Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3045 Treasure left over from World War II

As the evening approached, Ethiopian talents were long overdue.

They rushed to the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team was staying, preparing to start negotiations with the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company and sign a joint exploration agreement.

It was Mustafa, an old friend, who led the team.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, they sent the list of members of the Ethiopian exploration team, and attached the basic information of each member.

However, Ye Tian did not believe the information provided by the Ethiopians.

After receiving the list, he immediately asked his subordinates to conduct investigations through various channels, carefully investigating the identity background of each member of the exploration team and other detailed information.

The fact is just as he expected!

There are a lot of tricks hidden in the list provided by the Ethiopians.

Some of these guys are not archaeologists, experts and scholars, but representatives of various forces in Ethiopia, eyeliners placed by the government and the army, and agents of the intelligence agency.

The identities of these guys were quickly found out, and there was nothing to hide.

Ye Tian crossed off all the names of these guys from the list of members of the exploration team, leaving none behind.

Immediately afterwards, he sent the list back to the Ethiopians.

After getting back the list, the Ethiopians immediately understood.

How clumsy these little tricks I play, how unrealistic they are, they can be seen through at a glance!

Next, they can only adjust the roster and remove those guys with ulterior motives from the exploration team.

Ye Tian still found fault with the adjusted list.

He crossed off a few more people on the list, and then handed the list to Mustafa, explaining why.

In desperation, the Ethiopians could only adjust the list again.

In this way, after coming and going three times, the composition of the Ethiopian exploration team was really determined.

And that's just the beginning!

Next, the security personnel of Brave Warriors Fearless Exploration Company will check one by one to see if the exploration team members on the list match with themselves!

As these actions unfold,

Ethiopian people really know how difficult this collaborator is!

After the final list is determined and checked one by one, the next cooperation negotiation can start!

Mustafa, who led the team to negotiate, said helplessly the first time he saw Ye Tian:

"Steven, you guys are really too harsh. In order to determine the members of the exploration team, we have been busy for a whole day, constantly making adjustments, and finally satisfied you guys."

Ye Tian shook hands with this old friend, smiled and said:

"It's not that I'm too harsh, it's that the composition of your exploration team is too complicated. There are people from all walks of life. It doesn't look like a team going to explore treasures!

It is precisely because of this that we have determined and adjusted the composition of the Ethiopian exploration team. It is better to do these tasks before departure than to fail the joint exploration operation.”

Hearing this, Mustafa's old face immediately turned red, somewhat embarrassed.

He also understands the origins of those eliminated guys, everyone has an impure purpose!

While talking, the two parties had walked into the hotel conference room and sat down on both sides of the conference table.

However, the talks did not start immediately.

Next, Joshua, the Bishop of Kent, and the cultural counselor of the US Embassy entered this meeting room one after another, preparing to witness and supervise the next negotiations.

Seeing Joshua and the others, the faces of those Ethiopians changed, becoming rather ugly, and their expressions became more serious.

When everyone is present, the meeting will officially begin.

Before getting to the point, a senior Ethiopian government official said suddenly:

"Hello, Mr. Steven, I would like to ask, if we formally sign a joint exploration agreement and confirm cooperation, we will jointly explore this amazing treasure hidden by the Italians during World War II.

In that case, would you share that treasure map with us? That is, the priceless sheepskin scroll, according to the previous agreement, we both have 50% of the rights and interests in that treasure map."

Ye Tian looked at the high-ranking Ethiopian official and shook his head without hesitation.

"As I said before, until I actually find this amazing treasure hidden by the Italians during World War II, I will not release the treasure map to anyone, including the Ethiopian government.

The reason is simple, keep it strictly confidential! At the same time, I also said that we will never explore this treasure privately without reaching a cooperation agreement with the Ethiopian government and obtaining official permission! "

After the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

There was a hint of anger in the eyes of the Ethiopians on the opposite side, and they were very helpless!

"This greedy bastard is too fucking difficult!"

It was the Ethiopians who finally broke the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Okay, gentlemen, since we are sitting at this negotiating table, we are here for cooperation, there is no need to make the atmosphere so stiff, let's start negotiating."

Mustafa said with a smile.

Following his words, the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then nodded and said:

"That's right, since we both have the willingness to cooperate with each other, there's no need to get entangled in these details, let's start negotiating. I wonder if you can accept the cooperation terms we offer?..."


In the blink of an eye, nearly two hours had passed.

After a lot of disputes and confrontations, the Intrepid Exploration Company and the Ethiopian government finally reached an agreement and decided to jointly explore this amazing treasure left over from World War II.

Next, the two parties signed a joint exploration agreement and other related documents.

As a third party witnessing and supervising, Joshua represented the Israeli government, the bishop of Kent represented the Vatican, and the cultural counselor of the US embassy also signed their names on the relevant agreement.

With the completion of the signing, this joint exploration operation will be officially confirmed, and it will start tomorrow and start the operation!

After signing the agreement, the Ethiopians left the hotel to prepare for tomorrow's action.

Before they left, Ye Tian called Mustafa aside and asked in a low voice:

"The precautionary measures I mentioned before, I don't know if you have taken them, how are you preparing? I don't want to start this joint exploration operation with a series of annoying tails"

Mustafa looked at him, then nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Steven, we are ready, don't forget, this is Ethiopia!"

After chatting for a few more words, Mustafa took the people away.

Afterwards, Joshua and the others also left one after another, busy with their own affairs.

Ye Tian and the others returned to the upstairs suite to discuss the joint exploration operation that will be launched tomorrow.

After entering the suite, Ye Tian immediately called some of his company employees over and said to them:

"Guys, just now, we have reached a joint exploration agreement with the Ethiopian government, and we have decided to explore the treasure hidden by the Italians near Gondar during World War II.

Tomorrow morning, we will leave Gondar and enter the mountains to explore this treasure. Except for Derek and the others who stayed in Gondar to supervise the Israelites, the other guys must be ready."

Before the words fell, several company employees responded in unison:

"No problem, Steven, we will immediately notify everyone to make relevant preparations!"

Ye Tian nodded, and told these guys a few more words before letting them leave.

Then he said to Mattis:

"Matisse, you arrange for some guys to set off tonight and prepare to enter the mountains near Gondar to serve as the front station for the joint exploration team. I will send them the specific location information later.

Although the Ethiopians have a cooperative relationship with us, they cannot be completely trusted. In order to ensure our safety and the safety of this treasure, we must be careful! "

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, don't worry!"

Mattis nodded in response, very confident.

Next, they continued to discuss tomorrow's joint exploration operation and made various preparations for it.


next morning.

Just after eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian left the hotel with many company employees and armed security personnel to prepare for this joint exploration operation.

When they walked out of the hotel gate, many media reporters who heard the news immediately rushed up like a tide.

Fortunately, the Ethiopian military and police were prepared to stop these excited media reporters.

These media reporters could only stand outside the cordon and ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from Ethiopian National Television. According to reliable sources, the Ethiopian government has reached an agreement with you to jointly explore the treasure left over from World War II!

Can you tell us about this treasure? Where is this treasure hidden? What else is in the treasure? Another point, if you find this treasure, how will you distribute it? "

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from the Italian Corriere della Sera, and as we all know, the treasure you are about to explore was hidden by the Italian army during World War II.

How do you and the Ethiopian government respond to the Italian government's request to share this treasure, as well as the claims made by several other East African countries? "

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately.

He quickly glanced at these media reporters, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, just last night, our company reached an agreement with the Ethiopian government to jointly explore this treasure left over from World War II.

The specific situation of this treasure and the location of the treasure need to be kept secret for the time being. I can't tell you. As for what is in this treasure, we don't know for the time being.

But I believe that it won't take long before the answers to these questions will be revealed. By then, everyone will know the details of this treasure, and we will also release related video materials.

Regarding the claims made by Italy and relevant countries in East Africa, I will not respond here. You can ask relevant departments and people of the Ethiopian government, and they will respond! "

Next, he answered a few more questions, and then boarded the armored car parked nearby.

Numerous employees and security personnel of the Fearless Exploration Company first loaded everyone's luggage and a large amount of exploration equipment into the car, and then boarded the car separately.

Afterwards, the convoy left the hotel and headed for the Gondar City Hall.

The exploration team organized by the Ethiopian government is at the Gondar City Hall at this time.

When the two sides meet in one place and go through some procedures on the scene, they will officially set off to start this joint exploration journey.

As soon as the Fearless Exploration Company convoy left, the media reporters guarding the hotel entrance rushed to their vehicles one after another and followed them.

For them, such an opportunity certainly cannot be missed.

At the same time, the news that Ye Tian led the team to set off to explore this treasure left over from World War II quickly spread like the wind and reached the ears of many people.

On the outskirts of Gondar, an ordinary town.

Cook, who was hiding here, immediately received the news from his subordinates.

"Boss, that bastard Steven is leading the team. He just left the hotel. We don't know exactly where they will go next!"

"Great! Keep an eye on that bastard Steven! We must not miss this opportunity. Even if we can't eat meat, we still have to have a sip of soup, otherwise the trip to Africa will be a big loss."

Cook said excitedly, his eyes glowing green.

After the call was over, Cook immediately called together many of his men, bodyguards, and hired security personnel, and then drove away from the town and headed straight for Gondar.

The same scene was happening simultaneously in many places around Gondar.

Those guys who came for the treasure, including intelligence personnel from several surrounding countries and various forces, had already acted as soon as they received the news.

They drove to Gondar one after another, preparing to set off with the joint exploration team.

Once the joint exploration team really finds this treasure left over from World War II, they will immediately look for opportunities to loot this treasure!

You know, this is very likely to be the largest treasure in the history of East Africa, enough to make everyone crazy about it!

These guys have the same idea as Cook, even if they can't eat meat, they still have to grab a sip of soup!

Just as these guys with ulterior motives started their operations, the Fearless Expedition Company convoy had arrived in front of the Gondar City Hall.

For safety's sake, Ye Tian didn't get out of the car.

It was David and a company employee who came forward on his behalf.

Ye Tian got in touch with Mustafa through the walkie-talkie.

After a few pleasantries, he got to the point.

"Mustafa, let me inform you that my people will check the members of the Ethiopian exploration team one by one to determine the identity of each person. I hope you can understand and cooperate.

One more thing, for security reasons and also for the sake of confidentiality, my security personnel will check every vehicle to make sure that there are no gps positioning devices and tracking devices installed on those vehicles.

If any of you have installed this kind of equipment, you’d better take the initiative to dismantle it, so as not to be found out, everyone’s face will be ugly, and the communication equipment is the same, and it must be inspected.”

Hearing this, Mustafa couldn't help being stunned.

After a while, he said:

"Is this a bit too exaggerated? Steven, is it really necessary to do this?"

"It is very necessary. As far as I know, as soon as our convoy left the hotel, those guys hiding around Gondar started to act. Don't ask about the purpose of those guys, right?"


Mustafa let out an exclamation, obviously taken aback.



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