Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3023 are all here for the treasure

With the help of several philologists, the Italian texts that appeared in the first half of the treasure map were all translated.

Those marked in Italian are basically the names of places near Gondar, including mountains, rivers, canyons, etc., which are very detailed.

Those Arabic numerals marked on the map are the altitude and geographic coordinates, which are not difficult to judge.

Looking at the contents recorded on this treasure map, everyone on the scene was extremely excited, and their eyes lit up.

Especially those Ethiopians, their eyes are so hot that they are almost burning.

If it wasn't Ye Tian, ​​but someone else who held this treasure map, these guys would have already started to grab this priceless treasure map and keep it for themselves!

However, Ye Tian's powerful strength and ruthless behavior are enough to dispel all their fantasies!

After everyone had carefully appreciated the first half of the treasure map and studied it, Ye Tian said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, just come here, I'm going to put this treasure map away, I hope everyone can keep this treasure map secret to avoid trouble.

When our Brave Exploration Company has reached an agreement with the Ethiopian government to form a joint exploration team, I will lead the team to explore this amazing treasure! "

With that said, Ye Tian put away this treasure map.

Under the gazes of many reluctant eyes, he re-rolled the sheepskin scroll and tied it with the yellow ribbon.

Then he took the black portable safe on the side and put the priceless sheepskin scroll into the safe.

Seeing this scene, everyone is extremely envious, even jealous.

The eyes of the Ethiopians at the scene were all red, and all of them clenched their teeth, but they were helpless!

At this moment, Mustafa finally finished the phone call with the religious person and returned to the banquet hall.

When they returned to the banquet hall, they did not see the priceless sheepskin scroll.

"What about that treasure map? Steven, did you put it away?"

asked Mustafa in surprise, and looked at the portable safe on the long table.

"That's right, Mustafa, I put away the sheepskin scroll and put it in the portable safe next to it, this is for confidentiality reasons, I hope you understand.

I can tell you very clearly that after the identification of several literati experts, archaeologists, and historians, everyone has come to a highly consistent identification conclusion.

This treasure map is likely to point to the huge wealth plundered from all over East Africa by the Italian army during World War II, and the core is likely to be the treasure of the Solomon Dynasty.

By studying the many textual information in the first half of the treasure map, it can be basically determined that this amazing treasure is buried in the mountains near Gondar in all likelihood.”

Ye Tian nodded and explained.

Although he had expected this result, Mustafa was still excited when he heard his explanation.

"It's actually the treasure of the Solomon Dynasty that has disappeared for a long time. This discovery is too important and will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

"Yes! This is indeed an amazing discovery. It is a huge surprise for both of us, and it is worth celebrating!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

"How are you going to preserve this precious treasure map? Steven"

"In the next period of time, I will always take this portable safe with me, no one can touch it, and this precious treasure map will not be leaked.

When we both reach a cooperation agreement and form a joint exploration team to explore this treasure and successfully find it, I will release this precious treasure map to the public! "

"Okay, Steven, I hope you can protect this precious treasure map. It is in the interests of both of us and must not be lost. Without permission, this treasure map must not leave Ethiopia."

"Don't worry about this, Mustafa, I don't mean to take this treasure map away. The treasure pointed to by this treasure map is what I care about the most!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, without concealing his desire at all.

Hearing this, all the Ethiopians rolled their eyes angrily and complained wildly.

"This damn bastard is so greedy, it's even more exaggerated than the legend!"

After a few chats, Mustafa got to the point.

"Steven, what happened here, I have just reported to Addis Ababa. After listening to the report, Mr. President and relevant people attach great importance to this matter.

Rest assured, our Ethiopian government will abide by our promise to explore this amazing treasure together with you Brave Exploration Company, and negotiations can begin today.

The Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and the National Museum have moved quickly to convene relevant experts and scholars and organize an exploration team, which will arrive in Gondar tomorrow.

When our exploration team arrives in Gondar and signs a cooperation agreement with you, we can start a joint exploration operation to explore this amazing treasure together! "

Ye Tian nodded and shook hands with Mustafa.

"That's even better, this is exactly what I want, and I have always believed that the Ethiopian government will keep its promises and will not do things that break their promises!"


Someone at the scene laughed, it was an archaeologist from Colombia.

Obviously, the expert and scholar's laugh is very low.

Several other experts and scholars at the scene, as well as Joshua and David, all tried their best to hold back their laughter, but did not laugh out loud!

Have you always believed in the Ethiopian government? Stop bullshitting!

Who was it that was ready to tear his face and confront the Ethiopian government just now? It looks like you are the guy, right?

Looking at Mustafa and those Ethiopians, their expressions are very embarrassed, but they are also very helpless!

Before they could respond, Ye Tian continued:

"Mustafa, I need to inform you about something, just when you were out on the phone, David also called the White House and informed about the situation here.

If nothing else, the U.S. Embassy will send someone to Gondar tomorrow, probably Mr. Ambassador and Cultural Counselor, who will participate in this joint exploration as supervisors! "

Before he finished speaking, there was an exclamation at the scene.

"Ah! Did I hear that right? Will the U.S. embassy send someone to supervise this joint exploration?"

"You actually notified the White House, is this necessary?"

Looking at these Ethiopians with extremely ugly faces, Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

"Of course it is necessary. Our company pays astronomical huge taxes every year. The US government has the responsibility to protect our safety and ensure that our interests are not violated!"

Hearing this, Mustafa's face suddenly became even more ugly.

He knew very well in his heart that once the embassy representing the US government intervened, there was basically no room for him to play any tricks!


Exploration continues,

In the following time, in Fasil Gaby Castle, everyone found several metal objects buried deep in the ground.

These metal objects were buried at different depths, and they all existed in isolation, no more than three or four stacked together at most.

Ye Tian checked the detected metal signal and analyzed it.

In his opinion, these metal objects are not treasures, and have nothing to do with the legendary treasure of Solomon.

They were just some farm tools, ancient weapons, some metal tools used in the construction of this castle, and some funerary items, which were of little value.

In addition to these metal objects buried deep in the ground, Ye Tian also found two very hidden secret compartments in the emperor's bedroom and study on the second floor of the castle.

It's a pity that the two hidden secret compartments are empty and nothing.

In addition, in the emperor's bedroom, Ye Tian also found a very narrow secret passage that only one person could pass through.

This secret passage leads to another room on the second floor of the castle. It should be an escape secret passage, and it can also be used for cheating.

There is something in this secret passage.

It was a few wooden boxes left over from the Italians, with Italian writing on them and the emblem of an ancient Roman bat branded on them.

But those boxes were empty, and the things inside had already been taken away.

Apart from these, nothing else has been found.

While everyone was still exploring in Fasil Gaby Castle, Ye Tian discovered that the news of the sheepskin scroll had spread like wildfire.

In Addis Ababa, in Gondar, and formerly in other cities and places in Ethiopia, the news spread quickly and reached many ears.

Not only that, but also several of Ethiopia's neighbors.

Governments and many people in Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and other countries also received the news.

Many countries and regions outside East Africa also received this news, knowing that the tripartite joint exploration team has made another major discovery in Ethiopia.

After receiving the news, people were amazed at Ye Tian's good fortune, and they were extremely jealous and envious.

As for who leaked the news, there is no way to know for the time being!

This guy could be the Ethiopian in the Facilidas castle complex, or it could be the Ethiopian high-level people in Addis Ababa, or someone close to them.

Not surprisingly, this news caused a huge sensation in Ethiopia!

Even the entire East Africa region has caused waves of waves because of this news.

As the news spread quickly, the eyes of countless people turned to Gondar, Ye Tian, ​​and the priceless sheepskin scroll in his hand.

Among these people, there are quite a few guys who are so jealous that their eyes are red and the light of greed flashes in their eyes! And there are a lot of them.

Some of these guys have even taken action and went straight to Gondar as soon as they received the news!

Ye Tian is naturally very clear about the situation in the outside world.

But he didn't take it to heart and still led the team to explore.

Due to the large area and wide coverage of Fasil Gaby Castle, just exploring this ancient castle consumes a lot of time.

By the time we finished exploring Fasil Gaby Castle, it was already evening.

When Ye Tian and the others came out of Fasil Gaby Castle, they just caught up with the beautiful sunset!

At this time, the entire sky of Gondar was reddened by the sunset, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

A ray of golden sunlight projected from the sky, shining on everyone and on this ancient and mottled castle, adding a bit of vicissitudes to this magnificent castle!

Under the setting sun, the tall banyan and fig trees inside and outside the castle complex swayed gently in the evening breeze.

A group of beautiful birds flew from a distance and landed on the leafy tree crowns, chirping, singing in the face of the sunset, and the singing was melodious and intoxicating.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but stop and enjoy it quietly.

After a while, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"The sunset is so beautiful. It seems that the weather tomorrow should be very good, which is just right for us to continue exploring this ancient castle complex!"

When the voice fell, Joshua immediately continued:

"It seems that the rainy season in Ethiopia is coming to an end, which is a good thing for the tripartite joint exploration team!"

During the conversation, everyone woke up and nodded one after another.

At the same time, many members of the three-party joint exploration team also withdrew from the Fasil Gaby Castle and gathered at the entrance of the castle.

In today's exploration, apart from the priceless sheepskin scroll in Ye Tian's hand, there was no other discovery, let alone the treasure of Solomon!

Of course, the discovery of this sheepskin scroll was surprising enough and sensational enough!

After all the expedition team members had arrived, Ye Tian looked at everyone, then smiled and said loudly:

"It's too late, this is the end of today's exploration work, everyone is ready to go back to the hotel, have a good rest, and tomorrow we will come back to explore the Facilidas Castles, hoping to find something."

"Okay, Steven"

Many joint explorers responded in unison.

Afterwards, everyone carried the metal suitcases full of exploration equipment and walked to the gate of the castle complex.

Ye Tian and the others were the same, joking and chatting while walking towards the gate of the castle complex.

On the way, everyone would look at Ye Tian and the black portable safe in his hand from time to time.

Especially those Ethiopians, their eyes are very hot, but they are a bit depressed and helpless.

At this time, they want to rush forward and grab that portable safe from Ye Tian!

It's a pity that they can only think about it and can't act at all.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has arrived at the gate of the ancient castle group, and they are ready to go out.

At this moment, Matisse suddenly approached, Shen Sheng said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, the news that you found the treasure map of the sheepskin scroll has spread throughout Ethiopia, causing a sensation in the whole city of Gondar, and countless Ethiopians poured out of the castle.

Not only that, the fact that you will keep this priceless treasure map has already spread to countless people. Once the news came out, it immediately sparked huge protests in Ethiopia.

Among the people swarming outside the castle, there may be some people with ulterior motives. When you leave the castle complex, you must be careful. We will protect you and this treasure map.

And one more thing, just now, the governments of Sudan and Eritrea, Kenya, and Somalia and Djibouti have all issued claims, claiming that they have the right to share this treasure.”

"Okay, I got it, Mattis, let the guys be vigilant and be prepared for all kinds of emergencies"

Ye Tian nodded and said, his expression still very relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to look at Mustafa and said with a smile:

"Mustafa, should the matter outside the castle complex be handled by you? If there is an accident, such as someone firing at us, we will have to fight back.

There are also the claims of Sudan and Eritrea and other countries. I hope you can handle them properly. I believe you have a way to handle these issues. I don't want to have bad relations with these countries! "

"Don't worry, Steven, leave these things to us, we will ensure the safety of the three-party joint exploration team, and the safety of you and this treasure map.

Give me a little time, I'll take people to deal with things outside, I'll get it done soon! As for the claims of countries such as Sudan and Eritrea, it is totally irrelevant! "

Mustafa continued, his expression rather solemn.

"Okay, Mustafa, let's stay in the castle complex for a while, and we'll leave here when you get things done outside!"

Ye Tian nodded and said.

Next, Mustafa walked out of the castle complex with several senior Ethiopian officials and military and police officers to deal with the outside affairs.

Many members of the three-party joint exploration team stayed in the Facilidas castle group.

Everyone was joking and chatting while waiting, not too nervous.

As soon as several high-ranking Ethiopian officials left, Mattis' voice came through the wireless invisible earphones.

"Steven, among those Ethiopians outside the castle, we listened to the communications of Sudanese and Eritrean intelligence officers, and those guys responded quickly.

Through mobile phone signals, we targeted the intelligence personnel in Sudan and Eritrea. Besides them, there were also armed elements of the PFLP and some gang members in the crowd.

In addition, I just received news from Raytheon that some militants and pirates in Somalia are also ready to move, and some guys have even set off and come straight to Gondar!

There is no doubt that all these guys are coming for the sheepskin scroll treasure map, for this amazing treasure, and many of them are desperados, and it is difficult to deal with! "

Ye Tian took a few steps back, distanced himself from the others, and then sneered and said in a low voice:

"This is all expected, I don't feel surprised, such a shocking treasure that is enough to make people crazy will definitely attract countless greedy eyes.

We have encountered this kind of thing more than once. There is no need to be nervous. The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Let those guys come over and see what they can get. "

"No problem, Steven, I'll tell all the guys, always be ready for battle!"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

After about 20 minutes, Mustafa and the others came back, and their expressions looked a little more relaxed.

"Gentlemen, everyone can leave the castle group and return to the hotel. There are many fewer onlookers outside the castle group. The situation is under our control, you can rest assured!"

Mustafa introduced the situation.

However, none of the members of the three-way joint exploration team moved, and everyone turned to look at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled and said:

"Let's go, gentlemen, let's leave the Facilidas Castles and go back to the hotel to rest!"

As he said, he has already stepped out, and under the escort of Matisse and the others, he walked out of the castle group.

Behind him, the rest of the three-way joint exploration team followed.

Mustafa was stunned for a moment, then trotted all the way to catch up with Ye Tian.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already left the castle complex.

The moment they appeared, the gates of the originally noisy castle group suddenly quieted down!

Without exception, everyone outside the castle group looked at Ye Tian and the black portable safe that he was holding in his hand!

If you look closely, you can see it.

Many people gathered outside the castle group, their eyes instantly turned red, their eyes were extremely hot, full of jealousy, greed, and even madness!


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