Fortunately, here is a semi-desert area, located on the edge of the Ethiopian plateau, the temperature is not so hot, everyone can bear it!

After another ten minutes, Joshua and several Ethiopian officials came out of the simple house at the border checkpoint and appeared in everyone's view again.

Subsequently, an Ethiopian military officer issued an order to withdraw the heavily armed Ethiopian soldiers so that they no longer had to surround the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

At the same time, Joshua led several Ethiopian officials and people from the religious circles, and walked straight to the military vehicle that Ye Tian was riding in.

Coming closer, Joshua took the initiative to knock on the car window, obviously wanting to talk to Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian didn't immediately lower the window glass.

He quickly glanced around, especially the buildings on the border between the two countries, as well as the surrounding hills and other places, and took a quick look at these places.

After making sure that the surroundings were safe and that no one was in ambush, he opened the car door and got out, standing beside the car.

After getting off the car, he nodded to the Ethiopians as a greeting.

Joshua stepped forward and whispered to him:

"Steven, these high-level officials and religious figures from the Ethiopian government want to get to know you and talk to you about launching exploration operations in Ethiopia!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"Then let's talk, I also want to meet these Ethiopian friends."

Afterwards, Joshua led him towards the Ethiopians.

After everyone met, it was natural to exchange polite greetings, introduce each other, and so on.

Before shaking hands, these Ethiopians all looked at Ye Tian's left cuff, and there was a bit of fear in everyone's eyes, which could not be concealed at all.

Obviously, they also knew what was hidden in that cuff.

It was a devil, or the Grim Reaper, that made everyone feel extremely fearful and terrified!

The legend about the little white translucent cobra has now spread throughout Africa.

Almost everyone knows about it and is terrified of it, and these Ethiopians are no exception.

Apart from being afraid of the little white elf, these Ethiopian officials and religious figures were quite enthusiastic and courteous.

Maybe it's because Ye Tian is a Chinese.

The relationship between Ethiopia and China has always been good, and they have always regarded the Chinese as friends, which is why they are so enthusiastic.

There is another reason, that is, the etiquette of Ethiopians is more cumbersome.

They are always overly enthusiastic. When two people meet, the greeting time can sometimes reach a minute or two, and the content of the greeting is all-encompassing, from each other's health to the harvest of the farmland and so on.

If there is something to talk about, you have to wait for each other to greet each other calmly before discussing substantive issues.

At this moment, Ye Tian truly experienced the enthusiasm of the Ethiopians.

After going through this process, everyone will get to the point.

"Hello, Mr. Steven, just now I heard from Mr. Joshua that this tripartite joint exploration operation is led by your brave and fearless exploration company, or rather, it is led by you!"

Ethiopia's deputy culture minister said he was the highest-ranking Ethiopian here.

Ye Tian nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"Indeed, Mr. Mustafa, this tripartite joint exploration of Solomon's Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant is indeed led by our Brave and Fearless Exploration Company. This is for the convenience of operations and command, and to avoid bullying!"

"That's right, Mr. Steven, regarding this tripartite joint exploration operation, the Ethiopian government and the Israeli government have reached some cooperation agreements before.

On the basis of these cooperation agreements, we still have some requirements. I hope you can agree. Only in this way can your joint exploration team start operations smoothly! "

"What are the requirements? You can tell me, I'm very interested!"

"During your exploration in Ethiopia, in addition to the supervisors from our Ministry of Culture, the Orthodox Church and the Islamic Church will send people to participate and supervise on-site, but they will not interfere with your actions!

Another point is that the tripartite joint exploration team will be protected by our Ethiopian police during their stay in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian police will definitely ensure your safety. Please rest assured.

If you encounter something uncontrollable, such as a large-scale attack, you can launch a legitimate defense within a reasonable range, but you must control the use of force and do not wantonly kill in Ethiopia.

The bloody killings that took place in Siwa Oasis and Aswan in Egypt must not be repeated in Ethiopia, especially the legendary little white cobra, you'd better not let it appear outside."

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling.

"Mr. Mustafa, as long as you promise not to interfere with the normal progress of the tripartite joint exploration operation, I have no reason not to agree to your request for on-site supervision.

As for the use of force, it depends on the situation. We never provoke any disputes, and we will never take the initiative to attack others, but we will never give up the right to self-defense!

We have always been law-abiding and respect the laws of the countries in which we operate, but if someone attacks us, we will have to fight back without the protection of the police.

That little white translucent cobra is actually not as scary as the rumors say, it's just a rumor, don't worry, that little guy is still very obedient! "

Without exception, all the Ethiopians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily.

Are you guys law-abiding? Stop talking nonsense!

Do you want to go back and ask the Egyptians? Will they believe it?

After a short pause, an Ethiopian Orthodox monk suddenly interjected:

"Mr. Steven, we have no objection to your coming to Ethiopia to explore the legendary Solomon's treasure this time, but let's forget about finding the Ark of the Covenant.

All Ethiopians know that the Ark of the Covenant is in the Church of St. Mary of Asume, where it has been stored for over two thousand years! "

Ye Tian looked at the Orthodox monk, then smiled and said:

"I will not respond to any questions about religion or the Ark of the Covenant. In this joint exploration operation, we are only responsible for searching!

Regarding this issue, you can discuss with Israel and the Vatican to see what their attitude is, if they say they will not search for the Ark of the Covenant, then I am very happy."

After the words fell, the Orthodox monk immediately stopped talking.

He knows very well that it is simply impossible for Israel and the Vatican to give up their search for the Ark!

Afterwards, everyone discussed cooperation matters for a while, and the meeting ended.

Ye Tian returned to the car, and Joshua and the Ethiopians also dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, Ethiopian border guards began to conduct inspections.

These guys checked one by one, very carefully.

Moreover, they also randomly checked the passports and certificates of many people in the joint exploration team, and checked them one by one.

Faced with such interrogation, everyone was very helpless, but they could only accept it.

But Ye Tian still kept an eye out, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Matisse, be careful, don't let the Ethiopians install GPS locators or even time bombs under the car, be careful!"

"Understood, Steven, we will keep an eye on those Ethiopian border guards, and we won't let them tamper with the car!"

Mattis responded, reminding the Israelis.

The inspection lasted for nearly forty minutes before it ended.

After confirming that there was no problem, the Ethiopians released the trip and allowed the tripartite joint exploration team to enter.

The convoy started up again and quickly drove away from the border between the two countries, kicking off another exploration operation!

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