"This is actually the legendary treasure of Solomon? It's simply incredible!"

Mustafa muttered to himself, looking lost.

At this time, he was in a very complicated mood, both excited and full of worry.

Fortunately, the Ark of the Covenant was not in this cave deep underground, otherwise there would be big troubles.

In that case, Ethiopia may have a magnitude 10 earthquake!

Compared with him, the Israelites headed by Joshua fell into complete madness.

Each of them flushed with excitement, and their eyes were so wild that they were about to burn.

The deputy director of the Vatican Museum and the two archaeologists also performed the same.

Ye Tian looked at these guys and chuckled a few times.

Immediately afterwards, he nodded towards Derek and the others, indicating that the exploration would continue.

In addition to the golden statue of King Solomon and the Ethiopian version of the seven-branch candlestick, there are many things hidden in the deepest part of this cave.

Just on both sides of the golden statue of King Solomon, there are many gold products, radiating bright golden light.

These gold products are placed on several high and low steps, adding up to dozens of pieces.

Among these gold products, there are all kinds of simple and even simple gold tableware and wine utensils, such as gold plates and gold wine glasses.

There are also many religious items, such as glittering statues and candlesticks, etc.

In addition, there are several sabers and knives studded with gold jewels.

It can be seen from the shape and artistic style of these gold products that some of them came from BC, and some were made after BC.

That is to say, some of them come from Jerusalem; some are the works of Beta Israelites, or they received them from other places!

The characters, various exquisite decorations and patterns chiseled on these gold products are also sufficient to explain their origin.

In addition to these dazzling gold products, there are more than 20 boxes piled up on the ground of the cave.

These boxes were of different sizes, and all of them were covered with moss, which was so green that it covered their true colors.

As for what these boxes contain,

Whether it is dazzling gold and silver treasures, religious sacred objects with special significance, or priceless top antiques and works of art, it is temporarily unknown.

Only by transporting these boxes to the ground and opening them one by one can the final answer be known.

There are several statues in front of and on the cave walls around the cave.

They are either marble statues, gilt bronze statues, or carved out of cave walls, with different sizes and postures.

Those marble statues and gilt bronze statues have relatively simple carving techniques and are relatively small in size, making them look older.

Without exception, the characters carved on them all come from the stories of the Old Testament.

Either a prophet of Israel, or a saint of Israel, or a figure of legend.

The statues carved on the cave walls are relatively rough in style, large in size, and have a very obvious African cultural color.

Except for the two gilt statues, the rest of the statues are covered with moss, which doesn't look very real.

The cave walls around the cave were also covered with moss, covering everything.

Whether there are a large number of ancient Hebrew characters and murals carved on the cave wall is temporarily unknown.

Only when the exploration team entered it and wiped off the moss, could everyone see the situation on the cave wall clearly.

Although the cave is relatively humid, there is no water on the ground.

Obviously, the water permeability on the cave floor is good, and there may be drainage holes.

Apart from these, there is nothing else in the cave.

Compared with the Templar treasures previously discovered in Portugal and the pyramid treasures discovered in Egypt, the scale of this treasure is not large!

However, the value of this treasure is not inferior.

The discovery of this treasure will definitely cause a huge sensation, and even rewrite the history of the West, Israel, and parts of Africa!

After a while, the situation in the depths of the cave has been roughly ascertained.

Ye Tian looked at everyone present, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, the situation of this treasure is also roughly clear. Next, we should discuss how to unearth this amazing treasure and let them see the light of day again.

Judging from the situation in the cave, it will definitely take a lot of time to clean up this treasure, at least a few days, and we can't keep it completely secret during this time.

For the sake of safety, we need a unified caliber. Although this is part of Solomon's treasure, in view of the special situation in Ethiopia, it must not be declared to the outside world.

Because this treasure is deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church, we can call it the Noah's Ark Treasure in order to deceive people. What do you think about this? "

Following his words, everyone at the scene came to their senses.

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded together.

"Okay, Steven, this proposal is good. I agree. It is true that you can't claim that you have found part of Solomon's treasure now. It is likely to cause social unrest in Ethiopia!"

Mustafa continued, his eyes full of worry.

Others also realized this problem, and their faces became very dignified.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Well, since everyone has reached an agreement, when we leave the Noah's Ark Church and when we leave the Fasilidas Castles, we must maintain the same caliber.

If someone or a media reporter asks, let everyone say that we did find a treasure deep underground in the Noah's Ark Church and named it the Noah's Ark Treasure.

In this way, everyone is not lying! Regarding the details of this treasure, and what is hidden in the treasure, we must not disclose it at all, so as not to cause some unnecessary troubles."

"Okay, Steven"

Everyone at the scene nodded without any objection.

Next, Ye Tian said some precautions, just for confidentiality and safety.

And Joshua, who was standing aside, couldn't wait.

As soon as the words fell, Joshua said eagerly:

"Steven, the situation in the cave has been roughly ascertained. Is it possible to clean up this part of Solomon's treasure now? Our people are ready and ready to take action at any time.

In addition to the golden statues and other objects seen in the surveillance screen, there must be many very important secrets hidden in this cave deep underground! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Yes! Joshua, your people can enter this cave, start further exploration operations, and start to clean up this amazing treasure, so that they can be seen again.

Judging from the current situation, there seems to be no deadly traps in this cave, but the terrain in the cave is very complicated, and there are still certain dangers, so be careful.

When your people enter the cave, they need to bring a pulse metal detector to scan the underground cave thoroughly to determine if there are any hidden traps.

After confirming the safety, you will start the next step, thoroughly clean up this amazing treasure, and transfer it to the ground, and then start the follow-up archaeological research.”

Before the words fell, the Israeli archaeologist standing next to him immediately stepped forward and said with full expectation:

"Steven, Joshua, let me lead the team into the cave to clean up this part of Solomon's treasure. Please believe that I am qualified for this task and have enough experience and confidence!"

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at the Israeli archaeologist.

"I believe you are qualified for this task, Asaph, and I have no doubts about your academic level and archaeological experience, but here is a question, are you a Beta Israelite?"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.


The Israeli archaeologist named Asa was immediately dumbfounded.

The others were also stunned for a moment, and then reacted randomly.

Only Beta Israelites are eligible to enter the cave to clean up this part of Solomon's treasure, and no one else is eligible to enter!

Unless the Israelites ignored the warnings of their ancestors and insisted on sending others into this cave!

Would the Israelites dare to do such a place with such a special meaning that it could even be said to be a holy place?

As soon as the words fell, Joshua continued to say:

"You can't enter this cave to clean up this part of Solomon's treasures. Asaph, the ancestors of Beta Israel have protected these treasures for more than two thousand years. This honor should be enjoyed by Beta Israel!"

"I understand this truth, Joshua, I was too excited and too anxious to ignore this point!"

Yasa nodded, somewhat disappointed.

Next, Ye Tian called the two Beta Israeli explorers over and told them some precautions.

Afterwards, he asked his staff to introduce how to use the pulse metal detector.

At the same time, Derek and the others also recovered two small drones.

About ten minutes later, the two expedition team members who were born in Beta Israel entered the prayer rooms on the left and right sides of the Crucifixion of Jesus one after another.

Immediately afterwards, they were slowly hoisted into the deep pit in the prayer room, and then entered the cave deep underground for further exploration and cleaning work.

Ye Tian stood in the center of the Noah's Ark Church, directing through the video surveillance screen.

As the first exploration team member was hoisted into the cave, under the illumination of the strong light he carried, the cave suddenly became much brighter.

Some places that could not be seen clearly before can be clearly seen now.

As soon as the explorer entered the entrance of the cave, Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie:

"Daniel, wipe off all the moss around the hole and see what is engraved there. There may be a lot of words and patterns engraved in those places, and it can also prevent slipping!"

"Okay, Steven"

The Israeli explorer responded, jumping into action.

He took out a towel, held the cave wall with one hand, wiped it with the other, and quickly wiped off the moss around the cave entrance one by one.

With his movements, the black angel statues carved around the entrance of the cave suddenly became much clearer.

As Ye Tian expected, there are indeed many words and patterns engraved on the walls of the cave entrance.

Those texts are the ancient Hebrew script localized by Beta Israel that caused everyone a headache before.

For a while, no one could understand the meaning of those words.

The several patterns engraved around the entrance of the cave are not difficult to identify!

One of the patterns depicts a majestic temple standing on the top of a mountain. It is ancient and solemn, and it seems to radiate dazzling light!

The first time he saw this stone mural, Joshua exclaimed.

"Wow! That's Solomon's Temple. It stands on the top of the Temple Mount and radiates eternal light!"

Not only Joshua, but almost everyone except Ye Tian exclaimed.

Without exception, these guys were all excited, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

Regardless of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, the Temple Mount is a holy place, as is the legendary Solomon's Temple!

That's why everyone is so excited.

Ye Tian was the only exception at the scene. As a bystander, he watched everything that happened in front of him.


Outside Noah's Ark Church.

Many tripartite joint exploration team members, as well as several archaeologists, historians, paleographers, representatives of various parties, and many security personnel are all staring at the church door.

Everyone was excited and full of anticipation.

Everyone is full of curiosity about the situation in the church.

Everyone wants to know what happened in the church, what secrets or treasures are hidden in the cave deep underground!

An hour or two passed, but nothing came out.

Not only that, that guy Steven also asked Matisse to cut off the communication signal in the church to prevent people in the church from leaking the secret.

This action of his made everyone outside the church very sure.

In that cave deep underground, there must be hidden great secrets, even shocking treasures!

In the process of anxiously waiting, everyone also discussed heatedly.

"Steven and the others must have made a very important discovery, so they keep it strictly confidential. I just don't know, what exactly did they discover?"

"Could it be the legendary treasure of Solomon? If the treasure of Solomon was really smuggled out of Jerusalem by King Menelik I and brought to Ethiopia, it might be hidden here?"

And outside the Fasilidas Castle group, those well-informed media reporters have already discovered something.

Or it should be said that with their sharp sense of smell, they smelled the headlines!

Just when they were waiting to see through, the mobile phones of several media reporters suddenly rang, one after another.

Those guys took out their phones one after another and started talking in low voices.

After the call was over, they immediately started discussing with their companions excitedly.

"Guys, according to the news from the folks in Washington, many people in the Oval Office rushed to the White House before dawn, and it seems that something big has happened!

There are also changes in Jerusalem. The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office has just announced that all activities today will be canceled, and everyone in the Prime Minister’s Office is very excited.

Other places are very calm. At this moment, it seems that the only thing that can make Washington and Jerusalem move at the same time is the ongoing joint exploration operation in the castle complex! "

"I just received news that several military bases of the Israeli army and the US military in the Middle East have undergone changes, and the actions are not small. Something big must have happened!"

"Do you still need to ask! That guy Steven must have made a major discovery, maybe a great discovery that caused a sensation in the world, such as the discovery of the legendary Solomon's treasure, or even the Ark of the Covenant?"

At the same time as the heated discussion, the eyes of these media reporters looking at the gates of the Fasilidas castle complex became even hotter!

At this time, they wished they could fly directly into the sky, overlook the situation in the castle complex from the air, and see what secrets and treasures the tripartite joint exploration team had discovered.

It's a pity that the current Fasilidas castle complex is in a state of forbidden air.

Whether it is a person or a small drone, as long as it flies over the castles, it will be shot down instantly.


Outside the city of Gondar.

A convoy of more than a dozen pickup trucks galloped from the southeast highway and drove straight to Gondar.

In these dilapidated pickup trucks, they are full of big black men.

These guys are all sturdy, with fleshy faces and scars everywhere. Everyone has a fierce look in their eyes, full of greed and madness, and they don't look like good people.

When the convoy drove about three kilometers to the outskirts of Gondar, it suddenly left the road and drove into a forest not far from the road, and disappeared into the depths of the forest in a blink of an eye.

Seven or eight minutes later, some of the blacks who came by car walked out of the woods.

Most of the people disappeared, not knowing where they went, and the old pickup trucks disappeared.

The blacks who came out of the woods soon dispersed again.

Some of them walked on the road, some walked in the fields, and some walked along the edge of the woods, walking forward in twos and threes!

But their goal is exactly the same, that is Gondar not far ahead.

At first glance, they look like normal Ethiopians, nothing special!

To say something special, these guys all carry a strong hostility, with fierce eyes, and each of them is carrying a bulging backpack!

Not far ahead, a guy in the crowd suddenly pointed to the front and said to his companions:

"Guys, see that towering tower in front? That's the tower of Fasil Gabe Castle, the former bedroom of the Ethiopian emperor, the commanding height of Gondar

It was in that castle that lucky bastard Steven discovered the treasure map hidden by the Italians during World War II. Our goal is that treasure map! "

Following the direction of his finger, the rest of the guys all looked towards the towering tower in the distance.

At this moment, the eyeballs of each of them turned red, and they moved faster!

Noah's Ark Church.

Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible earphones and clearly reached Ye Tian's ears.

"Steven, those Somali pirates rushed to Gondar, and they were all elites. Those guys scattered outside the city of Gondar, broke up into pieces, and were walking into the city from different directions.

In addition to those vicious guys, there are many people who are also approaching the Fasilidas castle complex, including some guys from Eritrea and Sudan, as well as the militants of the PFLP."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

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