Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3021 Sheepskin Scroll

In a short while, the portable waterjet was ready.

Ye Tian stepped forward to check it, and after confirming that there was no problem, he nodded and said:

"It's time to start, Allen, you cut along the gap around this granite, and be careful not to cut this granite and the surrounding rocks"

"Understood, Steven, rest assured and leave it to us!"

Allen nodded in response, and then acted.

As the portable water jet was turned on, a high-speed water flow containing emery immediately shot out from the water jet nozzle, directly cutting into the gap on the right side of the granite slab.

Seeing this scene, the Ethiopians, including Mustafa, were amazed.

They did not expect that water can cut stones, and it is as powerful as a bamboo!

While secretly amazed, they were also a little envious.

Like this kind of high-tech equipment, the whole of Ethiopia may not even have one, but these guys in front of them are using it to explore treasures!

Joshua and David, who were also present, were very calm.

They have seen this scene countless times, and they have long been used to it.

Just as Allen was cutting with the water jet, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, I'm Jeremy. We scanned some metal signals in a utility room on the first floor. They are buried about four or five meters deep underground. You'd better take a look!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Okay, Jeremy, I'm going down right away, I hope it's a pleasant surprise!"

After finishing speaking, he told Allen and the others to continue working here.

Afterwards, he took David and others, left the banquet hall, and walked towards the stairs leading to the first floor of the castle.

On the way, Mustafa and the scenic spot manager exchanged glances.

They saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

Are people like myself incompetent, or are these Yankees too clever?

How long have they been in Fasil Gabe Castle,

I found something, and it was two places!

In the past few hundred years, the Fasilidas castle complex has been in the hands of the Ethiopians. Why has no one discovered these possible treasures? It's cheap for these Yankees!

Is it true that there are hidden treasures hidden in Fasil Gabe Castle, even the legendary treasure of Solomon?

If this is the case, does Ethiopia really want to share the treasure with Steven?

Thinking of this, Mustafa and the others felt a little distressed, but there was nothing they could do.

"Steven, what are those metal objects buried deep underground?"

Mustafa asked curiously, eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian looked back at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"What are those metal objects? I don't know. The answer can only be known after checking the scanned metal signals and analyzing them carefully.

They may be an unknown treasure, or they may be some ancient farming tools or weapons, or metal tools used in the construction of this ancient castle, etc.! "

While speaking, he had already walked up the stairs and walked downstairs along the spiral staircase.

After a while, they came to a storage room on the west side of the first floor.

The area of ​​this storage room is not large, only less than twenty square meters. The lights inside are dim, covered with moss, and the floor is very slippery.

On the west wall of this storage room, there is a small arched window, which is no more than one meter high and about fifty centimeters wide. It is the only window in this storage room.

At this time, Jeremy and another company employee were standing in the middle of the storage room, holding pulse metal detectors in their hands.

When he came to the door of the storage room, Ye Tian glanced inside, and then walked in.

Because the interior space of the storage room is limited, it cannot accommodate too many people.

Except for Mustafa and Joshua, everyone stayed in the corridor outside, waiting for the results of the exploration.

After entering the storage room, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation here before coming to Jeremy and the others.

"Tell me, Jeremy, what have you found? Hope it's an amazing discovery!"

"It's here, Steven, we scanned a strong metal signal at a depth of more than four meters underground. There are four or five metal objects stacked together"

Jeremy introduced the situation, and pointed to the ground in the center of the storage room.

In the center of the storage room is a slate floor. Because few people come here, no one takes care of it. There is a thick layer of dust on the slate, with green moss growing on it, which is quite slippery.

Other than that, nothing special can be seen.

After briefly introducing the situation, Jeremy started scanning the ground with the pulse metal detector in his hand.

Following his actions, a metal detector beeped immediately, which was very pleasant to hear.

Ye Tian looked at the ground, then came to another explorer, and looked at the signal scanned by the pulse metal detector on the monitoring screen.

As Jeremy said, there are indeed several metal objects buried at a depth of more than four meters under this floor, and they are stacked together.

However, the signals scanned by the pulse metal detector cannot distinguish their shapes, nor can they distinguish what kind of objects and what kind of metal they are!

Ye Tian carefully checked the scanned metal signal, and then fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said:

"Jeremy, have you scanned the rest of this storage room? Have you found any other metal objects buried deep underground?"

"I scanned the storage room thoroughly, including the floor and walls, as well as the rooms on the left and right and the outside corridors, and we also scanned them all.

In other places, we did not scan any metal signals, but only found this place. What might these metal objects buried deep in the ground be? .”

Jeremy nodded and introduced the situation.

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but walked around the storage room to check the surrounding walls and the ground.

Afterwards, he pondered for a moment, and then said:

"Judging from the buried depth of these metal objects, they should have been buried deep underground when Fasil Gabe Castle was built.

To build such a magnificent stone castle, the foundation must have been dug very deep, that is to say, to the depth where these few metal objects were.

From this point of view, they are not treasures buried by ancient people, nor were they buried by later people. I am more inclined to think that these are a few funerary objects!

When Fasil Gabe Castle was built, these things were buried deep underground, and no one has ever discovered them, but we came here.

As for whether these burial objects are gold products or other metal objects, it is unknown, and it is difficult to estimate their value for the time being.”

Having said that, he suddenly turned his head to look at Mustafa, smiled and said:

"Mustafa, we will not excavate these metal objects buried deep underground. For the joint exploration team, these metal objects do not have much excavation value.

Our main target is Solomon's Treasure, as well as other treasures with relatively high value. These metal objects can be left to you. It is up to you to decide whether to excavate them! "

For such a result, Mustafa naturally agrees with both hands.

"No problem, Steven, leave the matter of exploring these metal objects to us. We will analyze it carefully before deciding whether to dig it!"

"Okay, let's go back upstairs, there is still a secret waiting for us to uncover!"

Ye Tian nodded and said.

Afterwards, the group of them left the storage room and returned to the banquet hall upstairs.


When entering the banquet hall, the cutting work is nearing completion.

A moment later, Allen stopped cutting and turned around and said:

"Steven, the gaps around this granite strip have been cut, and this strip can be removed from the wall!"

"Okay, good job!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then walked forward.

The rest of the people also followed, all full of anticipation.

Before coming to the wall on the north side of the banquet hall, Ye Tian checked the overall condition of the wall first, and then looked at the granite strip.

The gaps around the granite strip have been cut open at this time.

The cement used to fill the gap was also taken out by Allen and the others.

As Ye Tian said before, this piece of granite does not bear any force.

Looking in along the hollowed out gap, the part of the stone buried in the wall is not very deep.

If it were removed from the walls, it would do nothing and would not endanger the safety of the ancient castle.

Ye Tian didn't take down the granite strip immediately, but asked Mustafa and the manager of the scenic spot to take a look to confirm the condition of the granite strip.

After reading it, Mustafa and the manager of the scenic spot nodded and became more curious at the same time.

"Behind this granite slab, is there really some unknown secret hidden? What could this secret be?"

Mustafa asked curiously.

"Then I don't know. When I remove this stone from this wall, the answer will be revealed naturally. Just wait patiently for a while!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Next, he asked everyone else to step back a little to avoid accidents.

After everyone backed away, he carefully observed the situation on the granite strip and the wall, then picked up a crowbar that had been prepared, and started to do it.

He came to the left side of the granite slab and inserted the flat end of the crowbar along the gap.

Immediately afterwards, he exerted a little force to feel the weight of this granite strip.

With this movement, the granite slab moved slightly outwards.

Apparently, the stone is movable.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian immediately increased his strength and pressed the other end of the crowbar against the wall.

Unsurprisingly, he pried the granite strip out of the wall bit by bit.

When one end of the stone came out of the wall, Ye Tian immediately pulled out the crowbar, then grabbed the stone with his hands, and pulled it out forcefully.

On the other side, Allen and the others have come forward to the left, ready to catch the other end of the stone to prevent it from hitting the ground directly.

In the blink of an eye, most of this granite strip was pulled out by Ye Tian.

At this time, everyone finally saw it.

On the inner side of this granite strip, there is a groove about 80 centimeters long, which is obviously artificially dug out.

Inside that groove was a long strip of something wrapped in a thick black tarpaulin.

Seeing this, everyone immediately exclaimed.

"Wow! I didn't expect that there is actually something hidden behind this granite strip. It's incredible?"

"What is wrapped in the black moisture-proof raincloth? Who hid it inside this wall? Could it be the Italians?"

When everyone was exclaiming, Ye Tian stopped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he said to the two men standing at the other end of the granite slab:

"Hold on to this granite bar, Alan, don't let it fall. I'll take out this thing hidden in the bar and see what it is. I hope it will be a nice surprise!"

"Okay, Steven"

Allen and the others nodded in response, and immediately stepped forward, holding the granite bar.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and took out the thing hidden in the granite strip.

Next, he looked at the situation inside the stone and the hidden space behind it.

After confirming that there was nothing else hidden, he asked Alan and the others to push the granite strip into the wall again, so that it would be safer without having to hold it all the time.

After finishing these things, he turned around and found out.

Everyone was staring at him and the black moisture-proof and oil-stained thing in his hand. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation.

"Steven, what's wrapped in that?"

Mustafa asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly what it is, but it feels like a scroll when I pinch it!"

With that said, Ye Tian pinched the thing lightly.

"Scroll? Could it be a document, or a treasure map?"

"Take off those black tarpaulins, Steven, and let everyone see what's wrapped inside"

Everyone talked in a hurry, and they couldn't wait.

Ye Tian pointed to a solid wooden long table in front of the left wall of the banquet hall, and said with a smile:

"The environment here is very bad, it must not be opened like this, and this thing has been hidden in the wall for a long time, so be careful when opening it,

Let's clean up that long solid wood table, and then open these black tarpaulins on the table to see what's inside! "

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Allen and the others.

Allen and the others understood immediately, went straight to the left wall, moved the long table to the center of the banquet hall, and wiped it quickly.

After they wiped off the dust and moss on the surface of the table, Ye Tian came over and put the thing wrapped in black tarpaulin on the table.

Before that, he had wiped the dust off the outside of the thing.

It can be seen that on the outside of the black tarpaulins, several ropes are tied to prevent the tarpaulins from spreading.

Ye Tian checked the appearance of this thing, and then said to the crowd who gathered around:

"If I'm not mistaken, the person who hid this thing in the wall should be an Italian, and it is likely to be related to high-level figures of the Italian occupation forces during World War II.

During World War II, Ethiopia was once again occupied by Italy and became an Italian colony. The headquarters of the Italian occupation army is located in the Fasilidas castle complex!

Fasil Gabi Castle, a former Ethiopian royal palace, became the residence and office of the Commander of the Italian occupation forces during that period, and for a long time.

In the war of the Ethiopian people's liberation of the country, the last decisive battle took place in Gondar! After the decisive battle of Gondar, the Ethiopian War of Resistance against Italy was declared a victory.

At the time of their defeat, those Italians who were about to escape from Gondar and the Castles of Fasilidas might really be able to hide something very important here that cannot be taken away.”

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, shining brightly.

Especially Mustafa and other Ethiopians seemed to have thought of something and suddenly became more excited.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then gently pulled a rope tied with a black tarpaulin and untied it.

He repeated the same action three times in succession.

Next, he peeled off those black tarpaulins layer by layer.

Seeing his movements, everyone couldn't help but get nervous.

In the blink of an eye, those black moisture-proof tarpaulins have all been uncovered.

The thing that was tightly wrapped under the moisture-proof rain cloth finally revealed its true face.

As the day said, that's a scroll!

However, this is not a paper scroll, but a yellowed sheepskin scroll.

This sheepskin scroll is very delicately made, and its two ends are fancy shaft heads made of African red sandalwood, carved with exquisite and complicated patterns.

And in the center of the scroll, it is tied with a yellow ribbon, and there is a red wax seal!

When seeing this sheepskin scroll, everyone couldn't help thinking of a word.

Treasure Map!

There is no other reason, because many legendary treasure maps are sheepskin maps.

"It's actually a sheepskin scroll. I don't know what is recorded on it. Is it a treasure map?"

"This sheepskin scroll is too delicate, the contents recorded on it must be very important!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was very excited.

At this moment, Ye Tian had already put on his gloves, carefully picked up the sheepskin scroll, and began to observe carefully.

After a while, they laughed and said:

"My guess is correct. This parchment scroll was indeed hidden by the Italians. The daisies engraved on the heads of these two red sandalwood scrolls can explain the problem. Daisy is the national flower of Italy!"

As he spoke, he showed the head of the sheepskin scroll.

Everyone can clearly see that there is indeed a blooming daisy carved on the head of the African rosewood shaft!

But what everyone is more concerned about is the content recorded in this sheepskin scroll.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry, he carefully observed the appearance of the sheepskin scroll.

Then, he gently pulled away the yellow ribbon that tied the sheepskin scroll, ready to open the scroll.

At this moment, an Ethiopian historian suddenly stepped out with an excited expression on his face!

Judging from what he meant, it seemed that he planned to open the sheepskin scroll with Ye Tian and witness history together.

However, Ye Tian shook his head firmly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Fortunately, Mustafa's reaction was relatively quick, and he grabbed the Ethiopian historian and whispered a few words.

The Ethiopian historian just came to his senses, and then he stopped and did not move forward!

Ye Tian smiled, and then gently opened the sheepskin scroll!

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