Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3050 Human Crocodile War

in the dark.

A Nile crocodile about three meters long had just climbed onto the shore when it was hit by several rifle bullets flying rapidly and hit its head.


But this guy had rough skin and thick flesh, screaming in pain while continuing to climb towards the small island.

Wherever it passes, it instantly becomes a bloody road.

"bang bang bang"

A few more rifle bullets flew in and hit the guy in the head again.


With a painful roar, the Nile crocodile was finally killed and died on the shore of the island.

With the sound of gunfire and the roar of this Nile crocodile, everyone in the joint exploration team was awakened.

Everyone quickly got out of their respective camping tents, looking around in horror and looking at the dark lake.

Many security team members responded very quickly, and everyone loaded their bullets one after another, aiming their guns at the shore of the small island below.

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice came from the darkness and reached everyone's ears clearly.

"Everyone, don't panic. It's just a Nile crocodile. We can deal with it. All expedition members wear body armor, stay in the campsite, and don't run around.

All the security guards listen, put on infrared night vision goggles, prepare to fight these Nile crocodiles, kill these ferocious guys, this place belongs to us now.

Matisse, remove the shielding of the walkie-talkie signal. We need to keep in touch with the other two small islands and work together to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

The signal transmission range of the walkie-talkie is limited, so don’t worry about revealing your whereabouts. During the firing process, everyone should be careful of stray bullets flying from the small island where the Ethiopians are located.”

"Got it, Steven"

Everyone responded in unison and moved quickly.

The small island where the Ethiopian expedition is located.

Mustafa, who was awakened by the gunshots, quickly got out of the camping tent and looked in the direction of the gunshots in horror.

That was the direction where the team of the brave and fearless exploration company was located. Unfortunately, the lake was so foggy that the situation on the small island could not be seen at all.

"Why did you suddenly shoot over there? What happened?"

Mustafa asked in surprise, his eyes full of worry.

At the same time, all members of the Ethiopian exploration team were awakened by the sudden gunshots, and they got out of their camping tents one after another, looking in the direction of the gunshots,

The Ethiopian military and police guarding the joint exploration team quickly put themselves on alert, staring vigilantly at the lake around the island, ready to fire at any time.

Without exception, these Ethiopians are very curious and worried.

What happened? Why did those Yankees suddenly open fire?

Of course, some people were secretly delighted!

In their view, this may be a very rare opportunity.

At this moment, an Ethiopian military police guarding the outermost edge of the island suddenly yelled loudly.

"Everyone, look at the shore, what is that? It is crawling towards the island, and there are a lot of them"

Immediately afterwards, another guy yelled:

"That's the damn Nile crocodile, kill those brutal guys"

While shouting, the Ethiopian military policeman pulled the trigger and started shooting violently.

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by fierce gunfire, a human-crocodile battle also unfolded on this small island.

Almost at the same time as the gunshot rang out, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Mustafa, I have unblocked the communication of the walkie-talkie, and I can use the walkie-talkie to communicate. Let your people pay attention, there are many Nile crocodiles attacking us in the dark, and the situation on your side is probably the same!"

Hearing the notification, Mustafa couldn't help laughing wryly.

He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie,

responded loudly:

"Received, Steven, we have found Nile crocodiles, and there are a lot of them, and we are climbing to this small island. Did we break into the old nest of Nile crocodiles? Why are there so many Nile crocodiles here? crocodile?"

"Didn't I just say that these uninhabited islands in the lake are a paradise for Nile crocodiles, and it is absolutely true that we broke into the old nest of Nile crocodiles.

From another perspective, we are a group of very unfriendly intruders. These Nile crocodiles are protecting their homes and cubs, so they are fighting us desperately.

But there is no way, who told them to put their nests here! Let your people pay attention to safety and use ammunition sparingly, this night is still very long, and it is estimated that it will be difficult."

"Understood, Steven, I will tell everyone under my command to keep everyone safe"

"Okay, Mustafa, if you run out of ammunition, remember to notify us in time, and I will arrange for someone to resupply you."

Ye Tian said loudly, and then ended the call.

By the time he finished the call, a human-crocodile battle had already started on the three islands, and the gunshots were like rain.

At this time, more and more Nile crocodiles came out of the lake, climbed onto the small island, swayed their bodies, and rushed towards it quickly.

Ye Tian, ​​who put on the infrared night vision goggles, once again raised the G36C short assault rifle in his hand, and pulled the trigger mercilessly.

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by fierce gunshots, a Nile crocodile that had just opened its bloody mouth suffered a head-on blow.

Four or five scorching rifle bullets were shot directly into the bloody mouth, and then drilled out from the back of its head, blasting several big holes.


The Nile crocodile roared in pain, turned over and over on the ground, slapped the ground frantically, and slapped other companions around it.

After struggling painfully for a while, the movement of the Nile crocodile became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped moving, and it was completely dead in the blink of an eye.

The death of this Nile crocodile, not only did not make the other Nile crocodiles retreat, but stimulated those guys even more crazy.

As Nile crocodiles were killed one after another, the smell of blood on the shore of the island became stronger and stronger, and more and more Nile crocodiles rushed ashore.

These guys are like crazy, one by one, they are not afraid of death, twisting their huge bodies, and rushing towards the camp where everyone is staying.

The many security team members guarding around the camp were naturally not polite.

Everyone was shooting and killing wantonly.

Those Nile crocodiles couldn't charge up in front of the powerful firepower net constructed by twenty or thirty assault rifles.

Although they have rough skin and thick flesh, they are not invulnerable.

After a while, the shore of the island was full of dead Nile crocodiles.

Those later Nile crocodiles, trying to climb the island, even had to climb over the corpses of their dead companions, and it became more difficult.

In addition to the side where Ye Tian and the others were, they were also attacked by Nile crocodiles in several other directions of the island, but the number was relatively small.

The security personnel guarding in other directions also kept firing, killing many Nile crocodiles that rushed onto the island.

However, the number of armed security personnel is limited after all, and it is impossible to cover every area around the island. In fact, many places are not guarded.

In addition, the world was pitch black, and the lighting conditions were extremely poor.

A few meters away, everyone can't even see clearly.

In those places that everyone can't take care of, there are still many Nile crocodiles rushing to the island, and then got into the dense bushes and woods on the island!

It didn't take long for these guys to jump out of the bushes and woods, circle behind everyone, and launch a sneak attack.

When everyone was busy dealing with the Nile crocodiles on the front and side, a Nile crocodile with a body length of more than three meters suddenly sprang out from the darkness behind the camp, and rushed towards the top of the camp at the end of the camp with its bloody mouth wide open. camping tent.

Maybe it was the light in that tent that attracted it, but how did it know that there was no one in that tent.

In an instant, the camping tent was crushed by the giant Nile crocodile, and then torn to pieces.

"Ah! There are Nile crocodiles behind the camp too."

Suddenly there was a terrified cry at the scene, which startled everyone.

Following the shout, everyone rushed forward immediately, trying to stay away from the Nile crocodile that suddenly jumped out.

Ye Tian, ​​on the other hand, carried an assault rifle and strode towards the rear of the campsite.

At the same time he exclaimed:

"Walker, bring two buddies with me, let's deal with the Nile crocodiles behind the campsite and ensure the safety of everyone behind us.

Mattis, you deal with the Nile crocodiles on the front and sides of the island, and you must not let any Nile crocodile rush onto the island."

"Got it, Steven"

Matisse and the others responded in unison, and everyone was very motivated.

The next moment, Walker quickly followed up with two armed security personnel, and followed Ye Tian to the rear of the camp.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had passed through many employees and came to the back of the camp.

At this time, the number of Nile crocodiles raging behind the camp had changed from one to two.

Another big guy came out of the darkness, and was madly attacking the camping tents that were still lit.

Wherever it went, it was a mess.

As soon as he arrived here, Ye Tian immediately raised the assault rifle in his hand and fired fiercely at the two Nile crocodiles.

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by intense gunfire, a dazzling flash of fire flashed across the scene.

A wave of bullets rushed out at high speed, heading straight for the two huge Nile crocodiles.

In the next instant, those scorching rifle bullets tore through the darkness, and penetrated into the heads of the two Nile crocodiles like a bamboo.

Almost at the same time, the two Nile crocodiles also spotted him and rushed towards him.

Just after saving less than one meter, a series of blood sprayed out from their respective heads.

While charging forward, Ye Tian kept firing violently without any fear.

In the blink of an eye, he emptied a magazine.

Looking at the two huge Nile crocodiles, a hole the size of a fist appeared on each head, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Borrowing inertia and pounced forward about one or two meters, the two Nile crocodiles were completely dead and hit the ground heavily.

At this moment, Walker and the others had also arrived here and quickly built a line of defense.

Ye Tian casually changed the magazine, then said in a cold voice:

"Guys, you stay here to ensure the safety of everyone's back, no matter how many Nile crocodiles appear, kill them directly, and don't leave a single one.

I will go to other places on the island to see, there may be many Nile crocodiles that have climbed onto this small island, I will solve those troubles, and I will leave this place to you."

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, we will definitely guard this place"

Walker nodded, and the other two security personnel also nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stepped out, walked into the woods behind the campsite, and disappeared completely.


Compared with the small island where the brave and fearless exploration company is located, the attack on the small island where the Ethiopian exploration team is located is not particularly violent.

The number of Nile crocodiles besieging that small island is much smaller than here, less than half.

Due to the slow response speed of the Ethiopian military and police, their military quality is not as good as that of Mattis, and the equipment is backward, and there is no infrared night vision equipment.

The battle on that small island was even more intense and dangerous.

In a hurry, the sleepy Ethiopian military police were caught off guard by the swarming Nile crocodiles and fell into a panic.

Many Nile crocodiles took advantage of the chaos and rushed to the island, and quickly rushed to the Ethiopian camp, scaring them all.

Fortunately, the Ethiopian military and police reacted quickly, knowing that they were holding an automatic weapon in their hands, not a fire stick, and opened fire violently.

After a frenzied burst of shooting, those Nile crocodiles that rushed to the island from the front were basically killed, and only a few of them dived back into the lake and escaped.

However, in places where the Ethiopian military and police could not see, many Nile crocodiles climbed onto the island, and surrounded them from behind under the cover of darkness.

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie again, alerting them.

"Mustafa, remind your security personnel to be careful of being attacked from behind by those Nile crocodiles. Those guys are very cunning and may come ashore from other places on the island and attack from behind!"

"Got it, Steven, I will remind everyone to pay attention, why are there so many Nile crocodiles here? I even wonder, have we reached Lake Chamo?"

Mustafa picked up the walkie-talkie and responded.

Before the words fell, there was a burst of terrified screams from behind the camp.

"Damn it, there are crocodiles behind the island, and there are a lot of them, everyone be careful"

Following the screams, the Ethiopian exploration team's camp suddenly became chaotic.

Mustafa looked at the back of the camp, and immediately issued an order for a team of Ethiopian military police to go to the back of the camp to protect everyone's safety.


But on the small island where the fleet anchored, the situation was much better.

The armed security personnel who control the fleet live on board the various boats, as do several fisherman's guides.

To them, the swarming Nile crocodiles were no threat.

Just as those Nile crocodiles swarmed onto the island, security team members from various ships came to the deck one after another, using searchlights to illuminate them, and started shooting freely.

After a while, many Nile crocodiles died on the shore of the island, but more Nile crocodiles rushed to the island and disappeared into the darkness.

Dauntless explore the island where everyone in the company lives.

The first wave of attacks launched by the Nile crocodile has been repelled by Mattis and the others.

On the front and side banks of the campsite, there are piles of Nile crocodile corpses, large and small, and the sand and lake water on the bank have been completely stained red.

Not only that, but there are also many dead Nile crocodiles floating in the lake.

Some Nile crocodiles escaped by diving into the lake, perhaps hiding in the dark lake water not far away, watching the movement on the island, waiting for an opportunity.

The gunshots on the island gradually subsided, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, not so nervous anymore.

Looking at the corpses of the Nile crocodiles lying on the shore, a few guys even joked.

"Guys, do you think we should skin these Nile crocodiles? Selling them to those top luxury brands will definitely make a lot of money!"

"This is a good idea, but unfortunately our time is limited, we don't have time to dispose of these Nile crocodile corpses here, so we can only leave this opportunity to make a fortune to the Ethiopians!"

While they were talking, there was a sudden burst of intense gunfire in the depths of the woods on the island.

At the same time, there was the painful roar of the Nile crocodile.

Hearing these voices, everyone immediately turned their heads to look at the forest.

"How's the situation over there? Steven, do you need support?"

Mattis asked over the walkie-talkie.

The next moment, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"No, it seems that there are a lot of Nile crocodiles lurking on the island, but I can deal with them. Just keep guard around the camp to protect everyone's safety!"

As the voice fell, the gunshots in the woods also disappeared.

The Nile crocodile that was screaming in pain just now has completely disappeared!

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