Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3048 Navigating in the dark

Lake Tana is the birthplace of the Blue Nile River and the largest lake in Ethiopia. It is located on a plateau at an altitude of about 1,840 meters in northwest Ethiopia, surrounded by undulating mountains and beautiful scenery!

The length of this lake is about 75 kilometers, and the width is about 70 kilometers. The area is quite amazing.

Depending on the season and rainfall, its area is generally 3000 to 3500 square kilometers.

The average water depth of Lake Tana is about 15 meters, and the deepest point is more than 70 meters. The surrounding water is abundant, and it is one of the most important water sources of the Nile River!

It is such a huge lake with beautiful scenery, but it hides a shocking treasure.

Those guys who are staring at the joint exploration team and secretly coveting this treasure left over from World War II may never have imagined that the treasure is actually hidden in Lake Tana!

Just as the bus of the joint exploration team drove towards the lake, four medium-sized cruise ships suddenly drove up on the lake.

They come from different directions, and there is not even a tourist on them, it is empty.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the joint exploration team immediately understood.

These four cruise ships must have come to meet everyone, and the person in charge of sailing must be Steven's security personnel.

Next, the joint exploration team will board these four medium-sized cruise ships and sail into the depths of the vast but misty Lake Tana.

At that time, unless you take a plane to look down from the air, it is possible to find these four cruise ships.

Even so, it is estimated that not many people would have thought that the joint exploration team is in these four very ordinary-looking medium-sized cruise ships!

Wanting to understand this, some Ethiopians in the joint exploration team were immediately anxious.

They knew that if they boarded these four medium-sized cruise ships, took a boat into the depths of Lake Tana, and then wanted to send news to the outside world, it would be almost impossible.

On these medium-sized cruise ships, it will be easier to block the communication signal without any difficulty.

Thinking of this, these haunted Ethiopians began to look around.

They tried to find an opportunity to send news to the outside world, telling the forces behind them, the location of the joint exploration team at this time, and the shocking treasure hidden in Lake Tana.


All communication equipment in the joint exploration team has been put away, and it is always in radio silence!

Even if they get cell phones or satellite phones, those things are just bricks and cannot communicate with the outside world at all.

What is even more frustrating is that there is not even a car or a pedestrian on this lakeside road near Lake Tana. There are only these four buses on the entire road.

Even the people from the Lippan clan that they met from time to time disappeared completely here, without even a shadow in sight.

Don't even think about it, this is obviously the method of that guy Steven.

I don't know what method he used, but he has completely emptied this area!

In this way, the appearance and departure of the joint exploration team will be carried out silently, and no one will be able to find out.

"Damn it! Steven, the bastard, is so cunning that everyone has been tricked!"

"It's over! As long as we enter Lake Tana by boat, no one will ever find this joint exploration team again!"

Among those Ethiopians in the joint exploration team, such discussions kept ringing out.

However, these Ethiopians were helpless and could do nothing.

In one of the buses, Mustafa gritted his molars and asked:

"Now, can you tell us, Steven, where is this astonishing treasure left over from World War II hidden in Lake Tana? Is it hidden under the water, or on those uninhabited islands in the lake?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Mustafa, haven't we arrived at Lake Tana? Didn't I just say that this astonishing treasure is hidden in Lake Tana? Let's find it patiently and slowly, and we will always find it Treasure!"

Hearing this, Mustafa rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Please! Now that the rainy season has just passed, Lake Tana has an area of ​​3,500 to 4,000 square kilometers, and the deepest point is 60 to 70 meters. There are dozens of uninhabited islands in the lake. When do we find out where to go?"

While speaking, four buses had come to the lake and stopped on the lakeside road.

At the same time, the four medium-sized cruise ships coming from different directions have also arrived at the lake near this road.

Since the rainy season has just passed, the amount of water in Lake Tana is extremely abundant and the water level is high.

This allows four medium-sized cruise ships to reach the shore just right without worrying about being grounded.

In any other season, these cruise ships cannot dock.

Because of this, there are no docks in this area.

And this is the reason why Ye Tian chose this place to let the joint exploration team board the ship.

At the same time as the four buses stopped, Ye Tian stood up from his seat and said to Mustafa:

"Mustafa, get out of the car with me, I need you to stabilize the Ethiopian exploration team and those heavily armed Ethiopian military police.

I can tell you bluntly, among these guys, there are many eyeliners of various forces, and I cannot give them any chance to spread the news.”

Mustafa froze for a moment, with a rather embarrassed expression.

After a short pause, he nodded and said:

"Well, Steven, we are partners and have the same purpose. I don't want other people or forces to disrupt this joint exploration operation. I will stabilize all Ethiopians and avoid leaking news!"

Ye Tian nodded, then picked up his assault rifle and backpack, and got out of the car with Mustafa and David.

Everyone else on the joint exploration team, as well as numerous Ethiopian military and police officers, were asked to stay in the car and not get out of the car for the time being.

Only a large number of armed security personnel led by Mattis were able to get out of the car.

They quickly dispersed and sealed off the area between the four buses and the four medium-sized cruise ships to prevent anyone from absconding or secretly leaving any marks.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others got out of the car, Mathis greeted him and whispered to him:

"Steven, these four medium-sized cruise ships are under our control, there is no problem, and the supplies are well prepared, even if we stay on Lake Tana for a week, there will be no problem.

In addition to these four medium-sized cruise ships, several other ships have set off from different places and sailed to the deserted islands in the center of Lake Tana, and each ship carried a large amount of supplies and equipment, as well as several motorboats.

There are also two small seaplanes in Bahir Dar on the south bank of Lake Tana, if we encounter any trouble in the process of exploring the treasure, you can leave here by seaplane immediately,..."

After listening to the report, Ye Tian immediately nodded and said:

"Since everything is ready, let's organize everyone to board the ship. The speed must be fast, but there must be no problems, especially no one can escape from here, so as not to leak the news!"

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us!"

Matisse nodded and acted immediately.

They first let the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company get off the bus, unloaded all the luggage and equipment they brought, and began to transfer to the largest cruise ship.

Ye Tian came to Mustafa and several high-ranking Ethiopian officials, and said to them:

"Gentlemen, it's up to you from now on. I hope there will be no accidents, and no one will leak the news, so that we can find this amazing treasure left over from World War II!"

Hearing this, these high-ranking Ethiopian officials rolled their eyes angrily, but they were also very helpless.

There is no way, the treasure map is in the hands of others!

Next, they boarded different buses, introduced the situation to the Ethiopian explorers and military police in the car, and asked everyone to follow orders.

Seeing this situation, those guys with evil intentions completely gave up the idea of ​​reporting the news to the outside world.

The next transfer operation went very smoothly.

In just about twenty minutes, everyone has been transferred to four medium-sized cruise ships.

The last ones to board the ship were Ye Tian, ​​Mustafa, and Matisse.

When they boarded the boat, the four medium-sized cruise ships immediately left the shore and headed for the depths of Lake Tana.

The few security personnel who remained on the shore quickly cleaned up the ground, erasing almost all traces.

Afterwards, they drove four buses to leave here and drove north along the lakeside road.

In the blink of an eye, the area had returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

About 20 minutes later, there were vehicles coming from the north and the south, speeding past here.

The people who drove past here didn't find anything unusual here at all!


When the four medium-sized cruise ships left the shore, it was almost dusk.

The fleet had not traveled far before the sun went down.

The sparkling lake quickly turned from golden to blue, fog began to form on the lake, and the sky became darker and darker.

After a while, the four medium-sized cruise ships disappeared into the mist and completely disappeared without a trace.

At this time, even if manned planes or drones are used to search the surface of Lake Tana, it is impossible to find these four medium-sized cruise ships, and it is impossible to find the joint exploration team.

The biggest boat swims on the lake.

Mustafa, who was standing on the deck looking out, couldn't help feeling a little worried when he saw the surrounding fog.

"Steven, is it really safe to sail in such weather conditions? Moreover, it is in a state of radio silence, with poor communication, and it is impossible to grasp the basic orientation!

The visibility on the lake is so poor, it's like sailing blindfolded, what if there is a collision? You know, there are not only many boats in Lake Tana, but also many small islands! "

Ye Tian shook his head, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Mustafa, we will never collide with the ship. My security personnel are all equipped with portable marine radars. There is no problem with ship positioning and communication.

In places you can't see, there are still several ships guarding our fleet to eliminate all kinds of hidden dangers encountered along the way. As for the other ships on Lake Tana, they have already returned to port.

We also hired some of the most experienced fishermen around Lake Tana to act as guides, and it can be said that unless there is a sudden leak in the hull, there is no danger! "

Hearing this, Mustafa was stunned.

It took him a long time to wake up, and then he said helplessly:

"It turns out that the so-called radio silence was only aimed at us, but you yourself are carrying the most advanced portable radar and other communication equipment, and the communication has not been interfered with in any way."

It was rare for Ye Tian to be honest, and he nodded with a smile.

"That's right, Mustafa, but I had to do this as a last resort. In your Ethiopian exploration team, there are too many eyeliners from all sides.

If I don't implement radio silence, every move of our joint exploration team will be leaked by them, there will be no secrets at all! "

Mustafa was silent, unable to utter a word of rebuttal.

He was naturally aware of the situation in the Ethiopian exploration team, and knew that what Ye Tian said was right.

After a moment of silence, he said:

"I have another question, where will the joint exploration team spend the night tonight? Is it on these cruise ships, or somewhere else?

Isn't it a bit too dangerous to spend the night on a cruise ship? What if an accident happens in the middle of the night? Some people can't swim! "

Ye Tian smiled, and then explained:

"Don't worry about this, we have already arranged for the joint exploration team's campsite tonight, on two uninhabited small islands in the center of Lake Tana.

Just this afternoon, several security personnel under me have landed on the two small islands and opened up a campsite that is safe enough for everyone to use.

And we have prepared enough wild camping equipment, as well as various supplies such as food and fresh water, which are enough to ensure that everyone can spend the night safely."

"Ah! This is too exaggerated. Is there anything else you haven't thought of? I have nothing to say!"

Mustafa said with emotion, a little frightened.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"For the sake of safety, and to take care of each other's religious beliefs and living habits, we both choose a small island and use it as a campsite without interfering with each other.

When the joint exploration team lands on these two small islands, these cruise ships will leave the small islands, anchor at the third nearby small island, and come back to pick you up tomorrow morning.

In other words, as long as everyone lands on the island, don't even think about leaving secretly to contact the outside world. There is no possibility of stealing a boat and leaving here.

Unless he can take advantage of the night to swim across the lake for more than ten or twenty kilometers, and swim to the shore to report the news to the outside world, if that is the case, there is nothing I can do.

I know that many people can't swim. As long as you wear life jackets at all times, there will be no danger. Even if you fall into the water, we will rescue you as soon as possible! "

"Wow! This is simply amazing. I never thought that a joint operation to explore treasures could be achieved by you guys. It's incredible!"

"This is one of the reasons why we continue to be successful, otherwise, how could we have discovered so many amazing treasures, and how could we have become stronger and stronger?"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

While they were standing on the deck admiring the scenery and chatting, the four medium-sized cruise ships had sailed into the depths of Lake Tana and completely disappeared from the sight of almost everyone.

At this time, not far from the periphery of this fleet, there are still seven or eight ships of different sizes sailing in the same direction, heading towards the depths of Lake Tana!

The towns and villages around Lake Tana, and the people who live in those places.

No matter where you look at Lake Tana, you can't see this fleet of ships.

Even the small inhabited islands in Lake Tana couldn't see this fleet sailing in the dark!

Soon, it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Members of the joint exploration team staying on the four cruise ships, as well as many security personnel, as well as the Ethiopian military and police, suddenly saw a light not far ahead.

It seemed to be a small island, indistinct, standing in the dark Lake Tana, very abrupt.

On the shore of that small island, someone held a gas lamp and kept shaking it. It looked like a will-o'-the-wisp flickering in the dark night, very weird!

"Wow! What's ahead? It looks like a small island. It's about 30 kilometers away from the shore of Lake Tana. Could it be that someone lives on this small island?"

"It's probably not a monk or a resident of the small island where he lives, but it is very likely that the security personnel under Steven came here to stand in front of him!

I am completely convinced now, and there is nothing that Steven and the guys can't think of or can't do. These guys are so amazing! "

Amidst the constant discussion, the fleet was getting closer and closer to the small island in the lake.

As the distance got closer, everyone gradually saw some things on the island.

Standing on the shore of the island and waving a gas lamp was a guy in full armor.

Not far behind him, there were several other people standing guard with assault rifles.

On the water near the shore, a speedboat is moored, tied to a big tree with a cable, and constantly undulating with the waves on the water.

A little further back, there is a lush forest, gently swaying in the evening wind!

Seeing this scene, several cruise ships couldn't help but burst into exclamation again!



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